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Blog Post

Top 5 Objections to Scrum (and Why Those Objections are Wrong)

September 24, 2021
I have had the opportunity to work with some truly amazing teams that have achieved pretty amazing outcomes. One thing that every team has had in common is that, at one time, they were new to Scrum. When I engage with teams to discuss implementing the Scrum framework, they often raise potential impediments to adopting Scrum. Below are the five most common objections to Scrum and why they don’t hold any weight.
Blog Post

Living the Scrum Values in the Age of Remote Working

September 23, 2021
The past 18 months have been a whirlwind. Coronavirus, elections, inequality and conflict – a quagmire of micro and macro complexities that impact the feelings and behaviours of Scrum Teams. In my opinion, it would be fair to say that teams who consistently attempt to mitigate environmental and sociological complexities are ones that thrive. It is the purpose of this blog to explore how some Scrum Teams have successfully done this in an age of remote working by focusing on one thing – the Scrum Values.
Blog Post

15-Minute Sprint Hypothesis

September 14, 2021
Being a Product Owner is tough. Having the accountability for maximising value can sometimes feel like a huge weight is on your shoulders and sometimes - it's hard to know where to begin. As a Scrum Master, you’re accountable for helping to establish empirical product planning – but how could you do that? Optilearn have created a visualisation to help.
Blog Post

Why Kindness Matters

September 2, 2021
In this article Dave West discusses the importance of Kindness and the benefits agile teams get when people are thinking about kindness.
Blog Post

How to Hybridize Waterfall and Scrum

September 1, 2021
If you're like many, you've seen plenty of agile-hybrids with funny names like Water-Scrum-Fall, or others. But do these hybrids work? usually not because they fail to reduce risk, deliver value early, or even allow you to change directions quickly.
Blog Post

Making the Most of the Sprint Review

August 17, 2021
The Sprint Review is one of the most valuable events for the Product Owner, because it is an opportunity for the Scrum Team as well as stakeholders/customers to inspect what was delivered, discuss what progress has been made towards the Product Goal, and adapt accordingly.