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From Project Management to Product Management

June 18, 2024
In our recent episodes, we've explored Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) and its pivotal role in optimizing value delivery for both businesses and stakeholders. LPM shifts from the traditional Project-oriented management to more impactful Product-oriented management. In this episode, Jeff and Patrick discuss the key disparities between Project- and Product-mindsets, and why that is important for Agile delivery.
Blog Post

Delivering Value - Think Products, Not Projects

June 18, 2024
From our previous episode, you now know what Lean Portfolio Management is. The next question is: how do you maximize value with LPM to achieve your business objectives? Tune in to explore how Lean Portfolio Management uses products to deliver value.
Blog Post

What is Lean Portfolio Management?

June 18, 2024
How do you prioritize and allocate resources across various projects to ensure optimal outcomes? How do you ensure alignment between these outcomes and your organization's strategy and business objectives? Tune in to this episode to learn how Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) can help executives, project/product managers, PMO leaders, and key stakeholders bring the most value to business objectives.
Blog Post

Spikes are So... Ugh

June 17, 2024
I'm just going to say it. Most so-called 'spikes' do not belong on the Product Backlog. Learn more in this blog post from PST Mary Iqbal.

Speak Up to Lead: Why Public Speaking is Essential for Product Owners

June 17, 2024
While a variety of skills are needed to become a successful Product Owner—analytical skills, leadership qualities, creativity, problem-solving skills, strategic thinking, adaptability, and resilience—one key skill that is often overlooked is public speaking. This article from PST Joanna Plaskonka explores why public speaking is vital for Product Owners, Product Managers, and Product Leaders, and how it can be leveraged to achieve better outcomes.
Blog Post

Misurare gli obiettivi in Scrum

June 12, 2024
Misurare gli obiettivi in Scrum è necessario per capire se stiamo realmente massimizzando il valore del prodotto. Nell’articolo precedente, gli obiettivi in Scrum, abbiamo esplorato perché e come Product Goal e Sprint Goal forniscono focus e autonomia allo Scrum Team. Aiutandoci a concentrarci sul resultato voluto per l’utilizzatore, piuttosto che sulle funzionalità da implementare. In questo articolo vediamo perché è importante che questi obiettivi trasparenti siano ispezionati ed adattati a frequenze regolari… empirismo all’opera con gli obiettivi!
Blog Post

Complexity & Management Style

June 12, 2024
Predictive management and empirical management offer distinct approaches to handling complex work. Predictive management operates on the premise that the future course of work can be anticipated at the outset. Empirical management acknowledges that not everything about complex work can be known from the start.
Blog Post

Agile in Name Only

June 10, 2024
From boardrooms to water coolers, organizations across industries proudly tout their commitment to Agile principles and frameworks. However, for many companies, being "Agile" often masks a deeper reality: a lack of true Agile mindset and practices.
Blog Post

Redefining Agility: Evolving Your Operating Model as a Scrum Master

June 5, 2024
As a Scrum Master, it's time to rethink our approach to agility. Instead of forcing strategies into predefined frameworks, evolve your operating model to align with unique strategies and empower your teams. This fundamental shift creates a dynamic organization that continually evolves and improves. In this blog, I share seven steps to help you out.
Blog Post

¿Cómo triunfar con el Product Discovery?

June 3, 2024
En este artículo, el PST Alex Ballarin explica como el descubrimiento y la validación de las funcionalidades del producto ahorra mucho tiempo y dinero invertido en el desarrollo de funcionalidades innecesarias. También recomienda acciones concretas para integrar el descubrimiento y la validación de producto en Scrum.
Blog Post

Scrum và Solution Focused

June 1, 2024
Bạn có bao giờ gặp những tình huống nhóm của mình đang đối mặt với những khó khăn, hay vấn đề không thể lường trước được. Lúc đó, thay vì tập trung tìm kiếm giải pháp thì các thành viên lại quay sang tập trung vào việc tìm hiểu vấn đề đến từ đâu. Rồi vì tập trung vào những lý do của vấn đề, mọi người vô tình quay sang chỉ trích, trách móc lẫn nhau? Không khí căng thẳng lên, mọi người bắt đầu mâu thuẫn, cãi vã nổi lên trong nhiều giờ liền, trong khi vấn đề vẫn chưa được giải quyết? Câu chuyện này có thể là một câu chuyện không mới, mà nhiều khi còn là chuyện “bình thường ở huyện” của rất nhiều Scrum team.
Blog Post

Don’t Confuse Product-Level and Organizational Adaptability in Agile Organizations

May 31, 2024
In the Creating Agile Organizations prototype organization, semi-independent product groups and shared services coexist. Product groups are operationally coupled by shared services but functionally decoupled from each other, that is: actions by a product group does not negatively impact the ability of other product groups to achieve their function. This design ensures that product groups can make necessary changes without being negatively impacted by other groups. Understanding and implementing both product-level and organizational adaptability is crucial for modern agile organizations. By balancing tight and loose coupling appropriately, organizations can remain resilient, responsive, and competitive in ever-changing markets. This dual-level adaptability allows organizations to thrive by continuously optimizing value and enhancing the customer experience.
Blog Post

3 Signs Your Company Will Struggle with OKRs

May 31, 2024
OKRs can be an amazing tool for strategic alignment and improved results, but they can also be an incredible source of waste and confusion when poorly implemented. In this article we discuss 3 common signs that OKRs will generate a significant amount of overhead in your organisation.
Blog Post

The Move to Product Thinking is Gaining Momentum

May 29, 2024
Digital technology allows organizations to be more customer-centric by delivering more value to customers via faster time to market, improved data insights, and more innovative products. However, aligning with customers is only part of the story. Not only do you need to focus on customers, but you also need to consider their needs in the context of value, cost, governance, and culture. Customer opportunity is a crucial ingredient but in the context of something much more significant and complex. Product has become the container for this. Product thinking must take center stage to enable organizations to align better with outcomes and value. In this blog, we discuss why everyone is talking more and more about Product Thinking and how knowledge workers need to think about value in the digital age.
Blog Post

The Myth of Complete Foresight

May 28, 2024
Agile frameworks are used in complex environments where requirements and technology are ever-changing. It seems pretty unrealistic to think that we could envision all of the customer’s requirements upfront. And yet, that’s what many of those using a Waterfall approach to value delivery are trying to do.
Blog Post

アジャイルの旅ポッドキャスト S1E11: 大規模組織でのアジャイルの拡張

May 27, 2024
このポッドキャストでは、業界のエキスパートを特別ゲストとして迎え、アジャイルとスクラムの世界にふかく潜り込んでいきます。スクラム、DevOps、ユーザーエクスペリエンス、プロダクトマネージメント、コーチングなど、様々なトピックをカバーします。私、フォンテーヌグレゴリは、「アジャイルの旅」ポッドキャストのホストです。アジャイルコーチ、スクラムマスター、またはコンサルタントとして日本企業を支援しております。そして、Scrum.orgの認定プロフェッショナルスクラムトレーナーです。 今回のポッドキャストゲストは南島千春さん、エンタープライズアジャイルコーチです。過去にMetLifeとアクサ生命でアジャイル開発の導入を経験しています。このエピソードでは、大規模アジャイル導入の課題、信頼の築き方、及びアジャイルコーチの役割と選び方について深掘りします。
Blog Post

アジャイルの旅ポッドキャスト S1E10: PM vs SM、日系企業 vs 外資系企業

May 27, 2024
このポッドキャストでは、業界のエキスパートを特別ゲストとして迎え、アジャイルとスクラムの世界にふかく潜り込んでいきます。スクラム、DevOps、ユーザーエクスペリエンス、プロダクトマネージメント、コーチングなど、様々なトピックをカバーします。私、フォンテーヌグレゴリは、「アジャイルの旅」ポッドキャストのホストです。アジャイルコーチ、スクラムマスター、またはコンサルタントとして日本企業を支援しております。そして、Scrum.orgの認定プロフェッショナルスクラムトレーナーです。 今回のポッドキャストでは、大園佳那さんがゲストで、新設会社Hoshinoteでプロジェクトマネージャー兼スクラムマスターとして活躍中です。経験豊富で、Scrum.orgのPSPO IIとPSM II認定も持っています。エピソードではアジャイル開発との出会い、その魅力、日系企業と外資系企業の文化の違い、SM/PMの役割による姿勢の違い、Scrum.orgの特徴について語っています。
Blog Post

How Can OKRs Empower the Scrum Teams?

May 27, 2024
In this article, PST Alex Ballarin discusses how OKRs align teams with strategy, moving away from the IT services model. They provide clarity and direction for Product Owners and foster transparency with stakeholders. OKRs promote a results-oriented team approach, reduce hierarchies, and give teams autonomy to challenge non-strategic requests, improving learning and planning.