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Sprint Review Technique: Videos

February 18, 2015
File this one under: “how do you do Sprint Reviews when you have lots of teams?”  Indeed, the traditional presentation format gets long, boring, and ineffective when you have more than a handful of teams presenting at a Sprint Review.
Blog Post

Giving Feedback - A Worse Than Useless Idea

February 17, 2015
One of the favorite activities of HR departments seems to be herding people into teamwork trainings. In these trainings they will have endure learning about all sorts of ideas related to teamwork. Most of them with no scientific validity. Learning to give feedback to other team members has its sure place in sessions like these.
Blog Post

The Scrum Practitioner Open assessment (update)

February 13, 2015
As people and organizations grow and mature their implementation of Scrum, they regularly check with us at about particular points of interest. Recently we have seen an increase in the need for help and inspiration in scaling Scrum and in ways to educate and assess Scrum practitioners.
Blog Post

Sprint Review Technique: The Science Fair

February 4, 2015
Young Jimmy is in 3rd grade.  He's constructed an immaculate paper-mâché volcano.  It took every spare minute of the last to weeks to make.  His mom carefully loads it in the back of the minivan.
Blog Post


January 23, 2015
Setting up an enterprise-scale agile department with 200 developers working towards the same vision will ensure you are invited to speak at all of the most prestigious conferences, but is there a simpler solution?
Blog Post

Empathy in the Air

January 4, 2015
Is 2015 the year for you to expand into a leadership role? Are you focused on becoming a better leader this year? As you head back to the office, consider adding "Develop a sense of empathy" to your list of New Year's Resolutions.
Blog Post

Taking back the Daily Scrum

December 17, 2014
This is what you might know as the daily ‘stand up.’  It is the most abused, tortured and mistreated meeting in Scrum.  Or not even Scrum.  If nothing else, this is usually the part of Scrum that organizations adopt and keep.  If th
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Agile is constant change

December 4, 2014
One of the key foundations of helping your business become Agile is the use of empiricism. Empiricism is the scientific approach based on evidence, where any idea must be tested against observations, rather than intuition.
Blog Post

Scaling Scrum

October 29, 2014
Jeff Sutherland and I have helped hundreds of organizations scale their projects, enable their entire product development, and thread Scrum through their organizations. For sure, none of them were easy, and each had its own unique challenges.

Monkeys for managers

October 19, 2014
I have found that coaching managers is a different approach than with Scrum teams. While you are (most of the time) involved directly with the Scrum Team as a Scrum Master, managers are less accessible.
Blog Post

Is Strategy Dead?

October 12, 2014
There is a fundamental change in management happening under out feet that is challenging the very need for strategy. Small changes are happening every day and in ten years’ time we won’t recognise management as we have thought of it in the past.
Blog Post

In Scrum, Beware of the Re-Write Project

October 7, 2014
I work with a lot of companies to help them to improve their development processes and to either adopt Scrum or improve how they’re currently doing Scrum.  Lately, I’ve noticed that a fair number of companies run into problems with a certain kind
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Don't worship at the Altar of Scrum

September 30, 2014
I am a Scrum Trainer with  I work with lots of organizations to help them become more agile.  I see a lot of bad Scrum.  More than my fair share.  Sometimes I see so much bad Scrum that it makes me question why I do this.