About Jean Pierre
Jean Pierre has been working in information technology since 1992 and specializes in software development and project management. He has worked in various roles at some of the most innovative companies in software development and has been one of the first Professional Scrum Trainers of Scrum.org in Germany since 2011.
JP had his first contact with Scrum in 1995. He was working at EASEL at the same time when Jeff Sutherland Ph.D. created the first Scrum Team at EASEL.
In his professional career, Jean Pierre Berchez worked for several years in the consulting and sales of software engineering tools and as managing director of IT companies.
Since working as managing director of TogehterSoft GmbH from 1999 to 2003, the human factor for Jean Pierre has been the focus of all work. TogetherSoft Germany was organized under Jean Pierre as a company with flat hierarchies and small autonomous sales teams in which the employees could help shape the organization. Since the agile value system can be wonderfully and naturally reconciled with this approach, Jean Pierre Berchez today focuses on further training with a focus on agile and lean development (be it in the field of product development, sales or organizational development) and his "hobbyhorse" agile leadership.
Besides his work in the industry, he put emphasis on teaching Scrum as a lecturer at the Universities of Liechtenstein, Heidenheim, Ravensburg, and Stuttgart since 2004.
JP is the General Manager of HLSC (High-Level Scrum Consulting). He created the Scrum-Events network in Germany and he is the organizer of the Scrum-Day. Scrum-Day is probably the largest community conference about Scrum in the German-speaking market or even in Europe www.scrum-day.de (with more than 500 attendees).
You want to see more about JP go here - Visit JP's Scrum-Events website: https://www.scrum-events.de
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What students say about Jean Pierre
Dec 19, 2024
Dezember 2024 PSPO1
The energy and positivity of the trainers was awesome. We had great discussions and the trainers took a lot of time to provide satisfying answers, also for the daily work.
They were also very direct in their answers, I like this a lot.
The best SCRUM Training I had so far.
Dec 18, 2024
Gute Übersicht über SCRUM
Gute Übersicht über SCRUM, Gute Lehrer, Danke!
Dec 17, 2024
Zwei Top Trainer die sich gegenseitig gut ergänzen
Ich hoffe, ich habe die Möglichkeit, in den nächsten Jahren nochmal zu einer Schulung vorbei zu schauen.
Und natürlich freue ich mich über gepflanzte Bäume ;-)
Dec 4, 2024
Not too much participants
Not too much participants. Very practise oriented content.
Dec 1, 2024
PSPO I - great training
Jean-Pierre was very skilled as a trainer and deep in the understanding of scrum. Every question was discussed, and it were two value-adding days.
Nov 26, 2024
Really good way of teaching
Really good way of teaching with a good mixture of theory and practical examples
Nov 20, 2024
Excellent guidance and instruction.
Excellent guidance and instruction.
Jul 18, 2024
Great class
It was a good, very well trained class. There was a good atmosphere between the classmates and beneath the trainig there was time to have fun.
Jul 15, 2024
Respectvoller umgang
Der Kurs hat mir sehr geholfen den Scrum zu verstehen
Feb 21, 2024
provided me with actionable insights
Valuable contributions from knowledgeable and open-minded instructors made the sessions not only enjoyable but also incredibly practical. The engaging discussions provided me with actionable insights that I can directly apply to my Scrum team, ensuring immediate implementation of the concepts learned.
Jan 30, 2024
Great trainer team
Great trainer team! This was really fun and I have learned a lot! Thank you so much!
Dec 22, 2023
Super Kurs
Super Kurs!
Viele Praxisbeispiele für den Gebrauch im eigenen Unternehmen.
Der Kurs ist keine Frontbeschallung, sondern Inhalte werden mit vielen Übungen selbst erarbeitet.
Hier wurde GoogleDocs benutzt, um interaktiv in der Gruppe zuarbeiten, da der Kurs online via Zoom durchgeführt. Freue mich auf die nächsten Kurse bei JP!
Dec 19, 2023
I liked the interactive atmosphere
I liked the interactive atmosphere. Jean-Pierre and Alisa did a great job, they delivered all the information in a good way. If there were any question, the two gave the right answer right away.
Oct 27, 2023
Everything was well explained
Everything was well explained
Sep 26, 2023
Super class
Super class
Sep 25, 2023
Very exciting and practical training with an experienced trainer Jean Pierre Berchez
It was a very good training with an eccentric trainer who brought a lot of practical experience with the topic into the event.
There were many good practical exercises and the documentation for the course was created in parallel "on the fly", which was very practical.
Sep 22, 2023
Der Kurs war sehr interessant und…
Der Kurs war sehr interessant und lehrreich
Sep 20, 2023
Great experience
Great experience
well prepared coaches
nice team spirit
Jul 26, 2023
I had my Professional Scrum Master…
I had my Professional Scrum Master training last week. It was very helpful and I got a lot of advise that I can now use in my organisation. The course was also great regarding the preparation for the PSM1 assessment which I passed today.
Jun 12, 2023
Von J.P
Von J.P. kann man viel lernen. Er war schon seit den ersten Tagen von Scrum dabei und das trägt unglaublich zur Qualität des Trainings bei.
Dank J.P.
Apr 21, 2023
Delightful and smooth ;)
It's been a long time since my last class (PSM I in 2014) and much knowledge was gone or outdated. So it was great to freshen up what was left and get to know what has changed ever since.
And thanks to my coach and my fellow attendees the class was delightful and smooth!
Mar 22, 2023
Excellent trainers
The trainers were highly engaging. They rather wanted us to really understand the Product Owner role (and how to possibly apply it in our individual contexts) than beating only certification relevant information into us.
Holger and JP did an awesome job!
Feb 13, 2023
I had very good Training
I had very good Training
Feb 8, 2023
Gut strukturiert und hilfreich
Gut strukturierte und hilfreiche Schulung mit erfahrenem Lehrer.
Jan 20, 2023
Excellent trainer with huge amount of…
Excellent trainer with huge amount of skills.
Jan 9, 2023
excellent experience for developing professionally and personally
I am very happy and grateful participating the professional Scrum training by Marc Kaufmann and Jean Pierre Berchez.
It was fun and the contents are conveying in a very pleasant way within 2 days by them. You get the opportunity to develop professionally and personally. Technically everything went smoothly, great support. Thank you for the excellent training and this experience!
Dec 21, 2022
Both Trainer were very experienced
Both Trainer were very experienced, and the learning experience was great.
I learned a lot in that course and I can recommend it.
Dec 20, 2022
Fun and learning a lot in short time.
Fun and learning a lot in short time.
Dec 19, 2022
Great Professional Scrum Master-Training
Different participants, mix of theory/explanations/examples...., professional teachers, good mix of listening/tasks/groupwork, reacting on our wishes/need, interesting content, nice communication (before and after with helping information) - Thank you
Dec 16, 2022
The Trainers were well prepared for the…
The Trainers were well prepared for the training and kept the energy high throughout the two days of training.
There was a great mix of hands on exercises as well as technical knowledge.
Dec 12, 2022
PSM I - Vorbereitung
Die Vorbereitung für die PSM I Zertifizierung war interaktiv und mit praktischen Beispielen gestaltet. Die Mischung aus Theorie und Praxis war sehr gut und kurzweilig. Ich bin sehr froh, dass ich die Vorbereitung bei Jean Pierre und Götz gebucht habe. Die Prüfung ist ebenfalls absolviert und bestanden. Danke!
Nov 23, 2022
...now it's time to repeat and prepare
2 real professional teacher, with lot of experience, and a sense o humor were guiding us through the sessions. unfortunately online
Nov 22, 2022
Very good and prepared trainers
Very good and prepared trainers: Jean Pierre and Sebastian
Sep 21, 2022
Highly beneficial class, even if you already know the Scrum Guide very well
Jean-Pierre is a very good trainer who brings just the right amount of enthusiasm, fun and sincerety which is only boosted by his formidable co-teacher Götz. I learned a lot in this class even though I already knew the Scrum Guide very well. Many personal experiences were shared and insights into real world situations was given. I highly enjoyed and benefitted from this class.
Aug 5, 2022
Jean Pierre Berchez did a great job…
Jean Pierre Berchez did a great job explaining the Scrum Framework and focusing on the relevant aspects for a Product Owner. The course is a great mixture between practice and theory.
Jul 28, 2022
Good preparation for the certification with additional real life practices
Jean-Pierre focussed on the essentials of the Scrum framework and highlighted the focus areas which are relevant for the assessment.
Additionally, we did some practical tasks to understand the newly learned even better. Jean-Pierre also added a lot of his experiences and stories which was a good way to collect even more great ideas for real life scenarios.
Jul 20, 2022
The training was a great introduction…
The training was a great introduction to the basics of the SCRUM Framework. I can recommend the training to anyone who's trying to establish agile project management in his company and wants to work as a SCRUM Master. The trainers are great as well.
Jul 20, 2022
PSPO review
The two days of PO certification were really great and I took away many valuable ideas. The two trainers Jean Pierre Berchez and Götz have really convinced both personally and professionally. The training was very interactive. This means that the theory was partly developed through group work, but also directly applied. Very interesting and exciting were the discussions and the exchange of personal experiences that arose in the groups.
Since the practical experience of other participants was really interesting, my suggestion for improvement would be to schedule a little more time for exchange and possibly discuss situations that the participants experienced with themselves in the projects.
May 30, 2022
Toller Einstieg
Rundum sehr zufrieden. Es waren zwei spannende Tage und ich habe viel gelernt. Der Austausch mit den Trainern war zwanglos und sehr informativ. Jedem der in die Welten und Grundlagen des Scrum eintauchen möchte, empfehle ich diesen Kurs.
May 3, 2022
Die vielen guten Bewertungen sind absolut verdient !
Der Kurs hat meine Erwartungen absolut erfüllt, die tollen Praxisübungen haben die Theorie sehr leicht vermittelt. So macht Lernen spaß. Ich kann den Kurs wärmstens empfehlen 5* Sterne.
Apr 27, 2022
Scrum at its best
Scrum at its best
Both Uta and Jean-Pierre were trainers you can only wish for. They created a positive und interesting learning environment for the entire group. Very recommendable.
Mar 22, 2022
Wonderful, interactive course with a small group. Highly recommended!
Mar 22, 2022
Sehr interessanter und gut geführter…
Sehr interessanter und gut geführter Kurs mit vielen Beispielen aus der Praxis.
Hier wird die tlw. "graue" Theorie des scrum guides lebendig.
Feb 24, 2022
Sehr gutes Online PSM Seminar
Sehr gutes Online PSM - Seminar mit interessanten Hintergrundinformationen, abwechslungsreich, vielen Workshops mit Teamarbeit, sehr hilfreich bei der Vorbereitung auf die PSM - Prüfung. Auch durch gutes Zeitmanagement und regelmäßige Pausenzeiten blieb bei mir die allgemeine Konzentration auch in der Online Variante stets hoch. Vielen Dank.
Feb 23, 2022
Sehr hilfreiches Training
Sehr hilfreiches Training, viele Praxisbeispiele und Übungen. Auch auf individuelle Fragen wurde ausführlich eingegangen. Mehr kann man sich nicht wünschen :)
Feb 8, 2022
What it takes to be a Scrum Product Owner
Excellent training about the Scrum framework and especially the role of the Product Owner with lots of practical experiences discussed with our trainers and class members. A productive learning environment was established to reflect on the implications of living Scrum.
Jan 21, 2022
Perfect mixture of theory and activities!
Really liked the PSM I curse and it was a perfect mixture of theory and activities! Thank's a lot JP!
Dec 3, 2021
Very good
Great Trainer! Course was very inspiring.
Nov 24, 2021
Absolutely excellent training workshop
It was an absolute pleasure to be part in this training! Jean-Pierre and Götz always brought up relevant examples from real life Scrum and connected them with the theorectical definitions of the Scrum guide. The additional pratices with the other workshop members made a lot of fun and everybody was motivated to do their best. Looking forward to the next workshop with you guys!
Nov 1, 2021
100% recommendation
The course was very well designed and structured. At every point there was the opportunity to ask questions, which were promptly answered in an appropriate manner and related to everyday work.
All relevant topics could finally be worked out by oneself through many accompanying workshops.
100% recommendation for this course on my part.
Oct 29, 2021
Very good hands on workshop where all…
Very good hands on workshop where all the different levels of experiences where intergrated.
Oct 20, 2021
Thank you
Had two fantastic days and I learned a lot about Scrum. Not only the basics but also some interesting practices. Thank you JP and Götz. Keep going
Oct 6, 2021
Great recommendation!
The training was great! We had fun and learned many things and now have a way more sharper eye on the logic behind SCRUM.
The only thing that I would improve is to have more time for the discussions of the participants and their situations and challenges
Great recommendation!
Oct 1, 2021
Just excellent
Just excellent
Jul 27, 2021
Excellent training, highly recommended
Big thank you to Marc & Jean Pierre for an excellent PSM I class! The training was very well-structured, lots of experiences were shared, good mix of sharing knowledge & interaction within the group - all combined with a great sense of humour. I`m already looking forward to PSM II!
Jul 23, 2021
PSM I review
Competent trainers.
Jul 16, 2021
The course was very interactive and I…
The course was very interactive and I gained a lot of insights from the daily challenges the other participants face. Moreover, the use of Liberating Structures as well as quotes of Jeff provided plenty of interactively generated learnings.
Jul 14, 2021
First of all
First of all, yes. Live class with real people, not online. Great.
Second, yes. JP and Götz did a great job, and I took a lot of input. Thanks to everybody in the class.
Jun 25, 2021
Great Training
Very constructive and informative training in casual atmosphere. Focus on stances and approaches instead of generic solutions. Much group interaction and less presentation. Many Liberating Structures and great "self-made structures" too. Free follow-up meeting two weeks after the training.
Jun 21, 2021
Good Choice to wait til on-site was possible after lockdown
Nice small group with different status of scrum implementation. Jean-Pierre and Götz configured the two days competent, varied and amusing, bringing in their rich experience using the scrum framework in different sectors.
Jun 16, 2021
Excellent trainers
Excellent trainers. The best mixture of theory and activities/visualization
May 7, 2021
It was a great learning experience with…
It was a great learning experience with some real scenarios which could bring some fruitful discussion and insights from trainers.
May 6, 2021
PSM II Course with Jean Pierre and Marco
We had the PSM II Course with Jean Pierre and Marco. I really liked it and learned a lot and took many inputs with me to discuss and adopt with the teams.
Apr 6, 2021
Excellent course
In a three-day course (3x ca. 5 h), we learned about the basic concepts of Scrum, its values and real-life aspects in a really good mix of theoretical explications and pratical exercises, on which we worked in Scrum teams of ca. 5 people. The course was online due to the Corona pandemic, but the relaisation via zoom worked well for the course and in regard to all technical aspects.
Mar 8, 2021
Super Seminar
Super Seminar, tolle Trainer*in und eine vortreffliche Vorbereitung für eine erfolgreiche Zertifizierung. Für mich der perfekte Start ins agile Projektmanagement!
Feb 3, 2021
3 days of learning, laughter and helpful real-life examples
Jean Pierre and Alisa did a wonderful job. The three day course on PSPO 1 was enjoyable, helpful and overall very well organized – which is even more important considering it was a remote class. Despite the fact that all participants started with a different knowledge state, they managed to keep it informative and well structured for all. The course was a mix of basic theory, real-life examples and case studies and the occasional anecdote from the "founding fathers" of scrum.
Nov 29, 2020
Professional Scrum Master Training from Scrum Events
Great organization, methods, agenda and very skilled and experienced and also funny trainers! Would recommend it to my colleagues and friends.
Nov 28, 2020
Absolutely recommendable
Well-founded, practical, transfer-oriented and with great commitment and pleasure. I could not wish for a better qualification of absolute experts. Many thanks to Jean-Pierre and Götz.
Nov 8, 2020
PSPO - Super Kurs und Prüfungsvorbereitung
Toller Kurs und vielen Dank an die Trainer.
Bin sehr froh, dass der Kurs vor Ort stattfinden konnte.
Zur Vorbereitung auf die Zertifizierung sehr zu empfehlen.
Nov 6, 2020
Great Scrum Coaching!
Jean-Piere and Alisa were great Scrum coaches who conveyed the content of the training in an understandable way, with examples and exercises.
Oct 20, 2020
nothing to add
nothing to add - all good
Jul 16, 2020
Due to Corona we had a very great interactive online course. It is not just sitting in front of you desk listening to the training. You are involved, solving tasks with your team and you can participate with an interactive online board.
Thank you.
Jul 16, 2020
Excellent PSM II class
The Professional Scrum Master II class was excellent. The contents, materials and agenda were very good organized. The Trainers perfectly qualified to transfer their knowledge. We were challenged to solve problems and could practice and ask a lot of questions. I am really happy, it was a good investment, it helped me clarify many things, it helped to prepare for the PSMII assessment and I came back to work with a lot of new ideas and motivation.
Jun 18, 2020
Praxisnahe und kurzweilige Schulung
Jean-Pierre hat in der dreitägigen online Schulung alle relevanten Informationen für die Arbeit als Scrum Master kurzweilig und praxisnah vermittelt. Vieles des erlernten kann sofort in der Praxis umgesetzt werden.
Nov 13, 2019
Very Good Scrum Training and good…
Very Good Scrum Training and good structured agenda for both days.
Nov 13, 2019
PSM Training
Excellent training with a lot of interaction!
Oct 23, 2019
Jean Pierre is a great teacher with a…
Jean Pierre is a great teacher with a deep understanding of scrum and the ability to transfer this knowledge also to people not familiar with the framework.
Oct 7, 2019
The class was very helpfull and offered a deeper understanding of several aspects. Furthermore the class provided helpfull Information with regard to the assessment.
Sep 17, 2019
Excellent PSM training
Excellent PSM training
Jul 29, 2019
PSM-1 Seminar with Jean Pierre Berchez
Very insightful seminar with a very logical structure. Cleared the doubts to the best extent possible.
Jun 26, 2019
The perfect combination of theoretical and practical input!
The course was highly informative since not only the theoretical scrum framework of scrum but also the background why each artifact is part of the framework and what is the purpose of it was discussed.
Thanks a lot for sharing the agile mindset and providing a lot of good working experience.
Jun 25, 2019
Praxisnah, anschaulich, abwechslungsreich!
Praxisnah, anschaulich, abwechslungsreich - es hat wirklich Spaß gemacht!
May 7, 2019
really good course
really good course, I enjoyed and can recommend this course.
May 2, 2019
Ein wirklich klasse Training
Ein wirklich klasse Training. Die Inhalte wurden super anschaulich vermittelt und die Trainer Jean Pierre und Peter verstanden es immer, auf unsere Fragen und Wünsche einzugehen.
Vielen Dank für die beiden tollen Tage ;)
Apr 3, 2019
great time
great time, great trainers, great learnings. thumbs up!
Mar 31, 2019
Great practical experience and a lot of…
Great practical experience and a lot of knowledge from a daily business perspective. It really helps not only me but my entire department to make Scrum a success story!
Mar 12, 2019
very helpful class
very helpful class, the subjects were explained in a very "hands on" way!
Feb 9, 2019
Great learning experience
Great learning experience!
Courses taught by Jean Pierre
Professional Scrum Master
Professional Scrum Master - Advanced
Professional Scrum Product Owner
Other Services by Jean Pierre
- Coaching/Consulting
- Private Courses
Upcoming Classes by Jean Pierre
See all upcoming classes
In Person
Date: Apr 2-3, 2025
Language: German
Class Format: Traditional
Stuttgart, Germany
In Person
Date: Apr 7-8, 2025
Language: German
Class Format: Traditional
Hamburg, Germany
In Person
Date: Apr 10-11, 2025
Language: German
Class Format: Traditional
Hamburg, Germany
In Person
Date: Apr 14-15, 2025
Language: German
Class Format: Traditional
Stuttgart, Germany
In Person
Date: Apr 28-29, 2025
Language: German
Class Format: Traditional
Stuttgart, Germany
Live Virtual
Date: May 5-6, 2025
Language: German
Class Format: Traditional
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Europe/Berlin
In Person
Date: May 12-13, 2025
Language: German
Class Format: Traditional
Stuttgart, Germany
In Person
Date: May 15-16, 2025
Language: German
Class Format: Traditional
Stuttgart, Germany
In Person
Date: May 19-20, 2025
Language: German
Class Format: Traditional
Stuttgart, Germany
Live Virtual
Date: May 26-28, 2025
Language: German
Class Format: Traditional
8:45 AM - 2:00 PM Europe/Berlin
In Person
Date: Jul 7-8, 2025
Language: German
Class Format: Traditional
Stuttgart, Germany
In Person
Date: Jul 16-17, 2025
Language: German
Class Format: Traditional
Stuttgart, Germany
Latest Blogs by Jean Pierre
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Scrum als Phrase ohne Substanz
Oft wird Scrum nur oberflächlich eingeführt: Meetings heißen plötzlich „Daily Scrum“, klassische Projektzyklen werden zu „Sprints“ umbenannt – aber inhaltlich bleibt alles beim Alten. Die Erwartung: Agilität soll die Geschwindigkeit und Effizienz steigern. Doch ohne eine echte Veränderung der Unternehmenskultur und Arbeitsweise bleibt Scrum ein leeres Versprechen.
Scrum, einer der führenden agilen Ansätze in der Softwareentwicklung, zeichnet sich durch seine strategische Unvollständigkeit aus. Diese bewusste Entscheidung ermöglicht Flexibilität und Anpassungsfähigkeit, wodurch Scrum zu einem dynamischen Rahmen für kontinuierliche Verbesserung wird.