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In this episode of the Community podcast, Kurt Bittner, PST Ron Eringa and PST Laurens Bonnema come together again to join host Dave West for a discussion on some of the topics in the new book, The Professional Agile Leader, including hierarchy and shifts to more flat, agile organizations....
4 from 1 rating
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Let’s look at how as a Scrum Master, you can facilitate a self-organization session, because the most empowered Scrum Teams determine the structure and organization of the team.
4.5 from 2 ratings
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Though, there is no universal definition of what is an Agile Coach. I want to define, Someone who developed deep expertise to help people, teams, and organisations enable better customer outcomes by focusing on an organisation’s internal and external orientation.
4.2 from 3 ratings
Kurt Bittner, PST Ron Eringa and PST Laurens Bonnema come together again to join host Dave West for a discussion on the Dual Operating Model, Culture, self-management, bottom up intelligence and more! (33:37 Minutes)
0 from 0 ratings
Kurt Bittner, PST Ron Eringa and PST Laurens Bonnema join host Dave West for a discussion on some of the topics in the new book, The Professional Agile Leader: The Leader's Journey Toward Growing Mature Agile Teams and Organizations. (25:49 Minutes)
4.8 from 2 ratings
In this episode of Ask a PST, Yuval Yeret answers the audience's pressing Scrum questions focused around leadership, how leadership and Scrum Mastery are intertwined, and how leaders can engage with Scrum. Yuval is co-author of the Scrum Guide Companion for Leaders. (57:35 Minutes)
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Was halten Sie von der Retrospektive: Eine Routineübung am Ende eines Sprints, unterstützt durch Standardarbeitsanweisungen? Oder ein wichtiger Teil der Bemühungen eines Scrum-Teams um kontinuierliche Verbesserung?
0 from 0 ratings
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Die folgenden 14 Grundprinzipien beschreiben in groben Zügen die Grundlage für einen erfolgreichen Ansatz zum Refinement des Produkt-Backlogs.
0 from 0 ratings
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The best Scrum teams that I have worked with were supported by management leaders focused on removing impediments, providing resources, and promoting an agile mindset and culture that supports the Scrum values. It’s not an easy job. Making it more challenging are the agile leadership myths out there...
5 from 2 ratings
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I think of the three accountabilities in the Scrum framework as creating a balance of power. But what happens when an individual fulfilling one (or more!) of the accountabilities in Scrum gets a bit — um — power hungry? In this article, we will discuss a few examples of how people fulfilling each ...
0 from 0 ratings
In this episode of the Women in Agile Podcast you get to meet Emily Lint, a new host joining the Women in Agile Podcast team. During the conversation Emily and our host, Leslie Morse, discuss the story of Emily’s career journey as she began embracing agile leadership after starting off as a ITIL pro...
0 from 0 ratings
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Wirkungsvolle Ziele zu setzen, zeichnet erfolgreiche Leader aus.
Allerdings bin ich davon überzeugt, dass diese Fähigkeit jeder beherrschen sollte.
Hier erhältst du 3 Einsichten, die ich in den letzten 8 Jahren bei meiner Arbeit mit Teams gesammelt habe und die auch dir helfen können, effekti...
4.2 from 3 ratings
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Many people using Scrum today have no formal training or are new to agile frameworks. It’s the perfect environment for myths and misconceptions to spread.
0 from 0 ratings
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As a project manager, I have delivered many complex initiatives, from re-platforming a consumer products website to doubling the size of a line of business. My most successful projects have one thing in common; I used an agile approach to deliver them.
5 from 2 ratings
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When will Scrum die? Some people would say it's already dying. There's so much inauthentic, Scrum being done, unprofessional, Scrum being done in the world. Whereas Scrum is part of what I call water Scrum fall, where it's put within a predictive deterministic system. We're predicting when work will...
5 from 1 rating
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For the globally recognised PSPO-I certification, you need to answer 80 questions in 60 minutes. Here are a few tips on how to prepare and execute the PSPO-I certification.
5 from 4 ratings
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I confess that the first time someone told me that Scrum is based upon empiricism, I thought they were a little pretentious. After all, it’s a five-syllable word for a framework with only five events. Why make it so complicated? But as I’ve coached more and more Scrum Teams over the years, I have...
4.2 from 5 ratings
Blog Post
Angehende Führungskräfte, die agil arbeiten wollen, haben es schwer!
Zwar arbeiten die meisten Produktteams bereits nach Scrum, aber das Management vertraut weiterhin auf einen von Kontrolle geprägten Führungsstil. Die Führungskräfte, die in der Agilität die Arbeitsweise der Zukunft sehen und des...
5 from 1 rating
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Wenn funktionierende Software kein Garant mehr für Erfolg ist, ist das Manifest für Agile Softwareentwicklung dann noch zeitgemäß?
0 from 0 ratings
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In this vlog, PST Joshua Partogi breaks down the 8 hats the Scrum Master wears as a true leader who serves. This topic is discussed in the Professional Scrum Master course with case studies.
5 from 2 ratings
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Seven steps to transitioning to the Product Model for your Agile teams to align your organization around value.
0 from 0 ratings
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There are five events in Scrum. But just going through the motions and having each of the events on the calendar is not enough. To get the most out of Scrum, your team needs to understand the purpose behind each of the five events.
5 from 3 ratings
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One of the first things that I usually hear after describing the Scrum framework and its five events to someone new to Scrum is, “that’s a lot of meetings!”
I get it — at first glance, it seems like a lot. But it really isn't when I get the person to take a closer look. This article provides...
0 from 0 ratings
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In my experience, it’s the Sprint Retrospective that teams are most likely to skip, berate, or otherwise bash. When I hear teams talking about dropping it to “save time,” I want to pull a Darth Vader, shake my fist in the air, and say, “You don’t know the power of the Sprint Retrospective!” ...
5 from 1 rating
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Viele agile Teams sind in der Lage, regelmäßig Software zu liefern. Sie stoßen jedoch an Grenzen, wenn es um die Festlegung von Zielen, die Bestimmung von Prioritäten und die Messung von Fortschritten innerhalb der Organisation geht.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Im ersten Artikel dieser Miniserie wurde festgestellt, dass man kein Zertifikat braucht, um gut in dem zu werden, was man tut, zum Beispiel als Product Owner zu arbeiten. Wenn Sie von der Signalwirkung profitieren wollen, die Scrum-Zertifikate zu haben scheinen, stellt sich die Frage, wie Sie eine P...
0 from 0 ratings
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In this blog series, we’ll share the gaps that many Scrum Masters face as they work to become better agile leaders and Scrum professionals. We’ll call out biases and misperceptions and also offer suggestions on how to overcome these challenges in order to influence change.
4.6 from 8 ratings
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TL; DR: How to Pass the Product Owner Certification —’s PSPO I to III
The first article of this mini-series established that you do not need a certificate to become good at what you do, for example, working as a Scrum Master or Product Owner. However, getting certified may be a piece of...
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Once the team has selected a point system, they need to decide which types of items to classify as a 1, 2, and so on. In this article, we will provide an exercise that can help your team create a point system organically no matter what’s in the Product Backlog.
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Das klingt jetzt erst mal abschreckend. Nein, bitte nicht entmutigen lassen. Als ich die Zertifizierung gemacht habe, hatte ich schon etliche Jahre Scrum Erfahrung. Dennoch die PSM I Prüfung ist in erster Linie eine Validierung von Wissen. Die höheren Prüfungen PSM II und PSM III fokussieren dann au...
4.9 from 6 ratings
Blog Post
When will we get there? It’s not just something you might hear from the back seat of a car on a long road trip. It’s something that a Scrum Team’s stakeholders, customers, managers and many others want to know. When will that thing you are working on be done? How long do I have to wait for you t...
5 from 1 rating
The Professional Agile Leader is a realistic, practical guide, written by three Scrum pioneers who demonstrate proven ways to foster responsive and adaptive team cultures. They structure powerful lessons around a case study based on decades of experience helping agile leaders achieve and sustain tra...
4 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Teams that change the framework are not using Scrum and are missing out on some of its benefits. The Scrum framework consists of 5 events, 3 accountabilities, 3 artifacts and five values. Today, we will talk about the order of the events in Scrum.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Im ersten Artikel dieser Miniserie wurde festgestellt, dass man kein Zertifikat braucht, um gut in dem zu werden, was man tut, zum Beispiel als Scrum Master zu arbeiten. Sich zertifizieren zu lassen, kann jedoch ein guter Ratschlag sein, wie der Scrum Master Salary Report 2022 belegt: Es besteht ein...
0 from 0 ratings
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Scrum is simple, but that simplicity means that each of its elements is essential. The values, accountabilities, artifacts and events are all part of the framework for a reason. Teams that mess with the framework are messing with Scrum. Teams that make changes to the elements limit Scrum's effect...
5 from 2 ratings
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The first article of this mini-series established that you do not need a certificate to become good at what you do, for example, working as a Scrum Master.
4.8 from 2 ratings
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With the rapid increase in the adoption of Scrum and other Agile frameworks over the past several years, I’m not surprised that a few misconceptions and myths about Scrum have surfaced. While many more organizations embrace Scrum, many individual practitioners have not undertaken formal training. ...
4.5 from 1 rating
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In this highly engaging talk at the Agile Camp Berlin 2021, Jimmy Janlén addresses the core element of “Agile,” it’s key to speed, innovation, and success: team autonomy. Learn more about its benefits, challenges, fears, and pains and what organizations can do to unleash it.
0 from 0 ratings
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Es war Weihnachten 2011. Wie in jedem Jahr verbrachten die Menschen die Feiertage im Kreis ihrer Familie und ihrer Liebsten und hielten diese Momente auf Fotos fest. Damit an diesen Momenten auch ihre Freunde teilhaben konnten, stellten sie die Fotos auf Facebook online.
0 from 0 ratings
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Summer Lawrence shares perspectives on professional coaching.
5 from 2 ratings
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A well-refined Product Backlog is essential for high-performing Scrum Teams. Without it, teams will likely struggle to deliver a Done increment each Sprint. But like all things in Scrum, we must have a balance. So, how far out should the Product Backlog go?
0 from 0 ratings
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The Agile Manifesto (penned in 2001) includes four values and 12 principles that describe a new approach to complex work. Agile is an umbrella term comprising a variety of frameworks and approaches to value delivery, including Scrum. Previously, we discussed the 12 principles included in the Agile ...
5 from 3 ratings
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Misconceptions about Refinement—the process of adding detail, order and size to individual Product Backlog items can be highly detrimental to a team's ability to deliver value to the business frequently. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common myths about Refinement in Scrum.
5 from 1 rating
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The Scrum framework comes with its own guardrails and values, but it is worth taking a moment to consider the base upon which Scrum is founded by examining the principles and values of the Agile Manifesto. The Agile Manifesto includes four values and 12 principles that describe a better way to appr...
4.9 from 10 ratings
Blog Post
Scrum involves a radically different mindset that involves fully embracing Empiricism, or making decisions based upon what is known. Rather than creating project plans, teams rely upon Goals to measure success. The list of the most valuable things to do next is the Product Backlog, and it is the p...
0 from 0 ratings
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Scrum uses an iterative, incremental approach to deliver value to the business through the medium of the Sprint. The purpose of each Sprint is to deliver a Done, usable increment. It sounds straightforward, but it can be tricky to achieve. Here are the three steps to Done in Scrum.
4.8 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
ch stimme den Teilnehmern zu, dass sie einige Zeit erfolgreich sind, wenn sie nicht wie Amazon alle 11,7 Sekunden eine neue Version ihres Produkts bereitstellen. Jedoch weise ich sie auch darauf hin, dass sie bei dieser Argumentation einem Irrglauben erliegen: Nicht die Mitbewerber entscheiden über ...
5 from 1 rating
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Many well-meaning Scrum practitioners have misconceptions about Scrum, which sometimes leads to creating “rules” that do not exist in the framework. In today's article, we will discuss the five of the most common misconceptions about the Sprint.
4.6 from 4 ratings
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Toll, die PSPO I Zertifizierung gilt lebenslänglich, d.h. man muss sie nicht erneuern.
5 from 9 ratings
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The Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO) course has evolved over the years and the PSPO I assessment has become even more difficult! I consider this assessment the most difficult of all the entry level assessments and it pays to be prepared. Here then, is my updated guide on how to pass...
2.9 from 5 ratings