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Agile for Hardware: The Principles

December 27, 2024
In this episode of the Take5IRL podcast, PST Jeff Lee is joined by Peter Borsella, co-founder of Big Orange Square with Hubert Smits and a leading expert in Agile for hardware. Together, they dive into the unique challenges of applying Agile in hardware development—a world where traditional software practices don’t always translate smoothly.
Blog Post

What a Waste!

December 23, 2024
In this article, we will discuss 3 concepts that work better in simple business problems and not so well in an Agile environment.
Blog Post

The Benefits Of Agile

December 22, 2024
Create a shared understanding of the benefits of Agile for your organization and make gaining them a shared responsibility. In addition, it creates a climate of continuous improvement in which progress is measured. How else would you know you're gaining the benefits of Agile?
Blog Post

🇫🇷 Validation Produit : 5 Méthodes Efficaces

December 20, 2024
La validation de la valeur d'un produit va bien au-delà de l'implémentation de fonctionnalités. Combien de fois vous est-il arrivé de publier une nouvelle fonctionnalité, convaincu que c'était exactement ce que vos utilisateurs voulaient, pour découvrir ensuite que personne ne l'utilise ? Dans cet article, nous explorerons cinq approches concrètes pour vous assurer que votre produit crée réellement de la valeur.
Blog Post

The Bad Apple Effect: How Negativity Can Sabotage Teams’ Performance

December 19, 2024
Negativity doesn’t just dampen morale -it can derail team performance entirely. This blog dives into the Bad Apple Effect, showing how just one negative individual can impact collaboration, productivity, and development in sports, business, and Agile teams. Ready to address negativity and build high-performing, adaptable teams? Explore how to tackle toxic behaviours and foster a culture of continuous improvement. Dive in to learn more!
Blog Post

Improving Portfolio Flow Using Flow Metrics

December 19, 2024
So you have a Portfolio Kanban board managing your biggest investments. You’re actively managing the flow by using this Kanban board in your conversations about the portfolio. Kanban/Flow Metrics can help sharpen your flow focus even further. The four flow metrics described in the Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams / Kanban Guide are Work in Process (WIP), Cycle Time, Throughput, Work Item Age (WIA). How can these metrics help us at the Portfolio level?
Blog Post

Kann reines Scrum im Alltag funktionieren? 🇩🇪

December 19, 2024
In diesem Artikel werden wir die Bedingungen untersucht, unter denen reines Scrum gedeiht, die organisatorische DNA, die zu seiner Unterstützung erforderlich ist, und praktische Szenarien, in denen es am besten funktioniert – zusammen mit einem ehrlichen Blick darauf, wo es Schwierigkeiten bereitet.
Blog Post

What Do Busy Portfolio Kanban Boards Tell Us?

December 18, 2024
They tell us a story of slow, centralized decision-making, often related to classic program management culture combined with an iron spaghetti portfolio where delivering product outcomes often requires wide collaboration across teams and even teams of teams.
Blog Post

What is a Product? Learnings from the Product Definition Webinar

December 18, 2024
Product definition is a complex, political and challenging task in large IT organizations. In this blog we discuss what organizations need to consider when looking at their product model. We discuss why shared services could be candidates to become products and the value of tying product to strategy and value. We provide some simple questions to ask of your products to help guide the selection and remind the reader that product models like organizational structures require people and people come with politics.
Blog Post

Elevating Katas™ as Systemic Experiments toward Organizational Agility

December 17, 2024
Elevating Katas: Driving Continuous Improvement in Organizational Topologies In the evolving landscape of software development and organizational design, Elevating Katas play a crucial role in fostering continuous improvement. These structured, repeatable exercises help teams refine their workflows, challenge inefficiencies, and push for higher performance.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 Validazione Prodotto: 5 Fallimenti da Evitare [E47]

December 16, 2024
La validazione del prodotto è fondamentale nel mondo dello sviluppo prodotto moderno. In questo episodio, Fabio Panzavolta esplora cinque casi emblematici di prodotti che, nonostante gli ingenti investimenti, hanno fallito sul mercato per mancanza di una corretta product validation. Attraverso questi esempi, scopriremo come un approccio sistematico alla verifica delle ipotesi di prodotto e al product discovery possa prevenire costosi insuccessi.
Blog Post

Why Product Owners Should Not Assign Work

December 16, 2024
A common mistake Product Owners (POs) often make is assigning Product Backlog items to specific Scrum Teams or individuals. While this approach may seem efficient - and even helpful - it undermines team dynamics, disempowers Developers, and distracts the PO from their true purpose: maximizing value.
Blog Post

Agile Promises Improvements, But Why Do We Keep Adding People?

December 16, 2024
Agile promises efficiency, but why do we keep adding people? An executive once asked me:
"We’ve been practicing Agile for years. It’s supposed to bring improvements, right? But we keep adding people. Where are the freed-up resources?" This question really made me pause and think. Agile is designed to help organizations deliver more value, not necessarily reduce headcount. But if the efficiency gains from Agile aren’t explicitly aligned with strategic goals, they often get absorbed into “doing more stuff.” The result? More features, more people, more meetings—but not always more value.
Blog Post

Can Pure Scrum Actually Work?

December 16, 2024
This article explores the conditions under which pure Scrum thrives, the organizational DNA required to support it, and practical scenarios where it works best—along with a candid look at where it struggles.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 Output, Outcomes e Impatto in Scrum [E46]

December 15, 2024
In questo episodio, Fabio Panzavolta esplora la differenza tra output, outcomes e impatto in Scrum, elementi fondamentali per comprendere il valore generato dal lavoro del team. Scopriremo come questi tre livelli di risultati si collegano tra loro e quale ruolo gioca il Product Owner nel massimizzare il valore per l'organizzazione.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 Scrum Master Agente del Cambiamento [E45]

December 13, 2024
In questo episodio Fabio Panzavolta esplora come lo Scrum Master agisce da vero agente del cambiamento organizzativo, guidando team e azienda verso una maggiore agilità. Scopriremo le strategie pratiche e gli approcci concreti che uno Scrum Master utilizza per promuovere il cambiamento e migliorare l'efficacia dell'organizzazione.
Blog Post

Two Perspectives on Managing Work

December 13, 2024
Two fundamental approaches to managing work in organizations - the flow perspective focused on efficiently processing work units through defined stages, and the product perspective centered on continuously evolving product value for customers - shape how organizations structure themselves and measure success. This comparative analysis examines how these contrasting viewpoints influence organizational structures, management practices, and performance metrics, with particular relevance for organizations transitioning to product-oriented operating models. Understanding these perspectives is crucial for leaders making strategic decisions about how to organize and manage work in today's digital economy.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 Guidare con i Valori Scrum [E44]

December 12, 2024
In questo episodio Fabio Panzavolta esplora il concetto di "guidare con i valori Scrum", attraverso un caso pratico di leadership Scrum. Scopriremo come i valori Scrum guidano il processo decisionale e contribuiscono a creare un ambiente di lavoro efficace, attraverso la storia di un Developer alle prese con una decisione importante.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 Management in Scrum [E43]

December 11, 2024
In questo episodio, Fabio Panzavolta esplora il management in Scrum, dalle sue origini storiche alla sua evoluzione nel contesto moderno. Scopriremo come questo approccio si differenzia dal management tradizionale e come può portare benefici concreti nelle organizzazioni che producono valore intellettuale. Nella seconda parte, ascolteremo le esperienze dirette di professionisti che stanno implementando Scrum in diversi contesti aziendali.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 Implementazione di Scrum: dalla teoria alla pratica [E42]

December 10, 2024
In questo episodio sulla corretta implementazione di Scrum, Fabio Panzavolta e Stefano Milanesi, entrambi Professional Scrum Trainer, condividono strategie pratiche per un'efficace trasformazione agile. Attraverso le loro esperienze come Scrum Master professionali, esplorano come superare le sfide comuni nell'applicazione pratica di Scrum e forniscono consigli concreti per un coaching Scrum efficace nelle organizzazioni.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 5 Livelli di Feedback in Scrum [E41]

December 9, 2024
In questo episodio, Fabio Panzavolta esplora i 5 livelli di feedback in Scrum, partendo dal meno efficace fino al più efficace per lo sviluppo empirico di prodotti. Analizziamo come migliorare la qualità del feedback ricevuto durante la Sprint Review e come questo impatta sul successo del prodotto e del team.
Blog Post

Keep it Simple

December 9, 2024
Scrum was designed to be simple—deliberately so. Adding too much too soon can actually slow you down, making it harder to reach the value Scrum is built to deliver.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 Ma Scrum funziona veramente? [E40]

December 8, 2024
In questo episodio speciale, Fabio Panzavolta insieme a quattro ospiti esperti - Silvia, Alessandro, Michael ed Emanuele - esplorano le critiche attuali verso il framework Scrum. Attraverso le loro esperienze dirette, discutono se Scrum funziona per davvero e di come spesso non sia il framework ad essere problematico, ma la sua errata implementazione. Condividono strategie pratiche e storie di successo per superare gli ostacoli comuni nell'adozione di Scrum.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 I 7 Ostacoli a Scrum: Come Superare le Barriere dell'Agilità [E38]

December 5, 2024
In questo episodio Fabio Panzavolta esplora i sette ostacoli più comuni che limitano l'efficacia di Scrum nelle organizzazioni. Questi impedimenti, eredità di una cultura aziendale radicata nell'era industriale, possono significativamente ridurre i benefici che Scrum può portare all'azienda. Scopriremo come identificarli e, soprattutto, come superarli per una vera trasformazione agile.
Blog Post

What Happened to Agile? Where Do We Go From Here?

December 5, 2024
Whether you're in the "Agile is Dead" camp or not, it is clear that the movement is not well. Agile Theater is rampant. The term Agile is toxic. Here's an alternative approach that you can use to get out of this mess or avoid it in the first place: Focus on agility rather than agile—principles instead of practices. Here's How.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 Oltre le feature: 5 modi per validare il valore del tuo prodotto

December 4, 2024
La validazione del valore di un prodotto va ben oltre l'implementazione di feature. Quante volte ti è capitato di rilasciare una nuova funzionalità, convinto che fosse esattamente ciò che i tuoi utenti desideravano, per poi scoprire che nessuno la utilizza? In questo articolo Fabio Panzavolta esplora cinque approcci concreti per assicurarti che il tuo prodotto stia effettivamente creando valore.
Blog Post

The Refinement Funnel

December 4, 2024
There is no such thing as pre-refinement. Instead, all work associated with adding order, size and detail to items in the Product Backlog is refinement, whether it takes place in a meeting or whether it's work done by an individual outside of a meeting.
Blog Post

Unpacking Composite Attributes

December 4, 2024
Vague terms like "agility" and "value" lead to misunderstandings in product development. By breaking them down into measurable "supporting attributes," teams can create clearer goals and run experiments to achieve them. The three-step approach described here helps product development move beyond buzzwords and toward real progress.