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Blog Post

OKRs: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

November 24, 2020
OKRs are a powerful tool for setting and measuring goals, but like all power tools, they can become dangerous in unskilled hands. When used in informed ways, they can improve focus and lift outcomes, but when mishandled, they can increase waste and inflict real damage upon the organizations that adopt them.
Blog Post

The Scrum Guide 2020 Reordered

November 24, 2020
The Scrum Guide Reordered 2020 is based on about 95 percent of the text of the Scrum Guide 2020, extending its original structure by adding additional categories, for example, on self-management, commitments, or accountability.
Blog Post

A Home for Product Goal, Definition of Done, and Sprint Goal

November 19, 2020
In the 2020 Version of the Scrum Guide, the commitments were introduced for each artifact. These then became an element of Scrum; in that they need to be used to gain the maximum value that the Scrum Framework offers. They were always part of a Professional Scrum approach, now there is a clear connection of these commitments to the artifacts. They increase transparency, and the focussed delivery of Value. Each of the commitments now clearly support and sustain an artifact.
Blog Post

Scrum Guide 2020 Update - What has been removed

November 18, 2020
Scrum is described as a framework, not a methodology. The Scrum Guide provides just enough prescription to allow Scrum to work and encourages its ‘users’ to be smart, adding practices and other things specific to them on top of the framework as needed to form their process.
Blog Post

Scrum Guide 2020 Update - Role to Accountabilities

November 18, 2020
With the 2020 release of the Scrum Guide, the term role was replaced with accountabilities. The purpose of this change was to place special emphasis that this is not a job description, but the bare minimum set of accountabilities necessary to execute Scrum. The blog describes how these accountabilities are split into 3 groups.
Blog Post

Scrum Guide 2020 Update - Commitments

November 18, 2020
With the 2020 release of the Scrum Guide, Commitments were added for each artifact. The commitments provide a nice, structural way to describe some of the key characteristics of each artifact. The intent of this change was to provide clarity and make the Scrum Guide simpler to read and use.
Blog Post

Scrum Guide 2020 Update - Introducing the Product Goal

November 18, 2020
With the 2020 update to the Scrum Guide, three commitments were added to the artifacts. The idea of a commitment is to provide additional quality to the artifact to improve transparency. In the case of Product Backlog, the commitment is to the Product Goal. 
Blog Post

Why, What, How - Sprint Planning

November 18, 2020
In the 2020 update of the Scrum Guide, the Sprint Planning section has had a very welcome update. Every part of Scrum has a purpose, a reason to why it's included in the framework, and this update made the purpose - raison d'etre - of the Sprint Planning clearer. Let's see how!
Blog Post

Was ist neu im Scrum Guide 2020 Update? (7 Dinge, die Du unbedingt wissen solltest)

November 18, 2020
Heute, am 18. November 2020, pünktlich zum 25. Geburtstag von Scrum, haben Ken Schwaber und Jeff Sutherland den Scrum Guide aktualisiert.  Um eines gleich vorwegzunehmen: Scrum bleibt Scrum. Ein einfaches Rahmenwerk, welches es Teams ermöglicht, mit der Arbeit an komplexen Problemen zu beginnen. Und der Scrum Guide 2020 ändert daran nichts.  Einige Dinge sind jedoch neu und denen widmen wir uns jetzt. 
Blog Post

Product Goal

November 18, 2020
One of the more challenging aspects of Product Management is to create a tangible relationship between the work we do today and the business strategy. Product Goals are an often overlooked mechanism that can help you in this area.
Blog Post

What Agility Really is About

November 16, 2020
This blog provides 15 tips to improve your agility in a complex world constantly changing as technological advances are driving globalization, changing our environment and influencing society which in turn calls for new solutions to these challenges.

Lo que importa en Scrum

November 9, 2020
Lo que importa en Scrum es la entrega de valor, mejorar los resultados de negocio, mejorar el impacto en los clientes, lograr el objetivo del producto, producir productos innovadores con una calidad que ayude a los clientes a resolver sus problemas y necesidades.
Blog Post

The Sprint Planning Checklist

November 9, 2020
A Sprint Planning checklist? How dare you: Agile is a mindset, not a methodology. It is a journey, not a destination. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, and what else could you possibly cover with a checklist, the mother of all standardized processes?
Blog Post
| Leslie Morse

How Agile Coaching Plays a Role in Unlocking the Future of Work

October 28, 2020
In Leslie Morse's first blog post she explores the intersection of professional coaching and agile coaching, and the opportunity we have as agilists to overcome the limitations of an industrialized mindset and create space for ushering in the future of work.

Equipo Multifuncional

October 28, 2020
Un Equipo de Desarrollo en Scrum no tiene sub equipos, roles o títulos. En el equipo pueden y es bueno que existan especialistas como expertos en pruebas, desarrollo, arquitectura, etc. Pero estos especialistas aportan para que el equipo pueda lograr el objetivo del Sprint y del producto como equipo complementando sus competencias.
Blog Post

[VLOG] Intro to Scrum For Execs

October 26, 2020
On the 25th birthday of Scrum, I have a free gift for all Scrum practitioners... Do you know any Executive who is willing to spend 15 minutes to save 15% or more on the cost of their company's Scrum adoption...? ;)