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Professional Product Ownership™ Capabilities Workshop

Assess and grow your organization’s Product Ownership capabilities

Professional Product Ownership Capabilities Workshop Logo

Organizations need to drive value to their customers, but often struggle to deliver innovative products and solutions. They struggle for many reasons, whether it’s because they are overwhelmed with maintaining existing products or simply not knowing where to get started. To drive vision, value and validation, they should gauge and improve their Product Ownership capabilities.

Product Ownership requires a distinct set of capabilities and skills that go well beyond just managing new features and fixing issues. While each product has one Product Owner, they don’t do it all alone. These Product Ownership capabilities and skills required are often shared across multiple people within an organization while having one ultimate owner.

In this workshop, Professional Scrum Trainers (PST) will work with your team to assess and develop their Product Ownership capabilities. Together, you will create a strategy and plan for improvements where needed based on the Professional Product Ownership Capability Model. For each of the skill areas, you will work together to rate the team’s proficiency while learning about best practices for product-oriented organizations.

Workshop Objectives

The objective of this workshop is to help organizations improve their ability to deliver valuable products to customers while also creating a positive impact for the organization itself. During the workshop your team will be asked to assess their current capabilities across a number of different areas by rating their proficiencies and providing evidence to support their rating. The PST will then work with you and your team to describe your desired state, creating an actionable plan for improvement and start taking actions incrementally.

The workshop can be run at different levels of the organization based on your current needs including the:

  • Entire organization
  • Specific business area
  • Product line
  • Product

Who is Involved

This workshop is for people responsible for growing skills and capabilities for effective Product Ownership. Their participation will vary depending on where they are in the process and what is needed at the time. The people involved could be:

  • Chief Product Officers
  • Product Development Leaders
  • Product Managers
  • Business Analysts
  • Product Owners
  • Human Resources / Learning & Development

What to Expect

The structure of the workshop was created by and our community to provide a consistent approach to help organizations improve and can be optimized for your organization’s specific requirements as needed by the PST. The workshop may occur all in one session or be broken into multiple sessions to allow for further analysis and different attendee participation.

Assessing the Current State

The workshop starts by assessing the current state through a combination of methods that may include a survey, observations, interviews, group meetings or some combination. Once the information is collected, it will be analyzed to understand the current challenges and opportunities for improvement. Learning recommendations can be provided right away.

Describing the Optimal State

The PST will then describe what it looks like when you're maximizing value delivery by leveraging the different skills and capabilities or Product Ownership, why they are important, how they deliver great results and what is needed for you to benefit from them.

Creating a Roadmap

Together you will create a roadmap toward improvement leveraging the data collected through the assessment, understanding the desired state and setting an iterative path forward. The path will include the creation of an overall goal and potential intermediate goals.  As we will be working on an iterative approach leveraging empirical data along the way, goals may change over time as more is learned and actions are taken. The roadmap will include the people needed to ensure that the work is successful and a growth plan for them.

Workshop Outcomes

At the end of the workshop you will have defined a clear case for skills and capabilities growth based on your specific situation and ability to improve. Your organization will have alignment on how to move forward via an actionable plan to achieve the overall goal while understanding that it is an iterative process and intermediate goals will evolve along the way.

Ready to Take the Next Step or Learn More?

Our Professional Scrum Trainers (PSTs) don't just train, they consult, coach, take part as members of Scrum Teams and much more. For this workshop, the PST will be your facilitator guiding you and your team along the way.