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How to Measure Agile Maturity

April 7, 2022
When I coach, consult and teach classes, I often get questions about creating an agile maturity tool or defining agile maturity metrics. Agile Maturity metrics are used by many businesses to better understand their present agile practices and monitor to improve them. I understand the need for this kind of metric. I also noticed that the purpose and value of agile maturity metrics are misunderstood. This article will help you to find agile maturity metrics that bring value and offers a free maturity tool to download.
Blog Post

If You Want to go Faster, Try Empowering your Teams...

April 6, 2022
Some years ago, I was working with a team developing a new product at a technology company.  The team was concerned that their Time to Market (T2M) was too slow, and they believed that they would be able to improve it by automating their build-and-test process. Automating any manual process is usually a good investment to improve T2M, but I suggested that we should first look at their overall T2M using a very simplified value stream map to understand where they were spending their time. 
Blog Post

The Value Of The PSM III & PSPO III Certifications

April 1, 2022
To date, less than 1500 people have passed the PSM III or PSPO III assessments and gained the associated certifications. This has always struck me as a low number. The post will explore why that might be, why the number should not be so low and why you might want to consider gaining one of these advanced certifications.
Blog Post

28+2 Sprint Anti-Patterns 🇩🇪

March 31, 2022
Willkommen zum Sprint Anti-Patterns-Artikel aus unserer Serie über Scrum-Anti-Patterns. Ich adressiere in diesem Artikel sprintbezogene Fehlverhalten der drei Scrum-Rollen, der Stakeholder bzw. Interessenvertreter sowie des IT-Management.
Blog Post

Four types of Product Owners and how to deal with them

March 28, 2022
Recently I had an epiphany, realising that most of my writing has been for Product Owners and how to they should interact with the environment, but what about how to interact with Product Owners? What are some characteristics and traits you may encounter as a stakeholder, manager or leader of a Product Owner.

Un único Product Owner para un Producto

March 24, 2022
Un producto tiene un sólo Product Backlog y es gestionado solamente por un único Product Owner. El Product Owner es responsable de la visión, aclaración, ordenamiento del Product Backlog y valor final que proporciona el producto o servicio. Este Product Owner puede recibir ayuda de los Desarrolladore y tener a otras personas que le ayuden a una mayor descomposición del Product Backlog o en la identificación de las dependencias. Al escalar Scrum, pueden existir muchos equipos Scrum, pero aun así existe un único Product Owner para el producto.
Blog Post
| Leslie Morse

Professionalism in Agile Coaching

March 23, 2022
Professionalism is a key part of our identity at We spend a lot of time thinking about how to bring professionalism alive for our learners, our trainers and the broader community.
Blog Post

The Order of Events in Scrum Matters

March 21, 2022
Teams that change the framework are not using Scrum and are missing out on some of its benefits.  The Scrum framework consists of 5 events, 3 accountabilities, 3 artifacts and five values.  Today, we will talk about the order of the events in Scrum. 
Blog Post

Überblick über das Nexus Framework

March 21, 2022
Bei der Skalierung von Scrum balancieren wir Kosten und Aufwand mit Nutzen und Vorteilen. Kosten und Aufwand werden durch zusätzliche Teams verursacht. Nutzen und Vorteile entstehen dadurch, mehr potentiellen Wert in gleicher Zeit zu liefern.
Blog Post

[Podcast] Scrum Master Career Paths

March 20, 2022
What's up awesome people? I hope you are well and keeping safe. I have been asked many times recently about the career paths for Scrum Master. I personally think Scrum Master should not be a job title. But what does that mean to Scrum Master career path if Scrum Master is not a job title ... I think it creates lots of doors of possibilities. In today's podcast episode I share four possibilities for Scrum Master career paths. Hopefully it also inspire those of you in the Human Resources or People Operations department to redesign not only career paths for Scrum Master but also career path at your company in general. Enjoy the podcast and have a great week ahead folks.
Blog Post

Scrum Master Zertifizierungen bestehen: PSM I, PSM II und PSM III 🇩🇪

March 17, 2022
Im ersten Artikel dieser Miniserie wurde festgestellt, dass man kein Zertifikat braucht, um gut in dem zu werden, was man tut, zum Beispiel als Scrum Master zu arbeiten. Sich zertifizieren zu lassen, kann jedoch ein guter Ratschlag sein, wie der Scrum Master Salary Report 2022 belegt: Es besteht eine statistische Korrelation zwischen dem Gehalt und den Zertifikaten, die Sie besitzen. Wenn Sie von dieser Signalwirkung profitieren wollen, die Scrum-Zertifikate zu haben scheinen, stellt sich die Frage, wie Sie eine der drei Scrum Master Zertifizierungen bestehen können.
Blog Post

Don't Mess with Scrum

March 15, 2022
Scrum is simple, but that simplicity means that each of its elements is essential.  The values, accountabilities, artifacts and events are all part of the framework for a reason.  Teams that mess with the framework are messing with Scrum.  Teams that make changes to the elements limit Scrum's effectiveness and aren't really using Scrum.  This article discusses some of the things in the Scrum framework teams shouldn't mess with but often do. 
Blog Post

Scrum Master Erfolg: Woran erkennen Sie einen erfolgreichen Scrum Master? 🇩🇪

March 10, 2022
Woran würden Sie erkennen, dass Ihr Scrum Master kompetent ist? Was sind Indikatoren für den Erfolg eines Scrum Masters? Ist die regelmäßige Verwendung der Confluence-Retrospektiven-Vorlage das gewünschte Signal? Oder ist die Suche nach den Faktoren, die zum Erfolg beitragen, vergeblich, da die Gründe für den Erfolg eines Scrum Teams so vielfältig sind? Gegebenenfalls gibt es vielleicht keinen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen einem Scrum Master, der ohnehin keine Autorität hat, und der Gesamtleistung des Scrum-Teams.