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Scrum Teams - The Practices that Lead to Anti-Patterns and Their Impact

February 26, 2025
Every now and then some one talks about or highlights a practice which has nothing to do with Scrum. Yet, due to widespread usage of the practice, people think that the specific practice is part of Scrum and should be followed to do Scrum in the right way. Sometimes, the Scrum Masters for the lack of knowledge enforce such practices and then feel the resistance.  I am not saying that every Scrum Team should know each and every right or wrong practice. That’s not how empiricism works. When I started as a Scrum Master back in 2010, I had my set of practices and I evolved. I expect Scrum Masters and Scrum Teams to have that journey. What I am unable to comprehend is the same practices of 2010 becoming anti-patterns for Scrum Teams in 2025.
Blog Post

Scrum in a Machine Shop

February 26, 2025
At Argus, the maintenance team in Edmonton faced a challenge: ensuring consistent, high-quality repairs while dealing with an unpredictable workload.
Blog Post

Leading vs. Managing: The Scrum Master Dilemma

February 25, 2025
In this blog, I explore the critical distinction between leadership and management, sparking a debate that often arises in Scrum workshops: "Is a Scrum Master a leader or a manager?" By examining the roles of both managers and leaders, I clarify how leadership goes beyond managing tasks and involves inspiring people. I highlight that while managers control resources and processes, leaders empower, motivate, and connect with their teams. The blog challenges Scrum Masters to reflect on their role—not just managing work, but encouraging an environment where teams are inspired to thrive and innovate.
Blog Post

A Little Too Supportive

February 24, 2025
How can you focus on continuous improvement if you think everything is already perfect? Scrum Masters who become too emotionally attached to their teams can lose the ability to assess improvement opportunities objectively.
Blog Post

Scrum Masters are Glue Roles

February 22, 2025
A glue role connects different parts of an organization, ensuring smooth team communication, collaboration, and integration. These roles are essential for implementing change and solving systemic issues that impact multiple departments. It’s easy to see the connection to the purpose of a Scrum Master, right?
Blog Post

The Art of the Agile Forecast: 4 Core Practices

February 21, 2025
Rigid, long-term forecasts stifle agility and increase risk, but figuring out how to do shift to agile forecasting is challenging. We'll explore for core practices that enable agility through adaptable investment decisions: re-forecasting, decreasing precision, bracketing, and aligning forecasts with time horizons.
Blog Post

Evolving Agile Frameworks

February 20, 2025
Change is inevitable in any organization, from shifting markets to evolving customer expectations. Agile frameworks can help navigate these challenges, but they must evolve alongside the organization. While generative frameworks adapt and grow, rigid ones impose fixed solutions that may become obsolete over time. The key is ensuring your framework supports, rather than hinders, your organization's progress.
Blog Post

Komplexität im Code: Ein versteckter Killer von Business Value

February 20, 2025
Komplexität im Code ist ein oft unterschätztes Problem, das die Leistungsfähigkeit eines Teams erheblich beeinträchtigen kann. Sie schleicht sich heimlich ein, führt zu unübersichtlichem und schwer wartbarem Code und hindert Teams daran, schnell und effektiv auf Veränderungen zu reagieren. Langfristig entsteht daraus ein „Big Ball of Mud“, der Innovationen bremst und Entwickler frustriert. Doch wie können Teams dieser schleichenden Gefahr begegnen? In meinem Blog-Post zeige ich, wie Teams ein Gespür für aufkommende Komplexität entwickeln können und welche Strategien helfen, die Codebasis kontinuierlich zu verbessern. Von der Vereinfachung von Strukturen über die Bedeutung klarer Namensgebung bis hin zur Anwendung der „Pfadfinder-Regel“ – erfahre, warum die Reduzierung von Komplexität eine zentrale Aufgabe für das gesamte Scrum-Team ist und wie sie langfristig den Business Value schützt.
Blog Post

Scrum Teams - How to Enable Self-Management?

February 20, 2025
The core strength of Scrum is its ability to take advantage of self-managing teams who are capable of making faster decisions, taking ownership and creating value by helping the customers to respond to ever changing needs of their domain, market. The challenge however is, how many self-managing teams have we encountered in the software world. At least, in the places where I have worked in the past, the sighting was rare to none. It is like going on a birding trip to find a specific bird species only to know that the species has already migrated to some other place. It was here yesterday but now it is gone. The question this situation raises is, if self-management is so important for Scrum or Agility to thrive then why do we have so few self managing teams. And can by simply declaring a team, a self-managing team will make it so magically?
Blog Post

Scrum By Any Other Name

February 17, 2025
In some of my classes, people tell me they are using Scrum—but they can't call it Scrum. Why? Because someone in their organization had a bad experience with it.
Blog Post

Keine Verbesserung ohne Veränderung - Warum es so schwierig ist, kontinuierliche Verbesserung im Arbeitsalltag zu etablieren

February 13, 2025
Kontinuierliche Verbesserung klingt in der Theorie großartig: Teams optimieren ihre Prozesse, steigern die Qualität ihrer Arbeit und entwickeln sich stetig weiter. Aber die Praxis zeigt: Es ist oft eine echte Herausforderung, diese Verbesserungen dauerhaft im Arbeitsalltag zu verankern. Warum? 1️⃣ Veränderung kostet Überwindung: Viele scheuen den Schritt aus der Komfortzone, selbst wenn klar ist, dass Optimierungen langfristig Vorteile bringen. 2️⃣ Zeitdruck und Alltagsstress: Die Dringlichkeit, Deadlines einzuhalten, lässt oft keinen Raum für Reflexion und Prozessverbesserung. 3️⃣ Fehlender sichtbarer Erfolg: Verbesserungen entfalten ihre Wirkung oft erst über die Zeit, was kurzfristig die Motivation drücken kann.
Blog Post

Product Backlog Ordering - Beyond MoSCoW

February 13, 2025
The only reason for a Product Owner to exist is to maximize the value of the Product. One of the ways a Product Owner can accomplish this is by ensuring that most valuable items remain at the top of the Product Backlog and the Product Goal underscores their importance. So, how does the Product Owner order the Product Backlog; what techniques can be used? Is MoSCoW a valuable approach? Let’s explore.
Blog Post

Don't Put Your Team in a Bubble

February 11, 2025
Many Scrum Masters see their role as protecting the Scrum Team. But when protection becomes isolation, something is wrong. Shielding a team too much from stakeholders isn't helpful - it hinders collaboration, stifles feedback and erodes trust.
Blog Post

🇩🇪 Sprint Reviews: Zeitverschwendung oder echtes Highlight? 6+ kreative Ideen, die deine Teilnehmer lieben werden 🚀

February 10, 2025
Das Sprint Review – eines der zentralsten und spannendsten Events in einem agilen Team, oder? Naja, theoretisch. In der Praxis empfinden viele es als langweilig, ineffektiv oder reine Pflichtveranstaltung. Viele Scrum-Teams stolpern über typische Fallen und verpassen die Chance, echtes Engagement zu schaffen. Das muss nicht sein! Ein gut durchgeführtes Sprint Review kann inspirieren, Energie freisetzen, richtig Spaß machen und eine Plattform für wichtiges, produktbezogenes Feedback bieten. Hier sind 6+ Ideen, wie du dein Sprint Review wieder zu einem echten Highlight machst, das alle begeistert.
Blog Post

The Region Beta Paradox: Why Some Scrum Teams Never Improve

February 7, 2025
Some teams struggle. They flounder in chaos, miss deadlines, and suffer from constant firefighting. Eventually, the pain becomes unbearable, and they take action—hiring an agile coach, changing their approach, or even replacing key team members. Other teams just get by. They hit their deadlines (some of the time). They hold their agile events. They deliver work that’s… fine. Not great. Not terrible. And because the discomfort never reaches breaking point, nothing changes. This is the Region Beta Paradox at play.
Blog Post

Scrum Masters as Change Agents: 6 Characteristics

February 6, 2025
Scrum Masters as change agents, often face challenges in becoming effective in their accountability. The reasons behind this can vary, but changes are inherently difficult. People resist change, consciously or unconsciously, and change agents face these challenges on personal, team and organisational levels. On the other hand, the role of the Scrum Master as a change agent is crucial and can profoundly impact the Scrum Team and Organisation. This article describes six characteristics that can guide your growth as a change agent. It is a valuable resource for Agile leaders (Scrum Masters, Delivery Managers, Agile Coaches) who aim to embrace their role as agents of change.
Blog Post

Stop Fixing Symptoms – Fix Your Organizational Design Instead

February 6, 2025
Your organization works exactly as it was designed to work. The results you get—good or bad—are not by chance. They come from the way your teams are set up, the people you hire, the decisions you make, and the processes you follow. It might or might not be what you intended, but it is what your design produces.
Blog Post

Echte Teamarbeit - Ein Schlüsselfaktor für erfolgreiche Softwareentwicklung

February 6, 2025
In vielen Teams wird der Fokus daraufgelegt, dass jedes Mitglied „beschäftigt“ ist und seine Aufgaben möglichst unabhängig erledigt. Doch ist das wirklich der beste Weg zu großartigen Ergebnissen? Alternativen wie Swarming, Pair-Programming und Mob-Programming werden oft als ineffizient abgetan, doch diese Methoden haben es in sich! Warum? Bessere Lösungen durch kollektive Intelligenz: Gemeinsam erarbeitete Lösungen sind oft durchdachter und robuster. Kontinuierlicher Arbeitsfluss: Keine unnötigen Wartezeiten oder Kontextwechsel – Aufgaben werden schneller und qualitativ hochwertiger abgeschlossen. Stärkerer Team-Spirit: Gemeinsame Verantwortung, bessere Kommunikation und ein echtes Gemeinschaftsgefühl führen zu höherer Motivation und besseren Ergebnissen. Es lohnt sich, traditionelle Denkweisen zu hinterfragen und die Kraft echter Zusammenarbeit zu nutzen!
Blog Post

Scrum Teams - What About Quality?

February 6, 2025
The only purpose of doing Scrum is to create a DONE Increment. To get to a DONE Increment, quality is key. In Scrum Teams Definition of Done enables transparency around quality and releasability of the Increment. However, more often than not the Definition of Done stops at meeting acceptance criteria and completing a few levels of testing. But is that enough to make the product increment releasable; of highest possible quality? Maybe or maybe not.
Blog Post

Evaluate Your AI General Knowledge

February 4, 2025
To stay competitive and relevant as an Agile Practitioner, continuous learning and upskilling in AI are no longer optional but essential for the new world of careers. Take a free AI quiz to see where you stand now.
Blog Post

What is a Product?

February 4, 2025
Every great product starts with a simple idea: solving a problem in a way that matters to people and businesses alike. But what exactly defines a product—and what doesn’t?

El Scrum Master es un líder

February 4, 2025
Los Scrum Master líderes que sirven al desarrollo del equipo Scrum a la vez que protegen una cultura basada en los valores de Scrum para ayudar a maximizar la entrega de valor. Los Scrum Masters efectivos trabajan de muchas maneras para mejorar la adopción de Scrum buscando crear confianza y un crecimiento de la autogestión. A contunuación algunas recomendaciones para lograr Scrum Masters efectivos:
Blog Post

Scrum is Not the Wild, Wild West

February 3, 2025
Scrum - when done well - actually promotes even greater accountability than waterfall, because the Scrum team is accountable for value delivery. And great Scrum teams measure - and reflect upon - customer outcomes so that they can adjust course and improve their ability to deliver value.
Blog Post

What If A Scrum Team Doesn’t Want To Improve?

February 3, 2025
You can't force a team to improve; instead, create the conditions where they want to. Improvement must come from within, and your role as a Scrum Master, leader, or manager is to make that journey possible. In this article, I'll share questions to reflect on and offer tangible recommendations to get started.
Blog Post

Cross-Product Initiative Ownership

February 1, 2025
Struggling with cross-product initiative ownership? Imagine turning complex, strategic bets into streamlined successes with visionary leadership. Discover how product-oriented initiative owners drive outcomes, foster collaboration, and transform challenges into growth opportunities across teams and products.
Blog Post

Done ist das zentrale Konzept in Scrum: Ohne Done kein empirisches Arbeiten

January 30, 2025
Warum „Done“ das Herzstück von Scrum ist In Scrum ist „Done“ weit mehr als nur ein Begriff—es ist das zentrale Konzept, das sicherstellt, dass ein Produktinkrement tatsächlich einsatzbereit ist. Ohne eine klare Definition of Done (DoD) ist empirisches Arbeiten in Scrum unmöglich, da Transparenz, Inspektion und Adaption auf unzuverlässigen Daten basieren würden. Wie beeinflusst „Done“ die Qualität und den Erfolg eurer Sprints? Und warum ist es der Schlüssel für fundierte Entscheidungen und kontinuierliche Verbesserung? In meinem Blog-Post tauche ich tief in die Bedeutung von „Done“ ein und erkläre, warum ohne dieses Konzept der gesamte Scrum-Prozess ins Wanken geraten kann. Jetzt den Blog-Post lesen und herausfinden, wie „Done“ eure Arbeitsweise transformieren kann.