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Blog Post
Teams solving complex problems need creativity to figure out how to deliver value.  Traditional “command and control’ techniques are less impactful in this environment and can even harm the team’s ability to deliver value. 
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
This article explores the art of Agile leadership, delving into the challenges of finding the right equilibrium between allowing teams to self-organize and providing enough guidance and structure for seamless Agile execution.
3 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Oder ist es ein Sakrileg, das „unveränderliche“ Framework auf die Bedürfnisse unserer Teams und Organisationen zuzuschneiden?
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Or is it a sacrilege to tweak the ‘immutable’ framework to accommodate our teams’ and organizations’ needs?
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Schwachstellen in Unternehmenszielen aufdecken? Eine Anleitung zur Ziele-Portfolio-Analyse findest du in diesem Artikel:
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Entdecken Sie eine Reihe sorgfältig zusammengestellter Bücher, Newsletter, Podcasts und Tools, um Ihr agiles Fachwissen zu erweitern.
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Blog Post
A new edition of the Minimum Viable Library on Agile Leadership is available! Explore a series of carefully curated collections of essential books, newsletters, podcasts, and tools to elevate your agile expertise.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Scrum is utilized in various industries, and as a result, leaders from diverse backgrounds are tasked with guiding Scrum Teams. While technical expertise can be an asset, it's not always a prerequisite for effective leadership in an Agile environment.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
How the Agile Manifesto Was Created
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
As the world evolves, so does the essence of leadership. Traditional management, apt for defined problems, finds its counterpart in agile leadership, tailored for our world's intricate maze. Agile leadership champions creativity, self-managing teams, and environment creation, moving away from mere o...
4 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Unleash Scrum's Potential: Discover Where to Start for Efficient Value Delivery (Product) and Continuous Improvement via Value Stream Mapping
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Organizations have been taking their efforts toward Agility for many years. Some of them seem to be successful in this field, and some of them are not. So, how to measure the results and benefits of this effort?
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
To excel as an Agile facilitator, understanding the importance of facilitation skills and mastering the essential Scrum facilitation techniques are paramount. This blog post provides insights into these essentials while shedding light on how our Professional Scrum Facilitation Skills™ course can aid...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Dispelling Agile and Scrum myths. Learn how Scrum enables Agile principles. Empower your teams to adapt, innovate, and deliver excellence.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
The Agile Leader's commitment goes beyond mere lip service to the Agile Manifesto. It's about creating a conducive environment for teams to innovate, collaborate, learn, and grow. It's about leading by example and embodying the principles and values that Agile upholds. But what exactly are these com...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In this article, Professional Scrum Trainer™ Gregory Fontaine discusses how organizations can benefit from implementing Scrum and other agile development approaches, typical challenges they face, and some tips to avoid or overcome them.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
この記事では、Professional Scrum Trainer™ Gregory Fontaineが、組織がスクラムやその他のアジャイル開発アプローチを導入することでどのようなメリットが得られるのか、直面する典型的な課題、そしてそれらを乗り越えたりするためにいくつかのヒントについて説明します。
5 from 1 rating
Nick Muldoon, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Easy Agile, is joined by Dave West, CEO, and Eric Naiburg, COO, from (40:35 Minutes)
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Want to elevate your Retrospectives from Good to 🦄 Great? Check out the following ten benefits of this one Retrospective facilitation practice.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Solving your customers’ problems in a complex environment requires communication skills, empathy, patience, diplomacy, and professionalism. So let’s have a look at some typical agile negotiation scenarios.
0 from 0 ratings
Learn the importance of Psychological Safety on Scrum Teams. (19:06 Minutes)
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Scrum is the most popular Agile framework. According to’s 16th annual report, 87% of organizations using an Agile framework use Scrum. That’s up from 58% of Agile teams using Scrum, as documented in the 14th annual State of Agile report. 
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
​​​​​​​Agile coaches have long recognized that busyness does not necessarily equal success. Checking off a to-do list does not mean you are adding value.  You might accomplish many organizational tasks, but the activity likely has little benefit if these tasks don’t contribute to the company’s goals...
4.5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Steve is great, but in terms of Agile leadership, he doesn’t touch sides – in my opinion – to Satya Nadella. You can see the difficulty he created within Apple because all innovation, product development, and so forth stemmed from him rather than a culture of innovation permeating the organization.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Successful Scrum Masters continuously find ways to improve their practice to have greater influence and impact on their teams and organizations. Scrum’s foundational concept, empiricism, which advances learning through experience and observation, can support this kind of growth. In this blog post, w...
4.8 from 6 ratings
Blog Post
Erfahren Sie, was ChatGPT als typische Arbeitsbelastung für einen Scrum Master betrachtet.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Kleine Scrum-Missverständnisse wuchern schnell zu ernsthaften Erkrankungen aus. Möchtest du dies verhindern, solltest du frühzeitig und konsequent handeln. Natürlich ist nicht jede kleine Regelabweichung gleich besorgniserregend. Allerdings gibt es drei Erkrankungen, die Grund zur Sorge bereiten. Di...
4.5 from 1 rating
Learning Series
The ways that leaders present themselves and interact with their colleagues can either support agility, or defeat it. Learn the difference between leaders and managers and the traits of an agile leadership style. Explore why we speak more about agile leadership and not servant leadership.
This episode of the Women in Agile podcast features a new member of the Women in Agile Podcast team, Renae Craven. Get to know her through a conversation with our host Leslie Morse. Together they discuss authenticity and its importance in building our own leadership as well as building successful te...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
En este capítulo aprenderás: - Su papel en Evidence-Based Management. - Cómo ayudan a agilizar las organizaciones. - Su impacto en equipos y stakeholders. - Su relación con Scrum, y - Un ejemplo en nuestro caso de estudio (GymTonic)
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
En este capítulo aprenderás: 1. Que es la estrategia de una organización. 2. Cuál es la diferencia entre creación y despliegue de la estrategia. 3. En qué se diferencia la estrategia tradicional y ágil. 4. El ejemplo de estrategia en el caso de GymTonic.
0 from 0 ratings
The idea of self-managing teams who have flexible scope and timelines can be perceived as daunting to some executives and senior leaders. In this session, Professional Scrum Trainer, Mary Iqbal talks about some of the common misconceptions about Scrum and Agile in general from a leader’s perspective...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Las metas estratégicas de Evidence-Based Management son el primer paso para ejecutar la estrategia. En este capítulo del curso EBM te explicamos como definir buenas metas estratégicas y como se relacionan con el marco de trabajo Scrum.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Goal setting is an essential tool supporting agility in complex environments. Various A-B-C formulas lead us to believe it’s a straightforward process, but setting and using goals effectively is challenging. Common pitfalls include not going deep enough with what we aim to achieve and bringing a suc...
5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
Product Owners are a critical role in the Scrum Framework, but what does a Product Owner do? This blog post will discuss the day-to-day activities of this position and explore how these accountabilities create successful projects.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
El modelo lógico del proyecto te permitirá entender los tipos de metas y métricas que se pueden usar en el contexto del proceso de creación de valor de los productos o servicios.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
En este capítulo aprenderás: 1. ¿Qué es Evidence-Based Management? 2. ¿Qué papel juegan las metas y métricas en las organizaciones ágiles? 3. ¿Cuáles son los componentes de Evidence-Based Management (o EBM)? 4. Y más importante, ¿por qué vale la pena aprender EBM?
4 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Este curso te enseñará el marco de trabajo Evidence-Based Management para trabajar con metas y métricas en organizaciones ágiles.
0 from 0 ratings
In an Agile Uprising podcast series on Agile Leadership is returning guest Kurt Bittner, co-author of the Professional Agile Leader!  Kurt discusses the satisfaction gap as it relates to transformation, how facts are friendly, and how your customers don't care about your revenue or operational expen...
0 from 0 ratings
In this episode of Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer, PST Jay Rahman will be available answers questions on leadership, Product Ownership, Scrum Mastery and more! (58:14 Minutes)
5 from 2 ratings
In this episode of the Community podcast, Kurt Bittner, PST Ron Eringa and PST Laurens Bonnema come together again to join host Dave West for a discussion on some of the topics in the new book, The Professional Agile Leader, including hierarchy and shifts to more flat, agile organizations....
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Let’s look at how as a Scrum Master, you can facilitate a self-organization session, because the most empowered Scrum Teams determine the structure and organization of the team.
4.5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Though, there is no universal definition of what is an Agile Coach. I want to define, Someone who developed deep expertise to help people, teams, and organisations enable better customer outcomes by focusing on an organisation’s internal and external orientation.
4.2 from 3 ratings
Kurt Bittner, PST Ron Eringa and PST Laurens Bonnema come together again to join host Dave West for a discussion on the Dual Operating Model, Culture, self-management, bottom up intelligence and more! (33:37 Minutes)
0 from 0 ratings
Kurt Bittner, PST Ron Eringa and PST Laurens Bonnema join host Dave West for a discussion on some of the topics in the new book, The Professional Agile Leader: The Leader's Journey Toward  Growing Mature Agile Teams and Organizations. (25:49 Minutes)
4.8 from 2 ratings
In this episode of Ask a PST, Yuval Yeret answers the audience's pressing Scrum questions focused around leadership, how leadership and Scrum Mastery are intertwined, and how leaders can engage with Scrum. Yuval is co-author of the Scrum Guide Companion for Leaders. (57:35 Minutes)
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Was halten Sie von der Retrospektive: Eine Routineübung am Ende eines Sprints, unterstützt durch Standardarbeitsanweisungen? Oder ein wichtiger Teil der Bemühungen eines Scrum-Teams um kontinuierliche Verbesserung?
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Die folgenden 14 Grundprinzipien beschreiben in groben Zügen die Grundlage für einen erfolgreichen Ansatz zum Refinement des Produkt-Backlogs.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
The best Scrum teams that I have worked with were supported by management leaders focused on removing impediments, providing resources, and promoting an agile mindset and culture that supports the Scrum values. It’s not an easy job. Making it more challenging are the agile leadership myths out there...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
I think of the three accountabilities in the Scrum framework as creating a balance of power.  But what happens when an individual fulfilling one (or more!) of the accountabilities in Scrum gets a bit — um — power hungry?  In this article, we will discuss a few examples of how people fulfilling each ...
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