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Some Helpful Tips for Choosing Metrics

May 23, 2021
In an agile context, we use metrics to set performance goals, measure current conditions, define small improvement experiments and measure the effectiveness of the experiments in order to inspect and adapt goals and determine the next steps.
Blog Post

Why Experiment?

May 19, 2021
People in organizations are often afraid of running experiments. I have observed that approximately 70% of people responsible and accountable for products are reluctant to validate their assumptions by experimenting. There are several reasons for this hesitancy. The most common is misunderstanding what exactly the Agile experiment means. The second one is the negative result of the experiment. I always answer that this is fine that we have such a result! It means that there is no need to develop a solution that no one wants or does not fulfill users' expectations.
Blog Post

The purpose of being Agile

May 18, 2021
While many misinterpretations and misunderstandings have spread on the “what” and “how” of Agile, it is perhaps the “why” - the purpose of being Agile - that has become most lost.
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Five ways to Spot Fake Scrum

May 17, 2021
Fake Scrum is around us everywhere we go. It's unavoidable. Just look on the internet lookup fake Scrum right now and you're going to find all kinds of interesting articles that describe Scrum in very weird ways. There are at least five ways you can tell if you've got fake Scrum going on.
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52 Scrum Master Interview Questions

May 11, 2021
Want to be ready for that tough Scrum Master interview? Here are 52 questions from the team at that will help you really ace the upcoming interview and give you confidence during your Scrum Master interview.
Blog Post

Returning the Organization Back to the Present

May 9, 2021
Does an organization live in the present or in the past? The answer seems obvious: of course in the present! But what if organizations are living in the past? How that night be the case and what can bring the organization back to the present? Let's dive deeper into this questions.
Blog Post

Don't Be A Comfortable Scrum Master!

May 4, 2021
At a recent Professional Scrum Master II class, I asked the group to write down some learnings from the class that may help other Scrum Masters. One statement that came up has stuck in my mind ever since: “Don’t be a comfortable Scrum Master.” – Unknown Professional Scrum Master II Attendee.
Blog Post

Taking the First Step toward Scrum

May 3, 2021
Agile frameworks such as Scrum have continued to gain traction because of their ability to vastly improve business outcomes and employee engagement. Scrum is a lightweight framework that helps people, teams, and organizations generate value through adaptive solutions for complex problems.
Blog Post

What is a Scrum Master?

May 3, 2021
The Scrum Master is probably one of the most famous Agile roles. And rightly so, because the Scrum Master pays a pivotal role in helping the team with the efficient and effective use of Scrum. Learn more from the team at
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Scrum Guide 2020: True Leadership is an Attitude

May 2, 2021
The readers going through this piece more or less know the definition of a Scrum Master. Co-Creators Ken & Jeff, in their Scrum Guide 2020, having introduced exclusively the framework for Scrum, have put it as: “Scrum Masters are true leaders who serve the Scrum Team and the larger organisation.” The article’s objective is introducing the shift in the mindset or attitude. This is a requisite to become a genuine leader, as far as my experience goes. 
Blog Post

Savez-vous reconnaître et guérir du Zombie Scrum ?

April 26, 2021
Les équipes et organisations qui utilisent le cadre agile Scrum espèrent toutes que les efforts porteront leurs fruits, et qu’elles seront bientôt sorties de tous leurs problèmes grâce à la magie de l’agilité. La première étape consiste généralement à appliquer un cadre de travail avec plus ou moins de rigueur. Mais cette étape est souvent vu comme un objectif à part entière et non un simple premier pas. Nous allons explorer comment sortir d’une application mécanique de Scrum pour progresser vers une utilisation performante de Scrum, en particulier par l'utilisation disciplinée d'une "Definition of Done" stricte.