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Building Psychological Safety with Offshore Teams

April 2, 2024
Psychological safety is foundational in the success of any team, and it becomes even more challenging to establish when work is sent abroad. In this episode, your hosts share their experiences working with dynamic offshore teams, and some tips on increasing that psychological safety.
Blog Post

Is Kanban the Right Approach for Your Organisation?

April 1, 2024
In this video, Martin discusses transitioning from traditional project management to agile frameworks, particularly focusing on the Kanban approach. He highlights how Kanban can be a gentle yet effective pathway for organisations hesitant about drastic changes. Through a personal journey and reflective tone, he delves into the philosophy behind agile transformations, emphasising observation, adaptation, and continuous improvement without disrupting existing work processes. 📈🔄🔍
Blog Post

The EBM Journey - From Guesswork to Evidence

April 1, 2024
EBM is especially relevant in industries characterized by rapid change and uncertainty, as it provides a structured yet flexible approach to making informed decisions and adapting strategies based on actual performance and emerging trends.
Blog Post

How to Stay Agile While Outsourcing

March 29, 2024
A difficult question for organizations is how to maintain an Agile approach while outsourcing development. In this episode, the agilityIRL team discusses challenges with outsourcing and some ways to make it work better.
Blog Post

Podcast Scrum Italia - Il Management in Scrum

March 28, 2024
Questo nuovo episodio del Podcast Scrum Italia è composto da due parti principali. La prima, nella quale Fabio Panzavolta legge l'articolo del blog "Il management in Scrum" e la seconda, nella quale una decina di professionisti discutono la tematica condividendo esperienze e domande. Buon ascolto!
Blog Post

User Stories: Writing Tips & Real Examples

March 27, 2024
Want to learn how to write effective user stories? Look no further! In this video, we'll discuss tips for writing user stories and provide real examples to help you understand how to create user stories that deliver value to your product or service. Whether you're a product manager, designer, or developer, this video will give you the tools to create user stories that drive success.
Blog Post

We are People, Not Resources

March 26, 2024
Let us embrace a language of business that reflects the dignity, respect, and value of every individual. In doing so, we not only enhance the well-being and productivity of our teams but also contribute to a more humane and just society.
Blog Post

Does Virtual Scrum Training Work?

March 25, 2024
Is virtual Scrum training effective? In this Responsive Advisors Scrum Lightning Round, Professional Scrum Trainers Robb Pieper, Greg Crown, and Jason Malmstadt share their experiences and perspectives on virtual versus in-person Scrum training.
Blog Post

Can Kanban Revolutionise Your Scrum Practice?

March 25, 2024
In this video, Martin delves into the symbiotic relationship between Kanban and Scrum, arguing that integrating Kanban strategies can significantly enhance any Scrum practice. 🎥🔧 He discusses how Kanban's focus on metrics and continuous improvement can address Scrum's limitations, particularly in planning and customer communication. 📊🔄 Enjoy this insightful exploration of blending frameworks for superior agility and efficiency.
Blog Post

アジャイルの旅ポッドキャスト S1E5: アジャイルチェンジエージェント

March 25, 2024
このポッドキャストでは、業界のエキスパートを特別ゲストとして迎え、アジャイルとスクラムの世界にふかく潜り込んでいきます。スクラム、DevOps、ユーザーエクスペリエンス、プロダクトマネージメント、コーチングなど、様々なトピックをカバーします。私、フォンテーヌグレゴリは、「アジャイルの旅」ポッドキャストのホストです。アジャイルコーチ、スクラムマスター、またはコンサルタントとして日本企業を支援しております。そして、Scrum.orgの認定プロフェッショナルスクラムトレーナーです。 今回のエピソードでは、小林さんがアジャイル開発の実践者やコーチとしての道のりを紹介してくれます。スクラムを始める時や新しいチームの立ち上げ支援の時に小林さんがよくやることも話していきます。そして現在の「チェンジエージェント」(変化を促進する人)としての仕事でコーチングや人類学をどのようにして活用しているかもカバーします。
Blog Post

The Power of Words: Transitioning from 'Project' to 'Product'

March 22, 2024
Why organization and leaders should promote more of Product culture than the Project culture. Make a simple change - start using the word "Product" instead of "Project." in your day-to-day interaction, it will signal your brain differently, and you may start behaving in a more customer oriented, value, and outcome-focused manner.
Blog Post

Self-Management is Nuanced

March 20, 2024
Self-management doesn’t mean Developers can do whatever they want, and it doesn’t mean leadership should micromanage the Scrum Team, either. The reality is somewhere in the middle.
Blog Post

The remnants of 2017: A Journey to Empirical Scrum

March 19, 2024
To transcend Mechanical Scrum, it's crucial for the Agile community to re-emphasize the importance of the Scrum Values, encourage adaptable practices, and foster environments that prioritize continuous improvement, team autonomy, and value creation. Success stories from those who have shifted from mechanical to empirical Scrum practices offer valuable insights and inspiration. As we move forward, leveraging resources and training to deepen our understanding and application of Scrum will be key to overcoming these challenges. The goal is to not just follow Scrum by the book but to live its principles, ensuring teams are truly agile, responsive, and focused on delivering value.

La Paradoja de la Elección en Scrum: Impacto en el Product Owner

March 19, 2024
El estudio "jam" de Sheena Iyengar y el libro "La paradoja de la elección" de Barry Schwartz muestran cómo demasiadas opciones pueden abrumar y disminuir la eficacia de las decisiones. Para los Product Owners en Scrum, esto implica priorizar efectivamente el backlog, mantener una visión clara y experimentar continuamente. La clave es encontrar el equilibrio entre ofrecer opciones significativas y evitar la sobrecarga de información.
Blog Post

Facilitating a Nexus Sprint Review

March 18, 2024
This post provides guidance for conducting a Nexus Sprint Review, a key component of the Nexus Scaled Scrum Framework (or any scaled Scrum implementation) aimed at enhancing inspection and adaptation for large-scale agile development. Dissatisfied with existing guidance, I decided to share my insights on how to structure these reviews to facilitate integrated feedback on the work done by the Nexus (the team of teams). It outlines the replacement of individual Scrum Team Sprint Reviews with a Nexus-wide review focusing on the integrated increment and suggests employing a "Sprint Review Bazaar" to cater to stakeholders' diverse interests through a diverge-converge approach. This method encourages detailed inspections and feedback in breakout rooms, analogous to visiting booths at a science fair or car show, thereby increasing transparency and engagement. The post also provides a detailed sample agenda for a 2.5-hour Nexus Sprint Review, emphasizing the importance of flexibility and adaptation during execution.
Blog Post

Getting started with Kanban in your organization?

March 18, 2024
In this video, Martin delves into the simplicity of initiating Kanban within any team or organisation. He outlines the straightforwardness of the process, highlighting how any individual can kickstart a transformative journey 🚀. Martin shares insights on overcoming traditional hurdles 🚧, leveraging data for meaningful change 📊, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement 🌱.