Peter Götz
- German
- English
What students say about PeterMar 24, 2025
Absolut erfahrene Trainer nicht nur in…
Absolut erfahrene Trainer nicht nur in Scrum-Methodik, sondern auch in Schulungsmethodik.
Kein Frontalunterricht, sondern Case-Studies die es den Lernenden ermöglichen, durch aktive Beteiligung und Erleben zu lernen.
Und ganz nebenbei auch unterhaltsame Pausen ;-)
Lucia Riesterer
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Mar 20, 2025
Beide Trainer waren sehr inspirierend, haben einen gechallabgend und zum nachdenken gebracht. Ich habe neue Impulse mitgenommen und kann es nur wärmstens empfehlen
Cornelia Hermanns
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Mar 18, 2025
Great Input about Product Mindset
Great Input about Value-Driven Development and the Product Mindset
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Mar 17, 2025
Great Atmosphere and nice tasks and…
Great Atmosphere and nice tasks and examples to learn or refresh Scrum rules and Product Owning Skills. I never had the feeling some questions I asked would be dumb or shall be clear for somebody who participates the class.
Oliver Gajewski
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Feb 24, 2025
Absolute Empfehlung
Absolute Empfehlung. Für den klassischen Entwickler vermutlich erstmal ein Schritt aus der Komfortzone, aber genau das ist notwendig, um die Inhalte in kürzester Zeit zu vermitteln, und genau das wird erreicht. Wer sich auf das Training einlässt, kann definitiv etwas für sein Team mitnehmen. Pluspunkte für das Essen.
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Feb 6, 2025
Co-Moderation is useful and fun!
Co-Moderation is useful and fun!
Josefine Henkel
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Feb 5, 2025
Sehr gut
Sehr gut! Ich kann diesen Kurs nur empfehlen!
Mattia Marchesini
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Jan 30, 2025
Engaging and Impactful Training with Real-World Applications
Overall, the training was highly effective, combining well-structured content with interactive methodologies. The trainers' ability to deliver material clearly, coupled with the use of pertinent case studies and team-based activities, made the learning experience both engaging and impactful.
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Dec 9, 2024
Der PSPO-A Kurs im Brauhaus München
Der PSPO-A Kurs im Brauhaus München, geleitet von Peter und Simon, war eine tolle Erfahrung. Die Coaches schufen eine angenehme Lernatmosphäre und motivierten uns, aus unserer Komfortzone herauszutreten. Der Kurs vermittelte mehr Methodenwissen, als ich erwartet hatte. Absolut empfehlenswert für alle, die Inspiration für ihre Tätigkeit als Product Owner suchen!
Daniel Boldt
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Nov 18, 2024
new level as a PO
The course took me to a new level as a product owner. Thank you for the exciting content and the structured presentation.
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Nov 16, 2024
Very good training
Peter Goetz is a very good trainer, he has a lot of experience and is very professional in Scrum and programming. Very good trainig!
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Nov 12, 2024
On my jouney to PSPO1
Thx to Peter for great two days and many new Insights. Finally Im now certified as PSPO1. 😃
Peter Leuschner
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Nov 10, 2024
Excellent training to get more effective as Scrum PO
This is an excellent training if you seek to strengthen your abilities and become more effective in acting as a Scrum Product Owner. It will provide you with a useful model on the stances you need to take as a professional Product Owner AND with a lot of know-how and tools that you will directly apply throughout the training. Passing the assessment for certification will need practical experience or additional learning though.
In my case, the on-site training in Munich was delivered by a team of trainers that was as competent as it was fun and that focused on creating a lot of space to practice and learn in a diverse group of interesting fellow participants.
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Oct 31, 2024
PSPO II - das Experiment
Es waren 2 sehr interessante Tage. Es lohnt sich auf jedenfall. Super nette Dozenten mit viel Ahnung. Gute und praxisnahe Beispiele, sowie eine top Organisation der Veranstaltung. Vielen Dank
Oct 28, 2024
Motivating and inspiring
Great course with lots of practical work and examples from two experienced trainers.
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Oct 27, 2024
Kurzweilig und informativ
Peter und Simon haben uns einen sehr guten Überblick über die Stances des Product Owners und damit verbundenen Methoden gegeben. Durch die vielen Übungen war es sehr kurzweilig.
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Sep 27, 2024
Gute KnowHow Vermittlung
Peter vermittelt sehr gut, wie man sich in die Lage eines Product Owners hineinversetzen kann. Insgesamt war es eine sehr gute Erfahrung. Mit einem zusätzlichen Aufwand im Eigenstudium habe ich die PSPOI Prüfung direkt beim ersten mal bestanden.
The Hung Pham
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Sep 26, 2024
Great hands on Scrum Training
Granted it was my first training, so I lack comparisons, but I found the training to be very engaging and I learned a lot.
Dustin Zimmermann
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Sep 23, 2024
Best Class ever
The interaction and the trainer were the best I have ever experienced.
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Aug 2, 2024
very helpful trainer
very helpful trainer
he was also available after the actual training course
and helped me out on a concrete problem i had.
was very responsive and supportive.
the training course itself was well organized and had all one expects from such a training, like clear agenda, open for questions, good preparation for the assessment, good material, etc.
had everything you could ask for.
Matthias Egger
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Jul 29, 2024
Excellent training with Peter Götz
Excellent training that imparts knowledge for Product Owners beyond the Scrum Guide. Peter is a great trainer who illustrates the knowledge with examples and his own experience. Gladly again!
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Jul 28, 2024
Great story telling
Great story telling, less digital uses media, many examples from real world and a lot of space to share experience with others. Nice atmosphere and good time keeping
Jonas Schilling
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Jul 26, 2024
Fully met my expectations.
Again, Peter did a wonderful job here. Preparation and supporting material was perfectly matching the agenda content.
Jochen Maletschek
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Jul 2, 2024
Toller Kurs, aufmerksamer Dozent
Toller Kurs, spannende Themen, die mich beruflich wirklich weiterbringen! Dazu noch ein aufmerksamer Kursleiter, der immer merkt, wenn das Plenum mal Bewegung, ein Päuschen oder eine Diskussion braucht. Einfach klasse! (Und das sage ich nicht über jeden Weiterbildungskurs!)
Nora Leszak
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Jul 1, 2024
Es war interaktiv und auf die…
Es war interaktiv und auf die Anforderungen der Teilnehmer wurde gut eingegangen. Dazu war es praxisnah.
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Jun 17, 2024
Peter was a very good "trainer" in all…
Peter was a very good "trainer" in all aspects of the course.
Rui Ribeiro
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Jun 17, 2024
Peter Götz was a highly capable trainer…
Peter Götz was a highly capable trainer and he kept everybody in the circle throughout the course.
Aytekin Bilici
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Jun 14, 2024
Great teacher with a lot of competence
Great teacher with a lot of competence! The training was fun. Thanks a lot!
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May 20, 2024
Great Training
The trainer was great, both personally and professionally. The training was a lot of fun and I was able to take away a lot of information and ideas.
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May 9, 2024
Great, authentic training
Peter Götz is a great, authentic trainer. When he talks about scrum, you really believe that it works. He shows a lot of examples, The training was very intensive, but at no time boring. I took a lot out of it. Thanks
Kathrin Stechele
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May 2, 2024
Die Praxisnahe Stoffvermittlung entlang…
Die Praxisnahe Stoffvermittlung entlang der Case Study bietet eine super Möglichkeit sich der Product Owner Rolle auf einer tolle Weise zu nähern. Besonders das Auswählen von situationsabhängigen Metriken und Werkzeugen werde ich nun in meinem Unternehmen intensiviert angehen. Danke an Peter & Simon für das angenehmen und konstruktiven Umfeld!
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May 1, 2024
I learned a lot
It totally recommand this course. It has been a great experience to work with other Product Owner roles on a case study. On a very practical and learning-by-doing approach, I could enhance my skillset to get the best out of the different Stances of Product Ownership. The course teached my having focus on EBM and those Stances in mind (beyond SCRUM) to get the most value for customers and organization.
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Apr 26, 2024
Product Owner Stances
Peter and Simon offered again n a training experience to me. They created an immersive training where all participants are involved in working out in small batches the tasks of an Professional Product Owner. It's not getting boring and you will be 100% participating in this training.
Bastian Kröckel
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Apr 26, 2024
PO Advanced review
The experience was great because of the combination of short introduction of concepts and methods, followed by practical exercices.
In addition Peter shares bis profound knowledge with concise examples.
Matti Peez
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Apr 25, 2024
Both trainers know how to make you draw…
Both trainers know how to make you draw your conclusions from what you already learned and do it in such a lighthearted way that you have fun while wracking your brain. Great overall experience.
Sebastian Schmidt;
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Apr 21, 2024
Scaling Scrum Done Right
I have been working with Scrum for several years and am an experienced practitioner and servant leader for my Scrum teams. However, I have always been interested in scaling Scrum for multiple teams. I have experience using no scaling up to SAFe in practice, but especially SAFe felt more like a waterfall with an agile coating.
Therefore, I became interested in Nexus, which Scrum.org recommends. I joined a course in Munich offered by Simon Flossmann and Peter Götz. The experience was great: the sessions were interactive, and both trainers knew the framework inside and out. The trainers clarified all of my questions, and we had fun discussions about the framework and agility in general. During the two-day course, I had hands-on learning while paying attention to the theory. The official Scrum exam was a breeze after completing the training.
Moreover, the training took place in a Bavarian Inn, and we had coffee, lunch, and beer afterward.
Overall, it was an excellent experience that I highly recommend, both for the trainers and the location.
Michael Strobel
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Apr 16, 2024
Scaled Professional Scrum class with Simon and Peter
Great location, experienced trainers, and many practical exercises in small teams. Highly recommended.
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Mar 18, 2024
Excellent Course
Excellent Course! The course content is conveyed clearly, interestingly and, where appropriate, with teamwork - exciting and very instructive days!
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Mar 8, 2024
Enriching Experience
The course provided comprehensive insights into the role of the Scrum Product owner as well as the fundamentals of the Scrum framework.
Negar Hajijalili
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Feb 2, 2024
Great experience
Well structured so we got time to dive into individual questions or problems.
Very entertaining classic as well. I learned a lot and had a great time.
Simran Stadler
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Jan 28, 2024
Gerne wieder
Eine sehr gute Schulung, toller Praxisbezug und Peter als Trainer ist super auf unsere Bedürfnisse eingegangen.
Dominik Hauff
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Jan 19, 2024
Great, Professional and funny course!
Mattia Marchesini
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Dec 25, 2023
interesting training for new POs
interesting training for new POs
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Nov 7, 2023
Professionelles Scrum Product Owner Training
Excellent training with a very competent yet also entertaining trainer.
Steffen Schmid
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Nov 2, 2023
So far I remember it was an excellent…
So far I remember it was an excellent training but because I came with 0 experience with scrum it was maybe too fast.
Michaël Voegel
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Oct 21, 2023
An inspiring experience
The trainer impresses with his competence, wide experience and his confident, very likeable demeanor.
He embodies what he says and inspires participation.
On the one hand, he manages to confidently follow his clearly structured concept, but on the other hand, he also responds spontaneously, flexibly and with great attention to questions and feedback from the group.
He conveys the course content clearly and concisely both in words and via visualization on a flipchart and pin board.
The course was a great experience, which makes it easy for me to remember the many valuable insights as I continue my journey as a Product Owner.
Thanks a lot!
Peter Och
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Oct 9, 2023
It has been a great course
It has been a great course. Specially the short group work timings.
Markus Müller
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Oct 6, 2023
Very good content with many discussion…
Very good content with many discussion and good explanations.
Peter Borgolte
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Oct 5, 2023
Fantastic trainers
Good mix of theory and practical examples. Very sympathetic trainers.
Jan Wolter
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Sep 25, 2023
Very interactive
Very interactive, challenging but fun
Vivien H
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Sep 7, 2023
The Insider Lecturer
The lecturer had a lot of insider knowledge and was able to present the developments and the current status of Scrum very well.
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Aug 9, 2023
New ideas to solve old problems
In participating PSPO-Advanced class, I have learnt a lot and sharpened my understanding of product owner roles and stances as well as found many new tools in the product owner toolkit. If Peter or Simon are teaching, you should be there.
Elisabeth Griesbacher
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Aug 6, 2023
Great atmosphere to learn and grow
Great atmosphere to learn and grow
The two day workshop offered alot of opportunities to test and prove my skills, gain confidence in the methods and experiment with different tools and approaches.
Lovely coaching and the great group made this a valuable experience.
Johannes Kalwa
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Jul 29, 2023
Intense and sympathetic
The two trainers were able to give important impulses. Due to the pleasant and open culture, I was able to respond to these impulses or think further for myself. The exchange with the participants was helpful. Simon's acting as Dave added a sympathetic touch.
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Jul 27, 2023
DANKE!!! Kompetente Trainer, praxisnahe Gestaltung und wertvolle Impulse
Das Trainingserlebnis war außergewöhnlich und hat meine Erwartungen übertroffen. Simon Flossmann und Peter Götz waren äußerst kompetent und engagiert bei der Sache. Im Pairing haben sich die Beiden wunderbar ergänzt. Sie haben von Beginn an eine Lernatmosphäre geschaffen, die es mir leicht gemacht hat, offene Fragen zu stellen und mit Spaß an die Gruppenarbeiten zu gehen. Besonders beeindruckt hat mich die praxisnahe Gestaltung des Trainings. Zahlreiche, echte Fallbeispiele aus den Erfahrungen der Trainer und Teilnehmer, fiel es mir leichter, den Bezug zwischen Theorie und Praxis herzustellen. Als Teilnehmer haben wir viele Angebote zum Üben bekommen. Ein echter Mehrwert! Das beste Anzeichen für ein wirklich gutes Training ist es, wenn mir schon im Training die Ideen sprießen, wie ich die Inhalte anwenden kann. Insbesondere Priorisierung des Backlogs und zum Umgang mit Stakeholdern habe ich wertvolle Impulse bekommen, die ich gleich am nächsten Tag in meine Arbeit einfließen lassen habe.
Maria Kühn
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Jul 27, 2023
This training was great!
I have done the Product Owner Advanced training (2days). Overall it was great! I have learned a lot, I had fun during the training and I really enjoyed the group work. The practical examples from the trainers Simon and Peter were helpful. They have created a great learning atmosphere. Location and food was also good chosen. I definetly would recommend it!
Herr Alexander Marx
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Jul 24, 2023
Product Owner Course by Peter Götz - great experience
The course content was communicated in an understandable, structured and entertaining manner. The organization was great too. Many thanks to Peter for this very good insight into the work of the product owner.
Peter Treutler
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Jun 21, 2023
Great coach
Great coach, consistent training, helpful excercises
Thomas Kopp
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Jun 20, 2023
Sehr didaktische Schulung
Sehr didaktische Schulung, mit praktischen und lehrreichen Beispielen aus dem Berufsfeld.
Habe ich sehr genosssen und würde ich noch mal besuchen!
Vielen Dank
Roy Welton
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May 2, 2023
Professional and entertaining
Very professional and yet highly entertaining training given by Peter and Marc. I can recommend the training even when you are already a PO. A lot of real life examples.
Philipp Rumler
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Apr 27, 2023
Herausragendes SPS Training mit Peter und Simon
Letzte Woche durfte ich mein Scaled Professional Scrum Training bei Peter Götz und Simon Flossmann machen. Das Training hat die theoretischen Grundlagen anhand vieler hilfreicher Beispiele und Übungen zum Leben erweckt und einen sehr guten Einblick in den Praxiseinsatz ermöglicht. Vielen Dank euch beiden und den anderen Teilnehmern, die die beiden Tage wie im Flug haben vergehen lassen. Absolute Empfehlung!
Christian Hartl
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Apr 26, 2023
Very very great class with very good trainers.
The trainers of this class make it to a real great
experience and a great event. I learnd a lot and it was in addition really nice
Björn Bergmann
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Apr 25, 2023
Hilfreiches Training mit kompetenten Trainern!
Absolute Empfehlung! Das Training war sehr interaktiv, wodurch keine Langeweile entsteht. Besonders wertvoll fand ich die Simulation der zusätzlichen Events bei Nexus. Also wie verläuft das Nexus Sprint Planning, das Cross-Team Refinement und die Nexus Sprint Retrospective. Simon und Peter konnten viele hilfreiche Beispiele aus der Praxis einbringen und haben ausführlich und kompetent individuelle Fragen beantwortet.
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Apr 11, 2023
Nice experience
The teacher was one of a kind and the course all in all has been excellent.
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Mar 29, 2023
Great experience
Daniel was smart, he brought the content across very well, he created a good bridge between theory and practice and it was fun.
Patrick Klinger
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Mar 27, 2023
My experience from the PSPO seminar
Trainer was very well prepared.
Friendly atmosphere.
Nice participants.
Good interchange of experiences of participants.
Jochen Maletschek
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Mar 6, 2023
very proffesinal training
very proffesinal training , I recommend it
Ahmad Firas Shaar
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Mar 6, 2023
Peter seems to know about scrum. The day 2 is filled too much, it becomes a little boring. The training is like to generic to me. The problems and cases are not so specific.
Pedro Duarte
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Mar 4, 2023
New way of thinking
Training Session make to understand what is scrum an d its implementation in SD and expalined each role responsibilities ,attitude towards sprint goal, the better way to accomplish it.
Ravi Kumar Kakarla
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Feb 17, 2023
This helped me a lot to understand my…
This helped me a lot to understand my work environment.
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Feb 17, 2023
Great course with experienced Trainers
the practical exercises and the "from real (business) life experiences" of the trainers
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Feb 2, 2023
Super hilfreich - vielen Dank!
Super Kurs! Vielen Dank Peter für die zwei informativen und spannenden Tage! Ich habe sehr viel gelernt und bereits in meinen Arbeitsalltag integriert!
Dank vieler Beispiele aus der Praxis und ausführlicher Beantwortung individueller Fragen konnte ich sehr viel mitnehmen! Vielen Dank nochmal - vielleicht sieht man sich ja mal wieder bei einem nächsten Kurs :-)
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Jan 17, 2023
PSPO I course is stimulating
I appreciate the knowledgeable trainer, the lively discussion in class and the PSPO materials' quality.
Eva Krummenauer
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Dec 28, 2022
Great Training in Munich
The trainers were very motivated and the training was very vivid.
Oscar Hurek
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Nov 28, 2022
Very high interactive, hands on share
Very high interactive share with many group exercises to internalise the problem solving approaches and tools to successfully manage a nexus.
Uwe Pilz
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Nov 28, 2022
Amazing and constructive course
Amazing and constructive course. Thanks a lot Peter for your time, pacience and for sharing your knowledge.
The course were really dynamic and practical, not only theorical. Comparable with real life experiences in work-life.
Lucas Dos Santos Souza
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Nov 27, 2022
I liked the many interactive exercises
I liked the many interactive exercises. Simon and Peter complemented each other well in their knowledge and experience. I can recommend this course for scaling your product.
Christian Packi
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Nov 16, 2022
Zusammenspiel von Scrum und Nexus interaktiv lernen
Das Training war sehr interessant und die Trainer absolut kompetent. Es wurde auf alle Fragen ausführlich eingegangen und hilfreiche Praxistipps gegeben. Ich als ziemlicher Scrum und Nexus Neuling konnte einige interessante Themen mitnehmen. Besonders lehreich zur Skalierung von Scrum mit Nexus war das Arbeiten in kleinen Gruppen anhand etlicher Beispiele und die Interaktion des Trainings.
Julia Urmann
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Nov 9, 2022
Great experience
Great explanations, very empathic und a trainer with a good feel for the group. detailed with a nice pace and always tried to keep us focused
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Oct 5, 2022
Perfect class.
Felix Müller
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Oct 1, 2022
very practical and interactive training
I attended peter`s classes from 28th to 30th September his way of training is outstanding he clears each and every doubts very practical and interactive approach of training
Sharib Rizwan
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Sep 30, 2022
Informative and nice SCRUM PO training
The SCRUM Product Owner training with Peter was really great. There was a good balance between information provided by the trainer and self-learning parts combined with exercises. I can totally recommend this training 👍
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Jul 9, 2022
Super Mix aus Theorie und Praxis
Super Mix aus Theorie, praktischen Beispielen und Übungen. Coole Vorstellungsrunde und Intro zum Reinkommen und warm werden. Wertschätzender Umgang, Kursinhalte werden individuell auf Wünsche angepasst. Sehr gute Prüfungsvorbereitung.
Franz Dietrich
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Jul 6, 2022
Great in-person experience in Vienna
Great in-person experience in Vienna. Big THANKS to Peter and Marc who guided us through the topics and shared their experiences and also thanks to our nice hosts Veronika and Ralph.
Miodrag I.
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Jun 24, 2022
Really had a lot of mind blowing and…
Really had a lot of mind blowing and insightful moments. Great lecturer with hands on examples and patience for all our questions. I also had fun which makes it a lot easier to learn and to discuss.
Jerome Mond
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Jun 10, 2022
Peter is a nice teacher
Peter is a nice teacher, learned the Nexus way
hans Kroes
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May 24, 2022
Inspiring and funny atmosphere with…
Inspiring and funny atmosphere with hands-on training methods in a great location.
Tom Winkelmann
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May 24, 2022
Excellent coach
Peter is an excellent coach with a lot of experience in many agile products as scrum master, product owner and developer.
Learned a lot of best practises and received best preparation for assessment without any PPT slide...
Thanks a lot Peter for this unforgottable days in Munich!
Thumbs up!
Timo Kihn
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May 14, 2022
Sehr guter Kurs!
Sehr guter Kurs!
Der Kurs war zwar klein aber oho! Peter konnte uns an beiden Tagen alle Fragen beantworten, wir hatten gute Diskussionen und jede Menge Informationen & Tipps, die jetzt angewendet werden wollen :) Ich kann den Kurs Professional Scrum with Kanban für alle empfehlen!
Claudia Klahn
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Apr 20, 2022
Peter brought to us what I believe was…
Peter brought to us what I believe was my best experience ever thus far in terms of training.
He's engaging, challenging and no BS in just the right amount.
The material wasn't bulky and the practical exercises were just the right amount of right to validate the teachings.
Pedro Sousa
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Apr 14, 2022
Just amazing
Just amazing. Great content and a great way to explain the content.
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Apr 14, 2022
Understandable training
- very well structure
- easy to understanding
- very good examples
- every question was answered
Jorge Arturo Quispe Criollo
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Feb 25, 2022
Peter is great and can explain dense and complex content interesting and understandable
Peter is great. He explains everything very well, takes the time to discuss individual cases and provides helpful tips. I feel very well prepared to pass the PSPO I assessment and what is much more important, I think I will be a much better PO after this course than before.
Elisabeth Griesbacher
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Feb 18, 2022
Professional class with a multitude of practice
Great class. I learned a lot about the merits between Scrum and Kanban
Maximilian Konzack
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Jan 28, 2022
Pretty darn good way of leading a group…
Pretty darn good way of leading a group of agiles through a refreshing and mind opening class.
Janko Richter
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Dec 28, 2021
Peter is a highly energetic trainer who…
Peter is a highly energetic trainer who has plenty of real world examples to explain theory in pratice.
Jonas Roth
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Dec 23, 2021
Excellent training, valuable knowledge, learned a lot.
Although I have been involved with scaled agile for a while, I took away many new and valuable insights and ways of thinking. The training was outstanding, content and delivery, sometimes you forgot it was a remote setting. Thank you, both Simon and Peter, for an exciting learning experience.
Marc Bauer
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Dec 6, 2021
Professional Scrum Developer I (PSD I)
I've taken the 3 day course "Professional Scrum Developer I (PSD I)" held by "Peter Götz" and also successfully attempted the exam on 02.12.2021.
Imho the course was great!
- It wasn't boring at all and all the interaction kept the participants (or at least me) quite busy and focused
- It wasn't a classic "course solely focused on succeeding the exam" (as it unfortunately often is) and that's one thing I liked about it (even if others may disagree in this regard)
- I've taken away several useful things that I'm already able to apply to my "daily business" (e.g. "demand" ONE sprint goal, involve the PO far more often,...)
To prepare for the exam I absolved the suggested "demo exams" provided by scrum.org (Scrum- and Developer Open), read the scrum guide and a scrum "cheat sheet" and nothing more.
With the course and the above preparation I'd say the exam was fair.
- The time frame was very tight, but I understand the intention: Too much time would leave far too much room to cheat. But since there are no other measures to prevent cheating (like: 3 cams at least, no cellphones within reach, film the entire room prior to start,...), I was definitely ok with this. (otherwise I'd probably given the exam an unused pass)
- Already having achieved multiple ISTQB certifications prior was an extreme help since I already knew topics like TDD. Without this knowledge and only based on the info from the course the short time might have run out too soon.
- There was one question about a Burndown Chart (including a picture). Since we didn't discuss this within the course, I had to guess after eliminating the most improbable answers. After I gave this feedback, Peter stated, that he'd try to include it in future courses.
All in all it was a valuable and fun experience for me and I'd definitely join further courses like this one!
Keep up the good work!
Markus Graefe-Schwark
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Nov 26, 2021
PO Training - Beginner
Peter is a really good trainer, giving good explanations and leaving enough space for questions.
For real beginners I can suggest to read the scrum guide etc. beforehand to be a bit more familiar with the terms one does not commonly hear in association with Scrum.
definitely would do it again :)
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Nov 24, 2021
good and fun experience
The step and presatation were good. Some traps in the excercises but fun to do it.
Luis Silva
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About Peter
Peter is a consultant, trainer, and coach, based in Munich. He began his career as a Java software developer in 2001 and moved into consulting in 2006, where he has been supporting his clients in the roles of software developer, software architect, technical project manager and team lead. Peter is a very experienced Scrum Trainer and Scrum Coach, who has been assisting teams in adopting Scrum since 2008.
He offers the PSF, PSM, PSPO, PSD and SPS trainings and works mainly in Europe, but also travels to more distant places.
Find him on Twitter as @petersgoetz or visit his website https://pgoetz.de
Professional Scrum Developer Tech Stack
Peter has experience in the following technologies as a Professional Scrum Developer Trainer.
Programming Languages
- Java
- Javascript / ECMAScript
- Python
- Ruby
- Test Driven Development
- Acceptance Driven Development / Behavior Driven Development / Specification by Example
- Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment / Continuous Delivery
- DevOps
- Configuration Management: SVN, Git
- Continuous Integration: Jenkins, Gitlab CI
- IDE: Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans
- Build Automation: Ant, Maven, Gradle
- ALM: JIRA / Confluence, Redmine, Gitlab
- Code Analysis: Sonarqube
What students say about Peter
Mar 24, 2025
Absolut erfahrene Trainer nicht nur in…
Absolut erfahrene Trainer nicht nur in Scrum-Methodik, sondern auch in Schulungsmethodik.
Kein Frontalunterricht, sondern Case-Studies die es den Lernenden ermöglichen, durch aktive Beteiligung und Erleben zu lernen.
Und ganz nebenbei auch unterhaltsame Pausen ;-)
Lucia Riesterer
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Mar 20, 2025
Beide Trainer waren sehr inspirierend, haben einen gechallabgend und zum nachdenken gebracht. Ich habe neue Impulse mitgenommen und kann es nur wärmstens empfehlen
Cornelia Hermanns
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Mar 18, 2025
Great Input about Product Mindset
Great Input about Value-Driven Development and the Product Mindset
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Mar 17, 2025
Great Atmosphere and nice tasks and…
Great Atmosphere and nice tasks and examples to learn or refresh Scrum rules and Product Owning Skills. I never had the feeling some questions I asked would be dumb or shall be clear for somebody who participates the class.
Oliver Gajewski
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Feb 24, 2025
Absolute Empfehlung
Absolute Empfehlung. Für den klassischen Entwickler vermutlich erstmal ein Schritt aus der Komfortzone, aber genau das ist notwendig, um die Inhalte in kürzester Zeit zu vermitteln, und genau das wird erreicht. Wer sich auf das Training einlässt, kann definitiv etwas für sein Team mitnehmen. Pluspunkte für das Essen.
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Feb 6, 2025
Co-Moderation is useful and fun!
Co-Moderation is useful and fun!
Josefine Henkel
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Feb 5, 2025
Sehr gut
Sehr gut! Ich kann diesen Kurs nur empfehlen!
Mattia Marchesini
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Jan 30, 2025
Engaging and Impactful Training with Real-World Applications
Overall, the training was highly effective, combining well-structured content with interactive methodologies. The trainers' ability to deliver material clearly, coupled with the use of pertinent case studies and team-based activities, made the learning experience both engaging and impactful.
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Dec 9, 2024
Der PSPO-A Kurs im Brauhaus München
Der PSPO-A Kurs im Brauhaus München, geleitet von Peter und Simon, war eine tolle Erfahrung. Die Coaches schufen eine angenehme Lernatmosphäre und motivierten uns, aus unserer Komfortzone herauszutreten. Der Kurs vermittelte mehr Methodenwissen, als ich erwartet hatte. Absolut empfehlenswert für alle, die Inspiration für ihre Tätigkeit als Product Owner suchen!
Daniel Boldt
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Nov 18, 2024
new level as a PO
The course took me to a new level as a product owner. Thank you for the exciting content and the structured presentation.
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Nov 16, 2024
Very good training
Peter Goetz is a very good trainer, he has a lot of experience and is very professional in Scrum and programming. Very good trainig!
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Nov 12, 2024
On my jouney to PSPO1
Thx to Peter for great two days and many new Insights. Finally Im now certified as PSPO1. 😃
Peter Leuschner
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Nov 10, 2024
Excellent training to get more effective as Scrum PO
This is an excellent training if you seek to strengthen your abilities and become more effective in acting as a Scrum Product Owner. It will provide you with a useful model on the stances you need to take as a professional Product Owner AND with a lot of know-how and tools that you will directly apply throughout the training. Passing the assessment for certification will need practical experience or additional learning though.
In my case, the on-site training in Munich was delivered by a team of trainers that was as competent as it was fun and that focused on creating a lot of space to practice and learn in a diverse group of interesting fellow participants.
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Oct 31, 2024
PSPO II - das Experiment
Es waren 2 sehr interessante Tage. Es lohnt sich auf jedenfall. Super nette Dozenten mit viel Ahnung. Gute und praxisnahe Beispiele, sowie eine top Organisation der Veranstaltung. Vielen Dank
Oct 28, 2024
Motivating and inspiring
Great course with lots of practical work and examples from two experienced trainers.
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Oct 27, 2024
Kurzweilig und informativ
Peter und Simon haben uns einen sehr guten Überblick über die Stances des Product Owners und damit verbundenen Methoden gegeben. Durch die vielen Übungen war es sehr kurzweilig.
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Sep 27, 2024
Gute KnowHow Vermittlung
Peter vermittelt sehr gut, wie man sich in die Lage eines Product Owners hineinversetzen kann. Insgesamt war es eine sehr gute Erfahrung. Mit einem zusätzlichen Aufwand im Eigenstudium habe ich die PSPOI Prüfung direkt beim ersten mal bestanden.
The Hung Pham
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Sep 26, 2024
Great hands on Scrum Training
Granted it was my first training, so I lack comparisons, but I found the training to be very engaging and I learned a lot.
Dustin Zimmermann
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Sep 23, 2024
Best Class ever
The interaction and the trainer were the best I have ever experienced.
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Aug 2, 2024
very helpful trainer
very helpful trainer
he was also available after the actual training course
and helped me out on a concrete problem i had.
was very responsive and supportive.
the training course itself was well organized and had all one expects from such a training, like clear agenda, open for questions, good preparation for the assessment, good material, etc.
had everything you could ask for.
Matthias Egger
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Jul 29, 2024
Excellent training with Peter Götz
Excellent training that imparts knowledge for Product Owners beyond the Scrum Guide. Peter is a great trainer who illustrates the knowledge with examples and his own experience. Gladly again!
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Jul 28, 2024
Great story telling
Great story telling, less digital uses media, many examples from real world and a lot of space to share experience with others. Nice atmosphere and good time keeping
Jonas Schilling
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Jul 26, 2024
Fully met my expectations.
Again, Peter did a wonderful job here. Preparation and supporting material was perfectly matching the agenda content.
Jochen Maletschek
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Jul 2, 2024
Toller Kurs, aufmerksamer Dozent
Toller Kurs, spannende Themen, die mich beruflich wirklich weiterbringen! Dazu noch ein aufmerksamer Kursleiter, der immer merkt, wenn das Plenum mal Bewegung, ein Päuschen oder eine Diskussion braucht. Einfach klasse! (Und das sage ich nicht über jeden Weiterbildungskurs!)
Nora Leszak
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Jul 1, 2024
Es war interaktiv und auf die…
Es war interaktiv und auf die Anforderungen der Teilnehmer wurde gut eingegangen. Dazu war es praxisnah.
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Jun 17, 2024
Peter was a very good "trainer" in all…
Peter was a very good "trainer" in all aspects of the course.
Rui Ribeiro
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Jun 17, 2024
Peter Götz was a highly capable trainer…
Peter Götz was a highly capable trainer and he kept everybody in the circle throughout the course.
Aytekin Bilici
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Jun 14, 2024
Great teacher with a lot of competence
Great teacher with a lot of competence! The training was fun. Thanks a lot!
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May 20, 2024
Great Training
The trainer was great, both personally and professionally. The training was a lot of fun and I was able to take away a lot of information and ideas.
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May 9, 2024
Great, authentic training
Peter Götz is a great, authentic trainer. When he talks about scrum, you really believe that it works. He shows a lot of examples, The training was very intensive, but at no time boring. I took a lot out of it. Thanks
Kathrin Stechele
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May 2, 2024
Die Praxisnahe Stoffvermittlung entlang…
Die Praxisnahe Stoffvermittlung entlang der Case Study bietet eine super Möglichkeit sich der Product Owner Rolle auf einer tolle Weise zu nähern. Besonders das Auswählen von situationsabhängigen Metriken und Werkzeugen werde ich nun in meinem Unternehmen intensiviert angehen. Danke an Peter & Simon für das angenehmen und konstruktiven Umfeld!
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May 1, 2024
I learned a lot
It totally recommand this course. It has been a great experience to work with other Product Owner roles on a case study. On a very practical and learning-by-doing approach, I could enhance my skillset to get the best out of the different Stances of Product Ownership. The course teached my having focus on EBM and those Stances in mind (beyond SCRUM) to get the most value for customers and organization.
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Apr 26, 2024
Product Owner Stances
Peter and Simon offered again n a training experience to me. They created an immersive training where all participants are involved in working out in small batches the tasks of an Professional Product Owner. It's not getting boring and you will be 100% participating in this training.
Bastian Kröckel
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Apr 26, 2024
PO Advanced review
The experience was great because of the combination of short introduction of concepts and methods, followed by practical exercices.
In addition Peter shares bis profound knowledge with concise examples.
Matti Peez
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Apr 25, 2024
Both trainers know how to make you draw…
Both trainers know how to make you draw your conclusions from what you already learned and do it in such a lighthearted way that you have fun while wracking your brain. Great overall experience.
Sebastian Schmidt;
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Apr 21, 2024
Scaling Scrum Done Right
I have been working with Scrum for several years and am an experienced practitioner and servant leader for my Scrum teams. However, I have always been interested in scaling Scrum for multiple teams. I have experience using no scaling up to SAFe in practice, but especially SAFe felt more like a waterfall with an agile coating.
Therefore, I became interested in Nexus, which Scrum.org recommends. I joined a course in Munich offered by Simon Flossmann and Peter Götz. The experience was great: the sessions were interactive, and both trainers knew the framework inside and out. The trainers clarified all of my questions, and we had fun discussions about the framework and agility in general. During the two-day course, I had hands-on learning while paying attention to the theory. The official Scrum exam was a breeze after completing the training.
Moreover, the training took place in a Bavarian Inn, and we had coffee, lunch, and beer afterward.
Overall, it was an excellent experience that I highly recommend, both for the trainers and the location.
Michael Strobel
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Apr 16, 2024
Scaled Professional Scrum class with Simon and Peter
Great location, experienced trainers, and many practical exercises in small teams. Highly recommended.
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Mar 18, 2024
Excellent Course
Excellent Course! The course content is conveyed clearly, interestingly and, where appropriate, with teamwork - exciting and very instructive days!
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Mar 8, 2024
Enriching Experience
The course provided comprehensive insights into the role of the Scrum Product owner as well as the fundamentals of the Scrum framework.
Negar Hajijalili
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Feb 2, 2024
Great experience
Well structured so we got time to dive into individual questions or problems.
Very entertaining classic as well. I learned a lot and had a great time.
Simran Stadler
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Jan 28, 2024
Gerne wieder
Eine sehr gute Schulung, toller Praxisbezug und Peter als Trainer ist super auf unsere Bedürfnisse eingegangen.
Dominik Hauff
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Jan 19, 2024
Great, Professional and funny course!
Mattia Marchesini
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Dec 25, 2023
interesting training for new POs
interesting training for new POs
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Nov 7, 2023
Professionelles Scrum Product Owner Training
Excellent training with a very competent yet also entertaining trainer.
Steffen Schmid
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Nov 2, 2023
So far I remember it was an excellent…
So far I remember it was an excellent training but because I came with 0 experience with scrum it was maybe too fast.
Michaël Voegel
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Oct 21, 2023
An inspiring experience
The trainer impresses with his competence, wide experience and his confident, very likeable demeanor.
He embodies what he says and inspires participation.
On the one hand, he manages to confidently follow his clearly structured concept, but on the other hand, he also responds spontaneously, flexibly and with great attention to questions and feedback from the group.
He conveys the course content clearly and concisely both in words and via visualization on a flipchart and pin board.
The course was a great experience, which makes it easy for me to remember the many valuable insights as I continue my journey as a Product Owner.
Thanks a lot!
Peter Och
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Oct 9, 2023
It has been a great course
It has been a great course. Specially the short group work timings.
Markus Müller
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Oct 6, 2023
Very good content with many discussion…
Very good content with many discussion and good explanations.
Peter Borgolte
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Oct 5, 2023
Fantastic trainers
Good mix of theory and practical examples. Very sympathetic trainers.
Jan Wolter
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Sep 25, 2023
Very interactive
Very interactive, challenging but fun
Vivien H
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Sep 7, 2023
The Insider Lecturer
The lecturer had a lot of insider knowledge and was able to present the developments and the current status of Scrum very well.
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Aug 9, 2023
New ideas to solve old problems
In participating PSPO-Advanced class, I have learnt a lot and sharpened my understanding of product owner roles and stances as well as found many new tools in the product owner toolkit. If Peter or Simon are teaching, you should be there.
Elisabeth Griesbacher
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Aug 6, 2023
Great atmosphere to learn and grow
Great atmosphere to learn and grow
The two day workshop offered alot of opportunities to test and prove my skills, gain confidence in the methods and experiment with different tools and approaches.
Lovely coaching and the great group made this a valuable experience.
Johannes Kalwa
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Jul 29, 2023
Intense and sympathetic
The two trainers were able to give important impulses. Due to the pleasant and open culture, I was able to respond to these impulses or think further for myself. The exchange with the participants was helpful. Simon's acting as Dave added a sympathetic touch.
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Jul 27, 2023
DANKE!!! Kompetente Trainer, praxisnahe Gestaltung und wertvolle Impulse
Das Trainingserlebnis war außergewöhnlich und hat meine Erwartungen übertroffen. Simon Flossmann und Peter Götz waren äußerst kompetent und engagiert bei der Sache. Im Pairing haben sich die Beiden wunderbar ergänzt. Sie haben von Beginn an eine Lernatmosphäre geschaffen, die es mir leicht gemacht hat, offene Fragen zu stellen und mit Spaß an die Gruppenarbeiten zu gehen. Besonders beeindruckt hat mich die praxisnahe Gestaltung des Trainings. Zahlreiche, echte Fallbeispiele aus den Erfahrungen der Trainer und Teilnehmer, fiel es mir leichter, den Bezug zwischen Theorie und Praxis herzustellen. Als Teilnehmer haben wir viele Angebote zum Üben bekommen. Ein echter Mehrwert! Das beste Anzeichen für ein wirklich gutes Training ist es, wenn mir schon im Training die Ideen sprießen, wie ich die Inhalte anwenden kann. Insbesondere Priorisierung des Backlogs und zum Umgang mit Stakeholdern habe ich wertvolle Impulse bekommen, die ich gleich am nächsten Tag in meine Arbeit einfließen lassen habe.
Maria Kühn
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Jul 27, 2023
This training was great!
I have done the Product Owner Advanced training (2days). Overall it was great! I have learned a lot, I had fun during the training and I really enjoyed the group work. The practical examples from the trainers Simon and Peter were helpful. They have created a great learning atmosphere. Location and food was also good chosen. I definetly would recommend it!
Herr Alexander Marx
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Jul 24, 2023
Product Owner Course by Peter Götz - great experience
The course content was communicated in an understandable, structured and entertaining manner. The organization was great too. Many thanks to Peter for this very good insight into the work of the product owner.
Peter Treutler
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Jun 21, 2023
Great coach
Great coach, consistent training, helpful excercises
Thomas Kopp
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Jun 20, 2023
Sehr didaktische Schulung
Sehr didaktische Schulung, mit praktischen und lehrreichen Beispielen aus dem Berufsfeld.
Habe ich sehr genosssen und würde ich noch mal besuchen!
Vielen Dank
Roy Welton
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May 2, 2023
Professional and entertaining
Very professional and yet highly entertaining training given by Peter and Marc. I can recommend the training even when you are already a PO. A lot of real life examples.
Philipp Rumler
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Apr 27, 2023
Herausragendes SPS Training mit Peter und Simon
Letzte Woche durfte ich mein Scaled Professional Scrum Training bei Peter Götz und Simon Flossmann machen. Das Training hat die theoretischen Grundlagen anhand vieler hilfreicher Beispiele und Übungen zum Leben erweckt und einen sehr guten Einblick in den Praxiseinsatz ermöglicht. Vielen Dank euch beiden und den anderen Teilnehmern, die die beiden Tage wie im Flug haben vergehen lassen. Absolute Empfehlung!
Christian Hartl
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Apr 26, 2023
Very very great class with very good trainers.
The trainers of this class make it to a real great
experience and a great event. I learnd a lot and it was in addition really nice
Björn Bergmann
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Apr 25, 2023
Hilfreiches Training mit kompetenten Trainern!
Absolute Empfehlung! Das Training war sehr interaktiv, wodurch keine Langeweile entsteht. Besonders wertvoll fand ich die Simulation der zusätzlichen Events bei Nexus. Also wie verläuft das Nexus Sprint Planning, das Cross-Team Refinement und die Nexus Sprint Retrospective. Simon und Peter konnten viele hilfreiche Beispiele aus der Praxis einbringen und haben ausführlich und kompetent individuelle Fragen beantwortet.
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Apr 11, 2023
Nice experience
The teacher was one of a kind and the course all in all has been excellent.
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Mar 29, 2023
Great experience
Daniel was smart, he brought the content across very well, he created a good bridge between theory and practice and it was fun.
Patrick Klinger
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Mar 27, 2023
My experience from the PSPO seminar
Trainer was very well prepared.
Friendly atmosphere.
Nice participants.
Good interchange of experiences of participants.
Jochen Maletschek
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Mar 6, 2023
very proffesinal training
very proffesinal training , I recommend it
Ahmad Firas Shaar
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Mar 6, 2023
Peter seems to know about scrum. The day 2 is filled too much, it becomes a little boring. The training is like to generic to me. The problems and cases are not so specific.
Pedro Duarte
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Mar 4, 2023
New way of thinking
Training Session make to understand what is scrum an d its implementation in SD and expalined each role responsibilities ,attitude towards sprint goal, the better way to accomplish it.
Ravi Kumar Kakarla
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Feb 17, 2023
This helped me a lot to understand my…
This helped me a lot to understand my work environment.
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Feb 17, 2023
Great course with experienced Trainers
the practical exercises and the "from real (business) life experiences" of the trainers
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Feb 2, 2023
Super hilfreich - vielen Dank!
Super Kurs! Vielen Dank Peter für die zwei informativen und spannenden Tage! Ich habe sehr viel gelernt und bereits in meinen Arbeitsalltag integriert!
Dank vieler Beispiele aus der Praxis und ausführlicher Beantwortung individueller Fragen konnte ich sehr viel mitnehmen! Vielen Dank nochmal - vielleicht sieht man sich ja mal wieder bei einem nächsten Kurs :-)
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Jan 17, 2023
PSPO I course is stimulating
I appreciate the knowledgeable trainer, the lively discussion in class and the PSPO materials' quality.
Eva Krummenauer
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Dec 28, 2022
Great Training in Munich
The trainers were very motivated and the training was very vivid.
Oscar Hurek
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Nov 28, 2022
Very high interactive, hands on share
Very high interactive share with many group exercises to internalise the problem solving approaches and tools to successfully manage a nexus.
Uwe Pilz
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Nov 28, 2022
Amazing and constructive course
Amazing and constructive course. Thanks a lot Peter for your time, pacience and for sharing your knowledge.
The course were really dynamic and practical, not only theorical. Comparable with real life experiences in work-life.
Lucas Dos Santos Souza
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Nov 27, 2022
I liked the many interactive exercises
I liked the many interactive exercises. Simon and Peter complemented each other well in their knowledge and experience. I can recommend this course for scaling your product.
Christian Packi
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Nov 16, 2022
Zusammenspiel von Scrum und Nexus interaktiv lernen
Das Training war sehr interessant und die Trainer absolut kompetent. Es wurde auf alle Fragen ausführlich eingegangen und hilfreiche Praxistipps gegeben. Ich als ziemlicher Scrum und Nexus Neuling konnte einige interessante Themen mitnehmen. Besonders lehreich zur Skalierung von Scrum mit Nexus war das Arbeiten in kleinen Gruppen anhand etlicher Beispiele und die Interaktion des Trainings.
Julia Urmann
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Nov 9, 2022
Great experience
Great explanations, very empathic und a trainer with a good feel for the group. detailed with a nice pace and always tried to keep us focused
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Oct 5, 2022
Perfect class.
Felix Müller
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Oct 1, 2022
very practical and interactive training
I attended peter`s classes from 28th to 30th September his way of training is outstanding he clears each and every doubts very practical and interactive approach of training
Sharib Rizwan
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Sep 30, 2022
Informative and nice SCRUM PO training
The SCRUM Product Owner training with Peter was really great. There was a good balance between information provided by the trainer and self-learning parts combined with exercises. I can totally recommend this training 👍
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Jul 9, 2022
Super Mix aus Theorie und Praxis
Super Mix aus Theorie, praktischen Beispielen und Übungen. Coole Vorstellungsrunde und Intro zum Reinkommen und warm werden. Wertschätzender Umgang, Kursinhalte werden individuell auf Wünsche angepasst. Sehr gute Prüfungsvorbereitung.
Franz Dietrich
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Jul 6, 2022
Great in-person experience in Vienna
Great in-person experience in Vienna. Big THANKS to Peter and Marc who guided us through the topics and shared their experiences and also thanks to our nice hosts Veronika and Ralph.
Miodrag I.
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Jun 24, 2022
Really had a lot of mind blowing and…
Really had a lot of mind blowing and insightful moments. Great lecturer with hands on examples and patience for all our questions. I also had fun which makes it a lot easier to learn and to discuss.
Jerome Mond
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Jun 10, 2022
Peter is a nice teacher
Peter is a nice teacher, learned the Nexus way
hans Kroes
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May 24, 2022
Inspiring and funny atmosphere with…
Inspiring and funny atmosphere with hands-on training methods in a great location.
Tom Winkelmann
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May 24, 2022
Excellent coach
Peter is an excellent coach with a lot of experience in many agile products as scrum master, product owner and developer.
Learned a lot of best practises and received best preparation for assessment without any PPT slide...
Thanks a lot Peter for this unforgottable days in Munich!
Thumbs up!
Timo Kihn
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May 14, 2022
Sehr guter Kurs!
Sehr guter Kurs!
Der Kurs war zwar klein aber oho! Peter konnte uns an beiden Tagen alle Fragen beantworten, wir hatten gute Diskussionen und jede Menge Informationen & Tipps, die jetzt angewendet werden wollen :) Ich kann den Kurs Professional Scrum with Kanban für alle empfehlen!
Claudia Klahn
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Apr 20, 2022
Peter brought to us what I believe was…
Peter brought to us what I believe was my best experience ever thus far in terms of training.
He's engaging, challenging and no BS in just the right amount.
The material wasn't bulky and the practical exercises were just the right amount of right to validate the teachings.
Pedro Sousa
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Apr 14, 2022
Just amazing
Just amazing. Great content and a great way to explain the content.
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Apr 14, 2022
Understandable training
- very well structure
- easy to understanding
- very good examples
- every question was answered
Jorge Arturo Quispe Criollo
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Feb 25, 2022
Peter is great and can explain dense and complex content interesting and understandable
Peter is great. He explains everything very well, takes the time to discuss individual cases and provides helpful tips. I feel very well prepared to pass the PSPO I assessment and what is much more important, I think I will be a much better PO after this course than before.
Elisabeth Griesbacher
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Feb 18, 2022
Professional class with a multitude of practice
Great class. I learned a lot about the merits between Scrum and Kanban
Maximilian Konzack
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Jan 28, 2022
Pretty darn good way of leading a group…
Pretty darn good way of leading a group of agiles through a refreshing and mind opening class.
Janko Richter
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Dec 28, 2021
Peter is a highly energetic trainer who…
Peter is a highly energetic trainer who has plenty of real world examples to explain theory in pratice.
Jonas Roth
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Dec 23, 2021
Excellent training, valuable knowledge, learned a lot.
Although I have been involved with scaled agile for a while, I took away many new and valuable insights and ways of thinking. The training was outstanding, content and delivery, sometimes you forgot it was a remote setting. Thank you, both Simon and Peter, for an exciting learning experience.
Marc Bauer
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Dec 6, 2021
Professional Scrum Developer I (PSD I)
I've taken the 3 day course "Professional Scrum Developer I (PSD I)" held by "Peter Götz" and also successfully attempted the exam on 02.12.2021.
Imho the course was great!
- It wasn't boring at all and all the interaction kept the participants (or at least me) quite busy and focused
- It wasn't a classic "course solely focused on succeeding the exam" (as it unfortunately often is) and that's one thing I liked about it (even if others may disagree in this regard)
- I've taken away several useful things that I'm already able to apply to my "daily business" (e.g. "demand" ONE sprint goal, involve the PO far more often,...)
To prepare for the exam I absolved the suggested "demo exams" provided by scrum.org (Scrum- and Developer Open), read the scrum guide and a scrum "cheat sheet" and nothing more.
With the course and the above preparation I'd say the exam was fair.
- The time frame was very tight, but I understand the intention: Too much time would leave far too much room to cheat. But since there are no other measures to prevent cheating (like: 3 cams at least, no cellphones within reach, film the entire room prior to start,...), I was definitely ok with this. (otherwise I'd probably given the exam an unused pass)
- Already having achieved multiple ISTQB certifications prior was an extreme help since I already knew topics like TDD. Without this knowledge and only based on the info from the course the short time might have run out too soon.
- There was one question about a Burndown Chart (including a picture). Since we didn't discuss this within the course, I had to guess after eliminating the most improbable answers. After I gave this feedback, Peter stated, that he'd try to include it in future courses.
All in all it was a valuable and fun experience for me and I'd definitely join further courses like this one!
Keep up the good work!
Markus Graefe-Schwark
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Nov 26, 2021
PO Training - Beginner
Peter is a really good trainer, giving good explanations and leaving enough space for questions.
For real beginners I can suggest to read the scrum guide etc. beforehand to be a bit more familiar with the terms one does not commonly hear in association with Scrum.
definitely would do it again :)
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Nov 24, 2021
good and fun experience
The step and presatation were good. Some traps in the excercises but fun to do it.
Luis Silva
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Date: Jun 12-13, 2025
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Date: Jul 24-25, 2025
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Date: Sep 18-19, 2025
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Date: Sep 25-26, 2025
Language: German
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Together with my colleagues Uwe Schirmer and Kurt Bittner, I have compiled a book that contains many of our own stories and those we experienced while working with customers and students: The Professional Scrum Team. Maybe they provide value to you.
Dec 21, 2020
Software developers are mostly guys, happy to work by themselves at night in dark rooms. And they turn coffee, cola and pizza into code. Right?
My experience so far
To be honest, the longer I have worked in software development the more wrong this stereotype feels to me. True, when I learned to code I enjoyed those solitary moments of puzzling out a solution to a tricky problem. I didn't count the hours and proudly told my colleagues and friends about the nights I worked away.
The first years of my career as a software developer I worked in a small team of three people where everyone had their specific expertise. I was responsible for the client application we developed for an in-house application. I was the only one working with the specific technologies and libraries I used to create the UIs and so it was basically me and a mixture of Google and API documentations of sorts (it was way before stackoverflow.com was born). I sometimes asked my colleagues for help, but most of the time they were trying to solve their own problems and weren't of much help to me.
After five years I left this company to start a job as an IT consultant. Over the next six years I worked in many different teams - together with my colleagues in our own office, as a small team at our customer's office or alone inside a customer's team. Some of those teams were people happening to work on the same problem, some were 'real' teams.
So, when is a group actually a team?
To me, a real team is not just people working on the same problem, but people having a common goal and collaborating closely.
The common goal is the overall problem we are trying to solve. We don't develop software to satisfy our desire for shiny tech stuff - well, not only, at least. We try to make life easier for our customers and users.
Collaborating closely means working with others, not only near others. Over time I have identified several characteristics I deem necessary for great teams.
The best teams I have worked in were autonomous to a certain degree. Sure, some teams have very wide boundaries and can choose many things from the languages, libraries and tools they use to what problems they want to work on. Others have more restrictions.
While working as part of a team, one important thing to me was always to have clear boundaries that I know of and understand. Then I wanted to be free to decide inside those boundaries. This way I was able to feel lots of autonomy even in environments that were very regulated.
I think software developers need autonomy as a pre-condition to be creative in their finding of solutions, which brings us to...
"We have always done it like that." This is one of the sentences I dread most. It strips me of all the creativity I have. Although we may have always done things like that - this doesn't mean we can't improve by trying something different.
Therefore I think that creativity - the intrinsic drive to find new (and better) solutions to existing problems - is key for software development. Technology and user needs change so quickly that yesterday's solutions often aren't fit for today's challenges.
Creativity is an individual trait that can radiate into and stimulate a team. In my experience, creative teams are also...
I am a very curious person. I can't count the side projects I have started because I was interested in learning something new - a new technology, a new problem domain, a new way of thinking.
Like creativity, curiosity is an individual trait. Curious people ask lots of questions. Those questions help finding out about the root cause of a problem. They also enable us to create more information about a specific context in which our solution might be applied. This helps prevent solutions that are clunky at best, and unfit for the problem at worst.
Now that we have talked about individual traits that help a Development Team become the best it can, there are a few team characteristics. Great teams are...
Let's look back at the stereotype that I started this post with. First of all, I think (hope) it is hard to find a team of people embodying this cliché. At least those teams that I like to remember for the fun and effectiveness we were able to have, were different.
They consisted of very different people. People of different gender, race, beliefs, age, etc.
This diversity made it possible to create a bigger context of experiences and knowledge. We have been brought up differently, lived differently and were able to work as a team nonetheless. Diversity induces tolerance.
Diversity as described here is one side of the coin. Great teams I have worked in were also...
Diversity for me describes who someone is. When I talk about cross-functionality, I talk about what someone knows and is able to do - the type of expertise someone has.
In the complex environment of software development there are many different special types of knowledge that we need in order to solve a problem. From the business or problem domain via different parts of technology, systems and their dependencies to running, monitoring and maintaining the solution. One person can't have all this knowledge in the depth needed.
Therefore we need individuals who are experts in one or more of those domains and who are...
Sharing knowledge and experience is key for a cross-functional team. It helps individuals to grow and the whole team to improve.
Software development is not a zero-sum game. This means that the benefit of one part of the system has to come with a loss for another part.
The more individuals share, the more the team members and the overall team improves. A colleague who benefits from my knowledge and experience doesn't take anything away from me, on the contrary: by sharing with and learning from each other we all benefit.
How to get there?
While those traits are beneficial for the individual team member, they are also very much improving the overall team and its performance. In my experience the cost of trying to continuously improve a team in those and other aspects is more than outweighed by the long-time benefits the team and the company gain.
The question now is how can you create and grow a team with those characteristics? To be honest, I don't know. I don't even think there is a single recipe for creating great teams. What I have experienced in the past is that I can work with my teammates and colleagues, discuss where we are at the moment (and celebrate our successes so far) and what we can do to further improve.
Some concrete things that I have seen work in the teams I worked with were:
Sharing knowledge within teams: brown bag lunches, tech talks, pair / mob programming
Invite management to explicitly define the boundaries the team has to respect in their self-organisation and periodically review them, e.g. as part of a Retrospective
When stuck with a problem, doing something completely different in order to get new insights and fresh ideas
Trying to learn more about the business domains - maybe collaborating with a business user of your system for a few hours or days will help you understand what they are really struggling with
Inviting other teams or colleagues not directly working with the system we create to reviews and ask for their feedback; sometimes just explaining what we have tried to do to someone unrelated helps create a better picture
This list is by far not complete. These are just some very few examples of things I did in the past.
I always enjoy meeting other software developers, discuss teamwork and exchange experiences. I think peer consulting is a great way to improve. It is not about finding the best way of working as a team. To me it is more about finding out what others do and how this might be applicable to my own situation.
What is your experience?
So what is your experience? What characteristics do you see that make up great teams? How to you (self-)improve in your teams? Do you disagree? I am curious about your comments.
If you are a Scrum Master how do you or could you help your team improve in those aspects?
Sep 10, 2019
Scrum and Kanban are a great combination. With this insight more and more Scrum Teams become aware of terms and phrases used in Kanban. Like 'WIP'.
Mar 19, 2019
Simon Sinek in his book „Start With Why“ talks about the importance of knowing why we are doing things before we think about what and how to do it. I think it is a good idea for Scrum Teams also to start with why for their product development.
An important point for Simon is „people don’t buy what you do, but why you do it“. Another key idea in the book is the „Golden Circle“ (s. figure below), which in fact is three circles contained in each other that define:
What you are doing
How you are doing it
Why you are doing it
Many people know exactly what they are doing and how, but often the why is not clear enough.
I see a parallel to the development of complex products with Scrum. Many teams I have worked with knew fairly well what they wanted to build – the features and functions of their systems. Some of them also knew how they would implement these features and how this might help their customers or users. But too few of them knew why they built that product in the first place.
That’s why I try to stress the importance of the Product Vision in my trainings and coachings. It is the answer to the question of why this product is being developed. I would like to borrow Simon’s metaphor from above and call it the „Golden Product Circle“.
Without a really good reason to build the product, and a purpose to the product, it doesn’t really make sense to build it. So development starts with why, the Product Vision. Then Product Owner can think about how this purpose might be fulfilled, the functions and features of the product in the Product Backlog. The Development Team then has to build the product and decide on the what to do to deliver the how. They might decompose the Product Backlog into Tasks if it helps them.
But everything can be referred back to the next higher level. When stuck with the what, the Development Team can look back at the how. If Product Owner has doubts around a how she can look back at the why and try to figure out if this specific how adds to reaching the why
Since „people don’t buy what you do, but why you do it“, please Start With Why for your product development with Scrum.
Mar 6, 2018
The PSD training teaches the whole Scrum Team on how to do real Scrum. They work in Sprints, create Done software and use the appropriate tools and practices for it. It is a unique experience on how really good Scrum feels like.
Oct 19, 2017
My name is Peter Götz. I am an experienced software engineer. I started in 2001 and have worked in several projects and with several teams since then. Besides actually developing software I have also prepared and conducted several technical trainings (Java, JBoss, OOAD) for developers. For more than eight years now I have been active in Scrum projects. My journey in Scrum has been an exciting one.
My Early Years
My journey in Scrum started in 2007 when I joined a distributed Scrum Team as a Java developer. I immediately loved the transparency and direct contact with everybody on the team who was involved in creating the system. Fascinated by this aspect I took a special interest in what our Scrum Master did and - after some time and projects - I myself became Scrum Master for a small Scrum Team. I read the books and blogs ‘you should read’, I discussed my issues and solutions with fellow Scrum Masters and I felt I was improving in my new role over time. But I have never forgotten my roots and was as near to the Development Team as I could get.
Finally, in 2011, I applied to become a Professional Scrum Trainer for the Professional Scrum Developer Training at scrum.org. I met the preliminary requirements, my application was approved and after I attended a Train the Trainer course for the PSD I got my license by the end of 2012.
I then took on a project to support an Indian Development Team for an insurance company as a Scrum Master. I had never worked with colleagues from outside of Europe and was skeptical, although very interested in how we could make Scrum work in that context. The Product Owner was in Germany as well as the major stakeholders and myself as Scrum Master ('technical lead' in the wording of my customer). When I joined the project, it had already been going on for about a year and the German part of the team had started recently expressing their difficulty in overcoming the language and cultural barrier. Furthermore, the impression had taken root that the Indian colleagues were not able to make proper technical and design-related decisions and had to be told each and every step. It explains why in my first briefing the project manager told me I had been selected not only for my experience with Scrum, but also because I knew the technical background (Java EE) of the project. In their opinion I was a perfect fit for being able to also steer the Development Team in India!
During the first months in the project I was able to support the rest of the German Scrum Team with my experience. The Indian colleagues indeed seemed to need a lot of guidance on how to solve problems, which decisions to take and how to implement them. Most of the time I was discussing the WHAT with our Product Owner, figuring out the HOW by myself and then informing the Development Team to implement it. I would review the actual implementation and - if everything was fine - we would push the functionality to our Product Owner for further inspection and sign-off. This happened on top of my other Scrum Master duties like organizing and facilitating meetings. The project really was a full time job, and probably even more. However, I also gained lots of experience and liked the work.
A Turning Point
In 2013 I decided to extend my trainer license with scrum.org with the Professional Scrum Master course. In the meantime I had several years of experience with Scrum in the roles of Developer and Scrum Master, had worked in several different projects and had even gained in-depth experience with a distributed Scrum in an Off-Shoring scenario. What could go wrong, right? So I applied, I met a number of preliminary requirements and got a ‘go’ to proceed. All I needed to do was sit a Train the Trainer course with Gunther Verheyen, the director of the professional series at scrum.org and finish the PSM II assessment with more than 95%. A piece of cake!
I took the PSM course with Gunther in November 2013 in Brussels and this is where my self-perception as a Scrum Master changed - heavily. The course was great, Gunther made everything seem so obvious and easy and my fellow trainer candidates gave much valuable input to me. But what really shook me was when, in day two of the course, Gunther checked why I was being so pushy and directive as a Scrum Master. He asked me if this was how I thought a Scrum Master should be and if a person like that would be able to optimally support the Scrum Team’s self-organization. I was a bit puzzled, because - after all - my implementations with Scrum had been quite successful.
On my way back to Munich and in the following weeks I thought about this, re-read my books and blogs and realized that I was not being a Scrum Master, but a technical lead indeed. I was not helping the Development Team in finding their own way, I was guiding them on my way instead. And that was why they were not taking on responsibility themselves, but instead were doing what they were told: Command and Control!
The Future Rewritten
By the beginning of 2014 I decided to change my approach, radically. I had visited the Agile Coaching Stance training by the Agile Coaching Institute the year before and had learned the basics of being a coach - active listening, powerful questions, letting the coachees figure out the solutions by themselves. Additionally, inspired by the PSM class I attended this is what I started doing, without hesitation and leaving no room for doubt:
I told my Development Team that I had misused my role and that I wanted them to be more self-directing. I honestly added that this would mean more responsibility for them, but also more freedom of decisions, more interesting work than just implementing what someone else said and even the ownership of success (and failure).
In meetings I did not proxy the communication between Product Owner and Development Team anymore. It resulted in awkward silences and much avoidance of eye-contact. It was difficult but I refrained. And ultimately they did start discussing the WHAT and HOW among themselves.
When pushed by my customer to ‘lead’ the Development Team more stringently to reach our (management’s) goals, I explained why I thought I shouldn’t do it. Much to my surprise most of the management seemed to really understand my point: the power of self-organization. The others wanted to be lied to, which is what I did in the past.
At first slowly, but then with increasing momentum, the Development Team took on responsibility - they challenged decisions I had made before, they discussed the contents of the Product Backlog to understand the business needs behind it with the Product Owner, they debated amongst themselves on how to best implement a feature and how to refactor the existing code base in order to improve the overall system. They did not wait for me to point out Sonar violations (on source code quality) but just fixed them as they appeared, spontaneously and autonomously. After only three months I was merely facilitating the meetings and making sure that Scrum was understood and implemented properly.
But that was only the beginning. The real change was soon to start. The Development Team in India asked if they could also select and provide the Scrum Master themselves. Since the majority of the Scrum Team was located in India, they preferred the Scrum Master to be there as well in order to have the support and facilitation on their side. The management in Germany agreed (of course, the main reason for Off-Shoring being cost-reduction) and suddenly I was out of business. It was my best moment in the whole project!
I am still in contact with some of the developers privately and am pleased to hear they are still making progress. Of course there are difficulties, but all in all everybody in the Development Team plus the Scrum Master really enjoy their work.
I resigned from my employer, went for self-employment and seized the opportunity to move to other projects. I am currently working as a part-time developer for one team and part-time Scrum Coach in a Scrum transformation for another. In the meantime I have met the preconditions to expand my license to PSM and will start teaching PSM classes in the beginning of next year. The simple observation by Gunther in that class in November 2013 triggered the biggest change in my professional career so far although it came as a total surprise. I am really curious what the next Big Bang will be for me.
Dec 16, 2014
Peter's Certifications and Licenses
Professional Scrum Trainer
Professional Scrum Master I
Professional Scrum Master II
Professional Scrum Master III
Professional Scrum Product Owner I
Professional Scrum Product Owner II
Professional Scrum Product Owner III
Professional Scrum Developer I
Scaled Professional Scrum
Professional Agile Leadership I
Professional Agile Leadership - Evidence-Based Management
Professional Scrum with Kanban I
Professional Scrum with User Experience I
Professional Scrum Facilitation Skills
Peter's Classes
Professional Scrum Product Owner
Gunther Verheyen
Mar 16-17, 2016
Professional Scrum with Kanban
Steve Porter, Daniel Vacanti
Oct 2-3, 2018
Professional Scrum with User Experience
Gary Pedretti, Erik Weber
Oct 15-16, 2018
Professional Scrum Product Owner - Advanced
Fahd Al-Fatish
andrena objects AG
Jan 30-31, 2023
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