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Lo que importa en Scrum

November 9, 2020
Lo que importa en Scrum es la entrega de valor, mejorar los resultados de negocio, mejorar el impacto en los clientes, lograr el objetivo del producto, producir productos innovadores con una calidad que ayude a los clientes a resolver sus problemas y necesidades.
Blog Post

The Sprint Planning Checklist

November 9, 2020
A Sprint Planning checklist? How dare you: Agile is a mindset, not a methodology. It is a journey, not a destination. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, and what else could you possibly cover with a checklist, the mother of all standardized processes?
Blog Post
| Leslie Morse

How Agile Coaching Plays a Role in Unlocking the Future of Work

October 28, 2020
In Leslie Morse's first blog post she explores the intersection of professional coaching and agile coaching, and the opportunity we have as agilists to overcome the limitations of an industrialized mindset and create space for ushering in the future of work.

Equipo Multifuncional

October 28, 2020
Un Equipo de Desarrollo en Scrum no tiene sub equipos, roles o títulos. En el equipo pueden y es bueno que existan especialistas como expertos en pruebas, desarrollo, arquitectura, etc. Pero estos especialistas aportan para que el equipo pueda lograr el objetivo del Sprint y del producto como equipo complementando sus competencias.
Blog Post

[VLOG] Intro to Scrum For Execs

October 26, 2020
On the 25th birthday of Scrum, I have a free gift for all Scrum practitioners... Do you know any Executive who is willing to spend 15 minutes to save 15% or more on the cost of their company's Scrum adoption...? ;)
Blog Post

Why Agile Transformations Sometimes Fail

October 18, 2020
Based on my experience working in agile environments since 2010, I did some research and had general observations on the topic. Regardless of the business domains or product area, there are some common rules that may devastate your efforts toward agility.
Blog Post

Learn to Transition

October 15, 2020
With the Covid 19 pandemic, I really struggled big time to create the boundary between my work life and personal life. Day by day, that boundary was getting thin. There were lofty overlaps and I sucked at creating the balance.
Blog Post

Christmas Wish List

October 7, 2020
The days are getting shorter and colder. Summer is over and winter is coming. Some people are already thinking about the holidays and the preparations for it. Soon children will have their Christmas wish list ready. The wish lists my children created were always a combination of text and pictures; every item on the list contained a name, a picture, information where to buy it and how much it costs. They did everything to increase the chance of getting these presents and especially getting the right presents.
Blog Post

Scrum Master: Contract your Team!

October 5, 2020
In this blog series I would like to address topics that relate to professional team coaching as well as Professional Scrum. In the course of becoming a Professional Team Coach, I noticed a lot of interesting topics for Scrum Masters who want to improve their coaching stance.
Blog Post

Agile Procurement Survey

September 29, 2020
"Becoming Agile" has been the focus of many organisations for a number of years. 2020 has created a new sense of urgency with a number of factors creating increasing demand for quicker responses.
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