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YDS: How Does a Scrum Team Build Trust?

March 2, 2021

On today’s episode of YOUR DAILY SCRUM: How Does A Scrum Team Build Trust? Today's question asks us to take a look at how a Scrum Team builds trust with stakeholders, your product owner, and the organization. Todd and Ryan discuss the only way that they have found to build trust: DELIVER! What is your favorite way to help your Scrum Team build trust? Let us know in the comments! This is one of those scrum master interview questions that force us to adopt an agile mindset in order to answer correctly. Whether you're an agile coach or scrum master, the connection between trust and delivery must be well understood. This is the type of thing you may not learn during your scrum master certification class, so stay tuned!

Ryan Ripley and Todd Miller are the author of Fixing Your Scrum: Practical Solutions to Common Scrum Problems. They are the co-founders of Agile for Humans, the premiere Scrum and Kanban training organization.

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