Joshua Partogi
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What's up awesome people! Thanks for checking out my profile.
My name is Joshua Partogi and I am based in Brisbane. I am one of the longest serving Scrum.org Professional Scrum Trainer - since 2012. Besides a Scrum.org Professional Scrum Trainer, I am also a Visual Facilitator, a Coach (Co-Active) and a Content Creator.
My dream is to see more people work in a humane work environment where they can unleash their inner super power and become the best version of themselves. I bring excellence in everything that I do and continuously challenge the current state of the art. I use Scrum values, facilitation techniques and Co-Active Coaching principles to make this dream come to reality.
Don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel on Scrum, specifically for Scrum Masters and even agile comedy show to show your support and to follow my journey going down the trenches to humanise workplaces.
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Courses taught by Joshua
Other Services by Joshua
- Coaching/Consulting
- Private Courses