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Blog Post

Building Resilient Teams

March 9, 2020
Research suggests that reaching true mastery of a field requires 10,000 hours of deliberate practice. What exactly is needed to grow passion and perseverance to endure such an effort?
Blog Post

32 Scrum Stakeholder Anti-Patterns

March 2, 2020
Learn how individual incentives and outdated organizational structures — fostering personal agendas and local optimization efforts — manifest themselves in Scrum stakeholder anti-patterns which easily can impede any agile transition.
Blog Post

Emergence in Scrum

March 2, 2020
This Vlog looks at the topic of Emergence from its definition as a word and application in the natural environment. Emergence in Scrum is a key principle to delivery.
Blog Post

Scrum Infinity Stones

February 15, 2020
For those of you who are big fans of Marvel Cinematic Universe comics or who have watched the latest Avengers: End Game movie might know that Thanos (supervillain) wanted to possess all 6 infinity stones so that he would be unstoppable and could gain control over the entire universe.
Blog Post

How Can we Apply Systemic Thinking in our Agile Coaching?

February 11, 2020
This post reflects on a workshop, in which we will observe four systemic thinking perspectives. After reading you will have an insight into constellation work and how it can be utilized to incorporate the four key systemic thinking perspectives into your own agile team coaching workshop design.
Blog Post

Change to Have a Chance

February 10, 2020
People often think that persistence or not giving up will bring them to success. However, looking back to your past, how many times you tried, but did not get a good result?
Blog Post

Technical Debt for Product Owners

February 10, 2020
Technical debt seems like a topic that resides completely in the domain of a Development Team. They are responsible for delivering a potentially releasable Increment after all. But might there be more to it for a Product Owner?