Blog Post
A Scrum Master's Practical Toolbox
November 13, 2014
“A Scrum Master’s practical toolbox” offers o
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Using Scrum for Organisational Change Management
November 4, 2014
When I first started doing Scrum I was focused on project delivery. As a software professional I wanted to find better ways of delivering customer value and Scrum made total sense to me.
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Scaling Scrum
October 29, 2014
Jeff Sutherland and I have helped hundreds of organizations scale their projects, enable their entire product development, and thread Scrum through their organizations. For sure, none of them were easy, and each had its own unique challenges.
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Temperature Reading Retrospective
October 27, 2014
I decided to conduct a Temperature Reading Sprint Retrospective after watching the video from one of the workshops of a famous American family therapist Virgi
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Rory Cubes for the Sprint Retrospective
October 22, 2014
People love stories. We love telling and listening to interesting stories. The need for this is embedded deeply by the nature. The first stories were told by our ancestors and can be seen in the preserved rock paintings.
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Accountability is a Quality of Agile
October 21, 2014
Software is created by people; for better or for worse. That is very different from looking at software development as a robotizeable activity.
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Monkeys for managers
October 19, 2014
I have found that coaching managers is a different approach than with Scrum teams. While you are (most of the time) involved directly with the Scrum Team as a Scrum Master, managers are less accessible.
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The Power of Appreciating Others
October 16, 2014
On more than one occasion over the years, I have encountered software development teams that are working day and night on a "challenged" project - both waterfall *and* Scrum.
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Is Strategy Dead?
October 12, 2014
There is a fundamental change in management happening under out feet that is challenging the very need for strategy. Small changes are happening every day and in ten years’ time we won’t recognise management as we have thought of it in the past.
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Dont fall in love with ...
October 12, 2014
Your plan. It will change anyway.
Your detailed architecture. It should emerge.
Your code. It will be refactored.
Your document. It doesn’t compile anyway.
Blog Post
In Scrum, Beware of the Re-Write Project
October 7, 2014
I work with a lot of companies to help them to improve their development processes and to either adopt Scrum or improve how they’re currently doing Scrum. Lately, I’ve noticed that a fair number of companies run into problems with a certain kind
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The Scrum Stance
October 5, 2014
In 1995, the first codified version of Scrum was made public.
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Change Everything without Changing Everything
October 2, 2014
At, we sometimes dare to talk about our what we do as “bringing humanity to work.” Sometimes I get reminded this idea is more than hyperbole or aggrandizing.
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Don't worship at the Altar of Scrum
September 30, 2014
I am a Scrum Trainer with I work with lots of organizations to help them become more agile. I see a lot of bad Scrum. More than my fair share. Sometimes I see so much bad Scrum that it makes me question why I do this.
Blog Post
September 24, 2014
Today we are pleased to announce the release of, a branding-free website providing the single authoritative definition of Scrum.
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Quality enablement to achieve predictable delivery
September 24, 2014
You need quality enablement to achieve predictable delivery for your organisation which takes effort to achieve.
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Searching for self-organisation
September 17, 2014
Many companies have started searching for self-organisation. That ideal or nirvana where teams can figure out how to work together effectively with limited or little direction to solve problems.
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The wall session practice
September 14, 2014
I work in the public sector as an Agile coach. One of the question I often get asked is how to estimate the size of a new project, or a new delivery, as we need to determine a budget before executing it.
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On Becoming a Trainer
September 10, 2014 holds a consistently high quality bar for our instructors.
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Does your company culture resemble Survivor?
September 10, 2014
Is your company culture a 'Survivor' game? Discover how fostering collaboration can enhance agility and team success in your organization.
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That much fuss about TDD
September 4, 2014
One of the important event in Agile this year seems to be an argument around Test Driven Development (TDD). More precisely, high profile personalities in our industry debated against the statement "TDD is dead".
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DOD has made it illegal to do waterfall
September 3, 2014
Discover how the DOD's new procurement rules outlaw waterfall methods, paving the way for agile practices that enhance efficiency and success in IT projects.
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Its Just Scrum
September 3, 2014
The simple cycle of trying, inspecting, and adapting must be as old as mankind. Can’t you just picture Homo Erectus learning to control fire? I bet scorched fingers and cold nights were fairly common for a millennia or so while we refined the art of spark and tinder.
Blog Post
Agile, is it just a delivery mechanism?
August 27, 2014
As a Agile coach, I refer to a few tools to help me think about where my Scrum teams should go next on their path to Agility. One of these tools is the Agile subway map, a list of Agile practices grouped in different categories. It helps me think how a specific practice could help a team solve its actual problem.
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Why Evidence Based Management can be hard
August 24, 2014
Recently I gave a talk on the ScrumDayEurope 2014 conference.
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What my father taught me about Evidence-based Management (34 years before it was invented!)
August 20, 2014
Discover how my father's insights on Evidence-based Management transformed a failing business 34 years before its inception. Learn to optimize value and agility!
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Everyone needs to understand the value proposition
August 18, 2014
A common challenge for businesses developing new products is having a coherent and universal understanding of what the value proposition for the organisation is.
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Community of Practice in Multi-Scrum Team Scenarios
August 14, 2014
Collaboration is the key to successful agile product development. A community of practice is a technique that helps us achieve this.
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Welcome to the New Community Blog
August 13, 2014
The blog is branching out to include our entire expert community! Now, readers will get more than the occasional formal article.
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Branching, Work In Progress, & Employee Retention
August 12, 2014
I did a coaching and training session with a company recently. They're a small, early-stage company in the Greater Boston-area.
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With A Little Help From My Friends
August 12, 2014
We shall talk about the most important, from my point of view, team’s trait - Helping Each Other. After discussion I will give you a powerful game that can help you to foster and promote real “one for all, all for one” team spirit.
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Agile 2014 Recap and a Slight Rant
August 11, 2014
The crew just returned from the Agile 2014 conference in Orlando. The great conversations with attendees were as good as the sessions themselves.
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5 Common Planning Mistakes
May 30, 2014
It's difficult to predict the future despite the techniques we use to try to do just that. The reality is that planning out even a simple software development project is a challenge.
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Maximizing Scrum
April 2, 2014
When organizations consider or start adopting Scrum, a frequently raised concern is how ‘to scale Scrum’. It is worthwhile investigating this desire, and start exploring the scalability of Scrum.
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Evidence-Based Management for Software Organizations
March 3, 2014
‘Evidence-Based Management’ for software organizations promotes evidence-based decision-making in the managerial domain to create a more sustainable business through improved services in turbulent markets and businesses.
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Resurrecting the Much-Maligned Scrum of Scrums
January 29, 2014
I have encountered many in the Agile community who love Scrum but seem to hate on the practice of Scrum of Scrums. Others describe their Scrum of Scrums as an overarching meeting of Scrum Masters, or as a meeting for a Product Owner team.
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Measuring Success, Measuring Value
January 8, 2014
The aim to deliver valuable software is a great, core principle of the agile movement. The difficulty however is that ‘value’ in itself is hardly quantifiable.
Blog Post
Agile Value
December 11, 2013
Every year, organizations spend 4-10% of their revenues on their IT organizations. Value is expected in return for these expenditures.