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Blog Post
Once the team has selected a point system, they need to decide which types of items to classify as a 1, 2, and so on. In this article, we will provide an exercise that can help your team create a point system organically no matter what’s in the Product Backlog.
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Keine andere Rolle in Scrum kann so sehr zu mittelmäßigen Ergebnissen beitragen wie der Product Owner — Garbage in, Garbage out. Die folgende Liste mit den häufigsten Product Owner Fehlverhalten könnte daher ein Ausgangspunkt sein, über die Tätigkeit als Product Owner nachzudenken; vielleicht gibt e...
0 from 0 ratings
Scrum itself is a simple framework for effective team collaboration on complex products. While it is lightweight and simple to understand, it can be difficult to apply effectively. The Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer series, features Professional Scrum Trainers (PSTs) in a live session, a...
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Blog Post
The third blog, in a blog series about the upcoming book: Creating Agile Organizations - A Systemic Approach
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Blog Post
TL; DR: Scrum Master Anti-Patterns
No other role in Scrum can contribute to mediocre outcomes like the Product Owner—garbage in, garbage out. Therefore, the following list of some of the most common Product Owner anti-patterns might be a starting point to reflect on the role; maybe, there is room...
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Blog Post
In this vlog, PST Joshua Partogi demystifies Product Backlog Refinement ... what it is, where, when, how long and how often it happens also how refined should each Product Backlog item be.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Vamos a proporcionar una descripción general rápida de cada animal, veremos por qué son tan peligrosos y ofreceremos algunos consejos sobre cómo domesticarlos para ver qué animal de producto eres o son los que te rod
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Das Sprint Planning ist ein zentrales Scrum-Ereignis, welches entscheidet, wie sich das Leben Ihrer Kunden mit dem nächsten Inkrement verbessern wird. Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie Sie Ihren Kunden durch die Vermeidung von 20 gängigen Sprint Planning Anti-Patterns helfen können.
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Blog Post
In this post, I share a few questions you, as a manager - or any other stakeholder, can ask Product Owners and the rest of the Scrum Team to support them in doing the right thing.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Das klingt jetzt erst mal abschreckend. Nein, bitte nicht entmutigen lassen. Als ich die Zertifizierung gemacht habe, hatte ich schon etliche Jahre Scrum Erfahrung. Dennoch die PSM I Prüfung ist in erster Linie eine Validierung von Wissen. Die höheren Prüfungen PSM II und PSM III fokussieren dann au...
4.9 from 6 ratings
Blog Post
The Scrum Guide doesn't provide a complete list of the skills required for any of the accountabilities on a Scrum Team. For example, it doesn't specify that Developers must use Java or C# code. The Scrum Guide simply states that Developers need all of the skills to deliver a Done increment of produc...
5 from 5 ratings
Blog Post
TL; DR: Scrum Master Anti-Patterns
The Sprint Planning is a core event that defines how your customers’ lives will improve with the following Product Increment. Learn more on how to improve its effectiveness by avoiding 20 common Sprint Planning anti-patterns.
🇩🇪 Zur deutschsprachigen Versio...
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Blog Post
Im 15. State of Agile Report berichten nur 23 % der Befragten, dass sie Lean-UX-Praktiken in agilen Teams anwenden.Â
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Blog Post
Ponerse metas siempre es importante. Tener rumbo siempre es importante. ¿Pero qué pasa si una organización no tiene claras sus metas?
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Blog Post
In this article you will learn:
- Why enabling Scrum Teams with UX Design capabilities is important.
- Why introducing UX capabilities to Scrum team is frequently hard.
- What is the job of an UX Leader in a product development organization.
- How to use a UX Design maturity level to coach tea...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
In meinen Trainings werde ich immer wieder nach praktischen Tipps und Erklärungen zum Umgang mit den Scrum Artefakten gefragt.
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Blog Post
La guÃa de Scrum cambió la definición de priorizado por ordenado. La definición tiene un sentido que refuerza el uso del empirismo en Scrum y la capacidad de toma de decisiones del Product Owner sobre el Product Backlog.
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Blog Post
Die Gründe, warum Scrum Master den Geist des Scrum Guides verletzen, sind vielschichtig. Scrum Master Fehlverhalten reichen von unpassenden persönlichen Eigenschaften über die Verfolgung persönlicher Agenden bis hin zur Frustration mit dem Scrum Team selbst.
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In this panel discussion moderated by Leslie Morse, Product Owner,, you will learn from Professional Scrum Trainers Olivier Ledru and Bogdan Doroslovac as well as ICF Master Certified Coach Cherie Silas as they discuss their personal journeys with professional coaching. They will reveal ho...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Welcome to Scrum Sutra – a blog series where I shall share a 3-min overview of each element of Scrum and how it connects with the other elements in the bead to form Scrum Sutra.
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Blog Post
The reasons Scrum Masters violate the spirit of the Scrum Guide are multi-faceted. Typical Scrum Master anti-patterns run from ill-suited personal traits to complacency to pursuing individual agendas to frustration with the team itself.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
In Scrum, part of the Product Owner accountability is to provide a forecast that sheds light on possible answers to the when will we get there question. In my last post, we discussed three ways to size Product Backlog items (PBIs). Today, we’ll discuss ways the Product Owner can use this information...
4.7 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Three simple retrospective formats based on the Liberating Structures "Conversation Cafe", "Troika Consulting", and "Discovery & Action Dialogue"
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Scrum ist ein taktisches Framework für die Entwicklung von Produkten, vorausgesetzt, Sie erkennen im Voraus, was es wert ist, entwickelt zu werden. Aber selbst nach einer erfolgreichen Produktentdeckungsphase, neudeutsch: Product Discovery, kann es Ihnen schwer fallen, das Richtige auf die Beine zu ...
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Blog Post
When will we get there? It’s not just something you might hear from the back seat of a car on a long road trip. It’s something that a Scrum Team’s stakeholders, customers, managers and many others want to know. When will that thing you are working on be done? How long do I have to wait for you t...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Scrum is a tactical framework to build products, provided you identify what is worth making in advance. But even after a successful product discovery phase, you may struggle to create the right thing in the right way if your Product Backlog is not up to the job—garbage in, garbage out.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Imagine the stress of getting to work and observing your heart rate rising. It feels as if everyone is out for blood, anything you say can be used against you no matter how genuine it may seem-and managers don't really know what's going on either; they've got favourites among their team members who ...
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Blog Post
Hoy me vengo arriba un poco. Vengo a comentar que competencias creo que tendrÃa que tener un lÃder agile.
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Blog Post
In 2020 the Scrum Guide introduced the classification of three commitments -
The Product Goal
The Sprint Goal
The Definition of Done.
The Sprint Goal and the Definition of Done already existed in Scrum. With the addition of the Product Goal, the three commitments became core to Scrum...
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
When I coach, consult and teach classes, I often get questions about creating an agile maturity tool or defining agile maturity metrics. Agile Maturity metrics are used by many businesses to better understand their present agile practices and monitor to improve them. I understand the need for this k...
4.8 from 7 ratings
Blog Post
In dieser spannenden 38. Hands-on Agile-Session ging Roman Pichler auf eure Fragen zur Product Owner Rolle ein. Die Themen reichen von Produktmanager vs. Product Owner vs. Business Analyst über die richtige Größe des Product Backlogs bis hin zur Verknüpfung von Produktvision und Product Goal und Spr...
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Blog Post
If you are a Star Wars fan like me, then you know that Star Wars is more than a story; it’s an Epic which holds many important life lessons. Below are the top five things I learned about Scrum from Star Wars.
4.8 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
How to support Scrum Teams to effectively bridge the gap between their current and desired state
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In this energizing 38th Hands-on Agile session, Roman Pichler delved into your questions on the role of the Product Owner. The topics range from product manager vs. Product Owner vs. business analyst to the right size of a Product Backlog to linking product vision to Product Goal and Sprint Goal.
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Blog Post
Die neue Art, im digitalen Zeitalter über Produktmanagement nachzudenken, besteht darin, das Produkt als eine Data-Mining-Maschine zu sehen.
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Blog Post
Me cuesta mucho imaginarme una capacitación sin que algun participante me pregunte por la daily.Â
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Agile implementations shift culture, yet many organizations limit themselves to the bare minimal execution of a framework and call that Agile.
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Blog Post
To date, less than 1500 people have passed the PSM III or PSPO III assessments and gained the associated certifications. This has always struck me as a low number. The post will explore why that might be, why the number should not be so low and why you might want to consider gaining one of...
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Quando si cerca di prevedere il futuro, si è raramente nel giusto. Le stime probabilistiche aiutano a migliorare le previsioni di uno Scrum Team.
5 from 1 rating
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Immer wieder habe ich es erlebt: Scrum Teams arbeiten an mehreren Produkten parallel. Erstmal sei gesagt, dass es enorm stressig für die meisten Mitarbeiter:innen ist an mehreren "Baustellen"  gleichzeitig zu arbeiten.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Willkommen zum Sprint Anti-Patterns-Artikel aus unserer Serie über Scrum-Anti-Patterns. Ich adressiere in diesem Artikel sprintbezogene Fehlverhalten der drei Scrum-Rollen, der Stakeholder bzw. Interessenvertreter sowie des IT-Management.
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Blog Post
Produktentwicklung ist komplex. Scrum Master sind Manager dieser Komplexität.
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What is an Increment and how does it connect with the other elements of Scrum?
3.8 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Try this experiment and go on a journey to find your real stakeholders!
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The Professional Agile Leader is a realistic, practical guide, written by three Scrum pioneers who demonstrate proven ways to foster responsive and adaptive team cultures. They structure powerful lessons around a case study based on decades of experience helping agile leaders achieve and sustain tra...
4 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
​​​​​​​The concept of iterative, incremental Product delivery is included in the Scrum Guide. But did you know that the Agile Manifesto refers to incremental, iterative delivery in at least 3 of the principles? Â
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
TL; DR: 28+2 Sprint Anti-Patterns from Sprint Stuffing to Gold-Plating
Welcome to the Sprint anti-patterns article from my series on Scrum anti-patterns, covering the three Scrum roles—pardon me: accountabilities—and addressing the contributions of stakeholders and the IT/line management. Moreove...
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Blog Post
Recently I had an epiphany, realising that most of my writing has been for Product Owners and how to they should interact with the environment, but what about how to interact with Product Owners? What are some characteristics and traits you may encounter as a stakeholder, manager or leader of a Prod...
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Wenn dein Team auch Probleme damit hat, gute Sprint-Ziele zu formulieren, dann lass mich dir mein Rezept geben. Es wird dir eine Menge Zeit ersparen.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Nach meiner Erfahrung ist das Daily Scrum das Scrum-Ereignis mit der höchsten Anti-Pattern-Dichte unter allen Ereignissen. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Daily Scrum Anti-Patterns, die Ihren Weg zur Agilität gefährden.
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