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Blog Post

Is the Outcome of Your Meeting to Schedule Another Meeting?

August 31, 2020
When I ask this rhetorical question in a training class or a coaching call, I often get knowing smiles and uncomfortable laughs. This problem shows up in Scrum Teams, and it shows up well beyond Scrum Teams.  In this post, we will explore the 3 common challenges that lead us to end a meeting with the action item to schedule another meeting.
Blog Post

How To Become An Effective Agile Manager

August 26, 2020
What is the biggest mistake managers make as they transition from a traditional command and control culture to an agile culture based on Servant Leadership and Self-Organization? What is the single most important adjustment needed in an Agile manager's focus?
Blog Post

🇫🇷 5 - Evénements Scrum : Sprint Planning

August 24, 2020
Le Sprint Planning est le premier évènement d'un Sprint. Son objectif est de collaborer à la planification du travail à effectuer durant le Sprint. C'est un timebox de 8 heures pour un Sprint d'un mois, proportionnellement moins pour un Sprint plus court. Toute la Scrum Team y participe.
Blog Post

Vodafone New Zealand's Agile Transformation Case Study

August 21, 2020
In late 2018, Vodafone New Zealand set out to improve its customer experience by adopting a ‘digital first’ mindset. Investing in agile would underpin this approach by introducing ways of working that reduce complexity, improve collaboration and bring the customer to the forefront of each decision.
Blog Post

Neue Unternehmenskultur — Weshalb?

August 14, 2020
Angesichts des Hypes um Agilität, Business Agility und „New Work“ höre ich aus Unternehmen häufig: „Wir brauchen eine neue Kultur!“ Dieser Ausruf wird dann von Consultants gekontert mit dem Allgemeinplatz: „Kultur kann man nicht machen. Kultur entsteht!“ Wie aber entsteht diese Kultur? Und weshalb ergibt eine Kulturveränderung auch ökonomisch Sinn für ein Unternehmen? In diesem Artikel möchte ich aufzeigen, wie Unternehmens-kultur sich ändert und weshalb das durchaus auch ökonomisch Sinn ergibt.
Blog Post

Agilidade nos negócios no século XXI

August 10, 2020
Desde a Revolução Industrial, o aumento da concorrência levou os negócios a estratégias que preservam e expandem sua participação no mercado. Mais de 100 anos atrás, Henry Ford, revolucionou a produtividade industrial com sua tecnologia de linha de montagem. Com o tempo, inúmeros outros aprimoraram, encontrando maneiras de se adaptar e mudar para sempre o ‘status quo‘.
Blog Post

Focus on Steps, not Leaps

July 29, 2020
We often try to make massive change once we realize something isn't right and this doesn't normally go so well. When it comes to making progress everyone wants to LEAP; take BIGGER steps.