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Every Scrum Team Works on a Vibration - Professional Mind series (#2)

January 19, 2023
If you look at Scrum Teams all around the world, you recognize a spectrum of productivity from completely passive to fully proactive teams. Productivity is a word that is used to represent the state of our way of working as a team. But beneath it, there is a more fundamental concept called vibration. So, let me walk you through this deep concept.
Blog Post

Scrum Requires Psychological Safety

January 17, 2023
In a recent webcast (1) I mentioned that Scrum by its nature, assumes psychological safety exists in order for Scrum as a practice to function. Furthermore I would assert that for Scrum to be truly successful Scrum absolutely requires psychological safety to be established both inside and outside of the Scrum Team. My feeling is that within the Scrum Guide, psychological safety is an implied practice, not explicitly mentioned nor referenced as an essential element. But without psychological safety Scrum and the essential people who enact the framework, may function, but cant’t flourish. Before I go there any further, lets delve into a definition of what psychological safety is, and more importantly what it is not.
Blog Post

3 Probleme, die durch die Definition of Ready entstehen

January 16, 2023
Verwendet dein Scrum Team eine Definition of Ready? Möchtest du Selbstmanagement, Interdisziplinarität und Agilität in deinem Scrum Team fördern, solltest du dies kritisch überdenken. Lies weiter und du erhältst Argumente, warum du die Verwendung einer Definition of Ready auch in deinem Team kritisch hinterfragen solltest.
Blog Post

7 Tips for Setting More Effective Goals

January 12, 2023
Goal setting is an essential tool supporting agility in complex environments. Various A-B-C formulas lead us to believe it’s a straightforward process, but setting and using goals effectively is challenging. Common pitfalls include not going deep enough with what we aim to achieve and bringing a success-or-failure perspective to the process rather than an empirical mindset. If it feels like your team is missing the mark, consider my top seven tips for setting more effective goals.
Blog Post

[VLOG] How To Stop Wasting Your Agile "Transformation" Budget

January 11, 2023
Are you sick and tired of wasting your precious Agile "Transformation" budget? What questions could you explore as you send out RFP's, RFQ's, interview partners and write SOW's? Watch this video to learn 9 questions you can ask potential Agile "Transformation" partners so you stop wasting your "Transformation" budget.
Blog Post

Uncovering the Product Owner Role

January 11, 2023
Product Owners are a critical role in the Scrum Framework, but what does a Product Owner do? This blog post will discuss the day-to-day activities of this position and explore how these accountabilities create successful projects.
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🇮🇹 Leadership - 5 cambiamenti fondamentali

January 9, 2023
Leadership – 5 cambiamenti fondamentali, analizza le origini dei problemi che bloccano l’innovazione impedendo a certe aziende di rimanere competitive. Ho potuto osservare questi problemi nel corso degli ultimi 20 anni. In alcuni casi, ho contribuito a migliorare la situazione. Molto più spesso, purtroppo, ho assistito a battaglie politiche, di ego e desiderio di dominare che hanno ridotto le possibilità di migliorare la creazione di valore.
Blog Post

Entwicklungsmodell: Wie du als Scrum Master die Moderation der Scrum Events zu einer Fertigkeit des gesamten Scrum Teams machst und wirkliches Selbstmanagement förderst

January 9, 2023
Moderation ist im Scrum Rahmenwerk fest verankert. Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review und Sprint Retrospektive sind dadurch bestimmt, dass innerhalb einer vorgeschriebenen Zeitspanne ein Ergebnis erreicht werden soll. Der Scrum Master facilitiert die Zusammenarbeit so, dass das Scrum Team dieses Ergebnis auch erreicht. Was ist, wenn er nicht zur Verfügung steht? Scrum Master, die ihr Moderationswissen nicht mit ihrem Team teilen, können so schnell zum Hindernis für die Teamarbeit werden. Wenn du nicht zu diesen Scrum Mastern gehören willst, dann lies weiter. Ich verrate dir mein bewährtes Entwicklungsmodell. Es liefert dir eine schrittweise Anleitung, wie du die Facilitation-Fertigkeiten im gesamten Scrum Team entwickeln kannst.
Blog Post

You are a Creation Machine - Professional Mind series (#1)

January 7, 2023
Are you aware that as a human being, you have the ability to convert thought energy into results in the physical world? And of course, you can choose which thought you want to convert. In this "Professional Mind for Professional Scrum" series I will walk you through the marvelous world of the mind that can boost the Scrum Teams spirit of goal achieving.
Blog Post

Agile Principles – Sustainable Pace

January 6, 2023
Agile approaches like Scrum have long promoted the importance of working at a sustainable pace. This principle was made part of the Agile Manifesto due to a common practice in the software industry where people were(/are) expected to work extra hours in order to meet a deadline. Commonly this was(/is) used to mask inevitable inaccuracies in planning, poor management and quality issues.
Blog Post

[VLOG] 7 Reasons Values Die In "Transformation"

January 3, 2023
Are you sick and tired of destroying precious time, money, goodwill, potential and value in the name of "transformation"? Do you want to learn 7 reasons why this keeps happening over and over again? Interested in learning 7 ways to stop this from happening? Watch this video and help your company stop sacrificing value at the altar of "transformation".
Blog Post

How to Facilitate Difficult Scrum Team Conversations

January 2, 2023
Being an effective Scrum Master or team member inevitably involves difficult conversations. How we approach challenging discussions can mean the difference between a transformative moment and one that goes sideways. Fortunately, there is a lot we can do to prepare for those times when we need to wade through a thorny issue. Let’s look at some strategies for facilitating difficult Scrum Team conversations.
Blog Post

Die Begriffe Vision, Mission, Strategie und Roadmap verwirren dich? Eine verblüffend einfache Erklärung

January 2, 2023
Im Sommer 2021 nahm ich an einem Werte-Workshop teil. Der Tag endete für mich mit mehr Fragezeichen auf der Stirn, als er begonnen hatte. Nicht die Diskussion über die Werte verwirrte mich, sondern die Frage: Was unterscheidet Vision, Mission, Strategie und Roadmap? Im letzten Jahr habe ich viel gelesen, recherchiert und mit erfahrenen agilen Coaches darüber gesprochen, was eine Vision, eine Mission und eine Roadmap auszeichnet. Dabei bin ich auf die folgende, überraschend einfache Erklärung gestoßen. Um dir ein Jahr Arbeit zu ersparen, teile ich sie hier mit dir:
Blog Post

Effective Collaboration on Sprint Board

December 30, 2022
Almost all Scrum Teams use a type of board to visualize their work giving them a better understanding of where they are currently and helping them make upcoming decisions. In this post, we investigate the techniques of effective collaboration on Sprint Board one by one.
Blog Post

Showing up: Why your Scrum Master Mindset is Everything

December 29, 2022
What is one of the most important aspects of holding the Scrum Master accountability? If you immediately thought about something like removing impediments and helping the team get to Done, I want you to think of the bigger picture. How you show up as a leader has the biggest impact. Not sure what that means? Read on to see why your mindset and what you bring of yourself to your Scrum practice are critical to success.

Usos de Scrum

December 27, 2022
Originalmente se tiende a asociar Scrum y la Agilidad al desarrollo de software, pero esto no ha limitado la posibilidad de su uso en diversas industrias como, por ejemplo: marketing, manufactura, la industria de la panificación, etc. La figura muestra una lista de industrias que están adoptando Scrum para mejorar su enfoque de entrega de valor y redefinir sus formas de desarrollo de producto. ¿Qué otras industrias conoces donde se usa Scrum o potencialmente puede usar Scrum?