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Blog Post
Are you grappling with managing your Scrum Team's work? 🧐 We've got you covered! 💡 Our latest blog dives deep into the heart of Scrum Team operations. We help you demystify 🕵️‍♂️ two key aspects of Scrum: Sprint Work and Refinement. Discover how these tasks, though different, are two sides of the ...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
A lot of Scrum Teams are struggling to get stakeholder engagement in their Sprint Reviews. Without the proper engagement from stakeholders, Product Owners run the risk of not properly adapting the Product Backlog. There are many different ways to spawn better stakeholder engagement. This article is ...
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
La mentalidad de proyecto y la mentalidad de producto son dos enfoques diferentes para el desarrollo de productos. Primero, la mentalidad de proyecto se centra en la entrega de un producto o servicio en un plazo y presupuesto determinados. Por otro lado, la mentalidad de producto, por su parte...
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In this video, we delve into the intricacies of Sprint Planning, highlighting common mistakes and offering insights on how to navigate them. From the importance of a well-understood product backlog to the perils of overcommitting, we explore the nuances that can make or break a Sprint.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
A Management Metric With Unintended Consequences! 💀
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Keine Idee, wie du die nächste Retrospektive gestalten sollst? Dann lies weiter:
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Una transformación ágil es un proceso complejo, desafiante con muchos problemas que algunas veces se estanca debido a líderes que no maduran en la adopción del empirismo y hacen el cambio para resolver problemas complejos a través de la entrega de valor en ciclos cortos. Los líderes permiten el crec...
3.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Incremental delivery - or delivering value frequently - is a core concept of Scrum and yet it is so often misunderstood. Some might argue that it's wasteful to not make a few additional small changes or updates when you're already deep in the code. However, this perception is often rooted in a misc...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
It’d sure be nice if all the Stakeholders for a Scrum Team all agreed with the Product Owner on the direction for the product wouldn’t it? Or would it? Sounds kind of boring to us! Fortunately of unfortunately, Product Owners often have to navigate the challenges of working with Stakeholders who all...
0 from 0 ratings
This video explains Monte Carlo Simulation. Monte Carlo Simulations can be used to make probabilistic forecasts. This video explains how it can be used in the context of product delivery.
4.8 from 14 ratings
Blog Post
Scrum is utilized in various industries, and as a result, leaders from diverse backgrounds are tasked with guiding Scrum Teams. While technical expertise can be an asset, it's not always a prerequisite for effective leadership in an Agile environment.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In this video, I, Martin, delve deep into the pivotal role of a Scrum Master or Agile Coach in motivating a Scrum Team. 📈🤝 I emphasise the importance of empathy, connection, and understanding the essence of a team's purpose. 🎯
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
La transformation digitale, suite à la transformation numérique démarrée il y a plus de 20 ans, a bouleversé notre quotidien. Cette révolution a bien évidemment changé de dimension avec l'avènement de nouvelles plateformes digitales, le cloud, le big data, l'omnicanalité, l'évolution de l'expérience...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Before going all-in on Agile, it's important to know the outcomes you want to achieve, the business value you want to create, and the leadership alignment you need to succeed.
0 from 0 ratings
Download this datasheet to learn more about the Professional Scrum Product Backlog Management Skills class.
3.9 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
Does your Scrum Team find itself locked into destructive conflicts where each team member is convinced that their way is the only way, the best way and that everybody else who dares to disagree is crazy? Are you interested in shifting the dynamic from an "us vs. them" adversarial conflict to an "...
3.5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
​​​​​​​We often get caught up in the tools we use and feel like we need to get our money’s worth by using every feature. Instead of creating transparency, using every feature of a tool often degrades the transparency of the Product Backlog. Keeping things simple and using a method such as a naming c...
4.2 from 11 ratings
Blog Post
Effective Sprint Planning is pivotal in Scrum. It hinges on ensuring the entire team grasps the Product Backlog, having a lucid product goal, and fostering a genuine team spirit. Without these, the path to building great products becomes muddled.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
A 4-step approach to help you decide whether you should spend your precious and limited time on planet earth to use Scrum, bash Scrum or just move on with your life and ignore Scrum.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
How much detail is enough? How much is too much? When it comes to Product Backlog Items, it can be challenging to find that “Goldilocks Point” of getting it “just right”. In this Lightning Round question, PST's Robert Pieper, Jason Malmstadt, and Gregory Crown tackle this issue with some disagreemen...
4.5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Il Podcast Scrum 🇮🇹 esiste per aiutare tutti coloro i quali vogliono imparare o migliorare la propria conoscenza di Scrum Professionale. In questo episodio, della serie "a domanda risposta", esploro quali sono le modalità per prendere decisioni in Scrum.
4.3 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Just finishing several Product Backlog Items, without any clear reason why, is not a usable goal. Then what is? Find out in this video!
4.5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
How the Agile Manifesto Was Created
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Blog Post
Hacer la Daily bien es uno de los retos más grandes que tienen las organizaciones que hacen Scrum. La Daily Scrum, a menudo la mal llamada “stand-up meeting” o “reunión diaria de pie”, es uno de los eventos clave en Scrum. Su objetivo principal es fomentar la comunicación, la colaboración y la...
0 from 0 ratings
In the first episode of the Code of Ethical Conduct for Agile Coaching series on the Women in Agile Podcast, guests Leslie Morse and Shane Hastie unpack the origins and purpose of the Code and together we introduce each section of the Code. (45:03 Minutes)
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In this video, Martin delves into the challenging decision-making process of whether to pivot or stay the course in a project. 🔄🛤️ He highlights the importance of balancing persistence with the recognition of when a change in direction might be more beneficial.
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Scrum Values make the use of Scrum successful. How can you and your Team live these values during the Sprint Review? Check it out!
3.3 from 2 ratings
In diesem Scrum-Pulse-Webcast stellt Professional Scrum Trainer Simon Flossmann seine 5 bewerten Daily-Scrum-Formate vor und gibt dir Tipps und Tricks an die Hand, damit auch du diese erfolgreich einsetzen kannst. 
5 from 2 ratings
In this episode of the Community Podcast, host Dave West continues his conversation with PST Gregory Fontaine about agile adoption in Japan. They dig into the challenges of agile adoption, the value of discipline in agile and Scrum, culture and more! (26:15)
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post introduces Immersion Training, a unique alternative to traditional 2-day courses. It offers a flexible format with short sessions over weeks, promoting practical learning through real-world application and guided reflections for skill improvement. Immersion classes have the same learning o...
5 from 2 ratings
Learning Series
Discover the learning objectives in the PSPBM course and explore some supporting learning resources.
Blog Post
🍵 As I sip my morning cuppa, I find myself deep in thought about the state of organisational agility. 🔄 I've seen methodologies rise and fall, each promising to be the magic bullet for organisational woes.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
The Sprint backlog, a cornerstone of Scrum, offers teams a transparent view of their current work and progress. It's essential to differentiate between the Sprint goal and the Sprint Backlog, ensuring that teams set achievable goals while maintaining flexibility to adapt to changing needs.
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Wie du Workshops beendest, damit sie noch lange in Erinnerung bleiben
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Ihre Ursachen und wie Sie diese überwinden, z. B. durch empathisches Zuhören oder Mitgestaltung des Veränderungsprozesses.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
If you are a Product Owner (PO), you are essentially the owner of the product and most POs I come across know what that entails. However, I also meet POs who determine during the Sprint which items from the Sprint Backlog the Development Team should work on, or what the solution should be, or even p...
4.7 from 3 ratings
In this conversation, Women in Agile podcast host Leslie Morse talks with Andy Golding about the human element of navigating complexity and what we need to be thinking about in order to create more amazing experiences for people in the workplace. (39:24 Minutes)
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
"How do you define Done when you’ve got dependencies outside the Scrum Team?” Dealing with Dependencies can throw a wrench into the process of even the most well-oiled Scrum Teams. It can be very challenging to get to a Done Increment when there’s something the team is depending on coming from outsi...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In this Scrum Lightning Round, our team tackles a very challenging question: “How does a Scrum Team work when they’re dependent on vendors or other business units that don’t use Scrum?” It’s a common scenario when applying Scrum in the real world and a question we get asked often. PST's Jason, Robb,...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
The Scrum Guide is rather vague about how Product Backlog Items should be structured and how to make them transparent. That is by design because Scrum is intentionally incomplete. Understanding what attributes you are dealing with is helpful in creating a well-structured Product Backlog.
5 from 13 ratings
Blog Post
🚀 Dive into the world of empiricism in Agile development! 🌍 Discover how inspecting and adapting, deeply rooted in Agile practices like Scrum, ensures organisations stay ahead of the curve. 🔄 Join me on this journey through the Scottish Highlands of Agile development 🏞️, where change is the only con...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
One question that often arises in the context of Scrum is whether individuals can be part of more than one Scrum Team. While there is no explicit rule against this in Scrum, it's essential to explore the implications of such arrangements on productivity and adherence to Scrum values.
4.5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
We have seen many Scrum teams attempt to resolve challenges by giving up and moving to Kanban. However, the decision to switch from Scrum to Kanban typically arises not from Scrum shortcomings, but rather from challenges in its implementation. In this episode, Jeff and Mike explore misguided reasons...
4.8 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
The Product Backlog is crucial for Scrum to be effective. But for many teams, Product Backlogs are bloated, confusing, and hard to navigate. This blog discusses the challenges of building a great Product Backlog and what Scrum Teams can do to fight the bloat.
4.9 from 11 ratings
For agility to thrive, the culture of the organization must support the fundamental concepts of agility. The Scrum Values - Focus, Respect, Openness, Commitment, and Courage - create an environment where empiricism, self-management and continual improvement are more successful.
4.7 from 76 ratings
Blog Post
Great product ownership has the potential to transform companies, making them almost invincible, even when economic skies are dark. But how does this happen? And what exactly makes a great Product Owner in these times of adversity? The secret sauce, I propose, boils down to three Vs: Vision, Value, ...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Ten Reasons and Five Approaches on How To Overcome Them
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Wie kannst du das Daily Scrum verbessern? In diesem Beitrag erfährst du eine einfache Checkliste.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Los equipos ágiles pueden utilizar una variedad de métricas para medir su desempeño y el progreso de su trabajo. Pero no solo eso, un equipo agile también debe ser consciente de que valor entrega y de cómo evoluciona la organización.
0 from 0 ratings