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Servicios del Scrum Master

May 12, 2022
El Scrum Master brinda servicios al Equipo Scrum, la organización y el Product Owner. El radio de acción del Scrum Master no es solamente el equipo, puede abarcar el involucramiento con diversas áreas y cruzar la organización cuando tiene que participar en remover impedimentos de la organización o promover la cultura ágil y Scrum. El Scrum Master es un verdadero líder que no actúa a través del control, imposición o cualquier otra forma que impida el crecimiento de la autogestión y el empirismo.
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Wie man Scrum.orgs PSPO I, PSPO II und PSPO III Product Owner Zertifikate besteht 🇩🇪

May 12, 2022
Im ersten Artikel dieser Miniserie wurde festgestellt, dass man kein Zertifikat braucht, um gut in dem zu werden, was man tut, zum Beispiel als Product Owner zu arbeiten. Wenn Sie von der Signalwirkung profitieren wollen, die Scrum-Zertifikate zu haben scheinen, stellt sich die Frage, wie Sie eine Product Owner Zertifizierung von bestehen können.
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Tipps zur Vorbereitung auf die PSM I Zertifizierung 🇩🇪

April 26, 2022
Das klingt jetzt erst mal abschreckend. Nein, bitte nicht entmutigen lassen. Als ich die Zertifizierung gemacht habe, hatte ich schon etliche Jahre Scrum Erfahrung. Dennoch die PSM I Prüfung ist in erster Linie eine Validierung von Wissen. Die höheren Prüfungen PSM II und PSM III fokussieren dann auf schwierige Praxis-Fragen.  
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Characteristics of a Great Product Owner

April 25, 2022
The Scrum Guide doesn't provide a complete list of the skills required for any of the accountabilities on a Scrum Team. For example, it doesn't specify that Developers must use Java or C# code. The Scrum Guide simply states that Developers need all of the skills to deliver a Done increment of product each Sprint. We intuitively know that the skills required depend on the product. 
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The Critical Agile Organization Design Guidelines

April 24, 2022
Many problems at the workplace are not the fault of the individual managers or teams. They are often the result of working in an organizational design(OD) that impedes rather than supports Agility. The OD determines, to a large extent, how people cooperate, the prevailing mental models, and how work gets done. To change all of this takes time and requires people to unlearn old lessons and relearn new ones that support Agility. 
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How to increase UX Design maturity for Scrum Teams

April 23, 2022
In this article you will learn: - Why enabling Scrum Teams with UX Design capabilities is important. - Why introducing UX capabilities to Scrum team is frequently hard. - What is the job of an UX Leader in a product development organization. - How to use a UX Design maturity level to coach teams to deliver better outcome
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20 Hilferufe von Scrum Mastern 🇩🇪

April 21, 2022
Die Gründe, warum Scrum Master den Geist des Scrum Guides verletzen, sind vielschichtig. Scrum Master Fehlverhalten reichen von unpassenden persönlichen Eigenschaften über die Verfolgung persönlicher Agenden bis hin zur Frustration mit dem Scrum Team selbst.
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Part II: When will we get there? Forecasting for Scrum teams.

April 18, 2022
In Scrum, part of the Product Owner accountability is to provide a forecast that sheds light on possible answers to the when will we get there question. In my last post, we discussed three ways to size Product Backlog items (PBIs). Today, we’ll discuss ways the Product Owner can use this information to create a meaningful forecast.
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27 Produktbacklog Anti-Patterns 🇩🇪

April 14, 2022
Scrum ist ein taktisches Framework für die Entwicklung von Produkten, vorausgesetzt, Sie erkennen im Voraus, was es wert ist, entwickelt zu werden. Aber selbst nach einer erfolgreichen Produktentdeckungsphase, neudeutsch: Product Discovery, kann es Ihnen schwer fallen, das Richtige auf die Beine zu stellen, wenn Ihr Product Backlog der Aufgabe nicht gewachsen ist: Garbage in, Garbage out. Der folgende Artikel zeigt 27 gängige Product Backlog Anti-Patterns — auch für den Produktbacklog-Verfeinerungsprozesses — auf, die den Erfolg Ihres Scrum-Teams beschränken.
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Why Scrum Masters should consider PSM-II training.

April 13, 2022
When you aspire to a Scrum Master role, some form of certification on your resume is a must. offers the acclaimed PSM learning journey to support Scrum Masters to professionalise their skills. I am a Professional Scrum Trainer for and I have trained hundreds of Scrum Masters over the past few years.  Newcomers start their career with a PSM-I class to gain an understanding of Professional Scrum and the essence of the role of the Scrum Master. I observe that many experienced Scrum Masters hesitate to join a PSM-II class. Possibly that's because it is unclear to many what the PSM-II training has to offer.
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When will we get there?  How to estimate in Scrum.

April 13, 2022
When will we get there?  It’s not just something you might hear from the back seat of a car on a long road trip.  It’s something that a Scrum Team’s stakeholders, customers, managers and many others want to know.  When will that thing you are working on be done?  How long do I have to wait for you to deliver what I want? Sound familiar? Today, we’re going to discuss three ways to estimate and in my next post, we’ll talk about forecasting.
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27 Product Backlog and Refinement Anti-Patterns

April 11, 2022
Scrum is a tactical framework to build products, provided you identify what is worth making in advance. But even after a successful product discovery phase, you may struggle to create the right thing in the right way if your Product Backlog is not up to the job—garbage in, garbage out.