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The Anti-Patterns of a Scrum Master

September 2, 2024
Scrum Masters change styles and stances as needed. However, when someone who lacks knowledge or experience takes on this accountability, it often leads to Scrum Master anti-patterns. In this post I am sharing the anti-patterns and its pitfalls that I experienced, there could be more.
Blog Post

Top 10 Best Practices for Scrum Teams

August 30, 2024
In complex product development, consistency is crucial to achieving great results with Scrum. In this Responsive Advisors Lightning Round, PST's Robb Pieper, Greg Crown, Jason Malmstadt cover their top 10 best practices every Scrum team should follow to maximize value and ensure successful outcomes.
Blog Post

Résilience et agilité

August 30, 2024
L'article encourage les agilistes à réfléchir à la résilience et à l'agilité, en soulignant l'importance de les intégrer dans les pratiques organisationnelles. Il propose d'utiliser Scrum pour renforcer la résilience en s'inspirant des stratégies d'adaptation climatique. C'est une invitation à prendre chacun ses responsabilités face au changement climatique, en dépassant les mécanismes de déresponsabilisation, et à initier un changement.
Blog Post

The Definition of Scrum (SGE002)

August 29, 2024
The Scrum Guide defines the core framework of Scrum, while other references provide clarifications, interpretations, and examples. If a concept isn’t in the Scrum Guide, it’s not part of Scrum, and practices not working for your team should be reconsidered for more effective ones, as the guide suggests context-sensitive adaptations.
Blog Post

Why Goals Matter in Scrum

August 28, 2024
The iterative nature of Scrum, with its focus on delivering a Done Increment each Sprint, allows teams to make steady progress toward their goals, even in the face of uncertainty. This process of setting and achieving goals enables teams to adapt to changing conditions, learn from their experiences, and continuously improve.
Blog Post

Self-Management in Scrum Teams - How to Decide What to Do Next

August 28, 2024
Self-management is critical to succeeding as a Scrum Team because it leads to ownership and empowers the team. And it creates intrinsic motivation, which is such a powerful driver of team effectiveness. However, in reality we find that self-management remains a challenge. Developers in Scrum Teams often do not feel comfortable with self-management, and struggle to take ownership of their work.
Blog Post

アジャイルの旅ポッドキャスト S1E15: 「Think Big, Act First, and Fail Fast」の文化、パナソニックコネクトの事例

August 27, 2024
このポッドキャストでは、業界のエキスパートを特別ゲストとして迎え、アジャイルとスクラムの世界にふかく潜り込んでいきます。スクラム、DevOps、ユーザーエクスペリエンス、プロダクトマネージメント、コーチングなど、様々なトピックをカバーします。私、フォンテーヌグレゴリは、「アジャイルの旅」ポッドキャストのホストです。アジャイルコーチ、スクラムマスター、またはコンサルタントとして日本企業を支援しております。そして、Scrum.orgの認定プロフェッショナルスクラムトレーナーです。 今回のゲストはパナソニックコネクトのCTOの小牧 将和さんです。アジリティ、「Think Big, Act First, and Fail Fast」の文化、ハードウェア開発とソフトウェア開発の違い、研究開発チームの自主性、従業員のリテンションについて話し合います。加えて、榊原さんはリーダーとしてのこれまでやこれからのジャーニーについて話してくれています。
Blog Post

Charting Your Course

August 27, 2024
In this episode, Jeff and Pat will delve into the value of assessing your product delivery flow. Understanding the unique challenges that your organization faces, as well as the outcomes you are looking to achieve, will help you chart a course to business value. This will ensure that the changes you make are both effective and sustainable.
Blog Post

Can You Do Projects With Scrum?

August 25, 2024
In this article, we address a myth that seems to be about words. “Products” or “projects,” who cares? But words have meaning and exist within a broader context. The purpose of the Scrum framework is much broader and deeper than merely changing the words we use to talk about work. And if you find yourself charging at everything that sounds like “projects,” you may be missing that bigger picture.
Blog Post

Why Start With Assessments?

August 22, 2024
In this episode, Jeff and Pat share why starting with an assessment is the best strategy for your agile journey. No matter where you are in your agile journey, knowing the state of your organization with clarity will lead to data-driven recommendations. Most importantly, your organization will be able to measure growth. Learn how you can get started today.
Blog Post

Self-Managing Scrum Team

August 21, 2024
Explore the key differences between self-organizing and self-managing teams in Scrum, and discover how these concepts enhance team autonomy, creativity, and productivity. Learn how to implement these approaches effectively for greater business agility and shorter time-to-market.
Blog Post

3 Key Areas for Digital Transformation

August 21, 2024
The majority of CIOs are struggling to balance innovation and operational  excellence. Ageing infrastructure affects service quality, poor performance creates negative customer sentiment and ultimately stalls Digital Transformation agenda. To get the balance right, we found there were 3 key areas that were key to successful digital transformation: 1. Moving from project to an Agile Product Management approach 2. Embracing Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning 3. Adopting Agile DevOps practices
Blog Post

🇮🇹 VLOG - Output, Outcomes e Impatto in Scrum

August 20, 2024
Collegare gli output di uno Scrum Team al valore creato per gli utilizzatori del prodotto (outcomes) è importante per dare un senso al lavoro quotidiano, avere un team motivato e implicato nella creazione del prodotto. Questo avrà un impatto per l’azienda, in termini di aumento dei ricavi o della notorietà, per esempio. In questo video, Fabio Panzavolta condivide qualche esempio per approfondire il concetto di impact mapping. Buona visione!
Blog Post

Too Much WIP

August 20, 2024
Are you fed up with productivity clichés that don't deliver? Discover a simple, effective strategy: reduce Work-in-Progress (WIP) and focus on finishing rather than starting. Dive into this approach on the latest episode of the take5IRL podcast, featuring insights from Jeff, Mike and Pat on how doing less can achieve more—essential listening for anyone wanting to cut through the noise and enhance their work life. Don't miss this game changing discussion!
Blog Post

What Happens When the Scrum Master Goes Away?

August 15, 2024
Are you faced with budget constraints?  Do you have a high-performing team that believes it's outgrown the need for a dedicated Scrum Master? Don't worry; you don’t have to compromise on your team's success or bid farewell to Scrum. Even without a dedicated Scrum Master, you can adopt plenty of strategies to maintain, or even enhance, your team's performance.
Blog Post

Why Shared Goals Matter!

August 14, 2024
Teams are more effective when they have clear and singular goals to guide their work. Goals are present in most Agile frameworks, like Sprint Goals and Product Goals in Scrum. Yet, most teams don’t use them. Learn why this happens and how to start improving.
Blog Post

What Are You Measuring?

August 13, 2024
In recent episodes, we discussed the importance of tracking metrics to measure the effectiveness of your work. Sounds great, right? But what metrics are important to measure? In this episode Jeff and Mike share some of their favorite metrics to measure.
Blog Post

Engage Your Stakeholders

August 8, 2024
Jeff and Mike discuss getting stakeholders actively involved, from product definition to delivery. They are probably less involved than you think. Hear how to ensure you have the right people involved, at the right time, and doing the right things.
Blog Post

Can Scrum Succeed with Remote Teams?

August 7, 2024
Struggling with remote work in your team? In this video, PSTs Jason Malmstadt, Robert Pieper, and Gregory Crown offer practical strategies and tips to help you excel in a remote setting. Learn how to improve communication, ensure accountability, and drive success with your team's incremental progress.
Blog Post

Are Agile Coaches (And Scrum Masters) Burning Out?

August 7, 2024
I recently joined a conversation with Agile Coaches from various organizations. What started with lightweight chitchat ended with a depressing conclusion: many felt close to burning out. Learn more about the reasons, and how Agile Coaching Ethics and Liberating Structures can help.
Blog Post

🇫🇷 Servant manager et innovation

August 7, 2024
Dans cet article Fabio Panzavolta, à partir du constant accablant que seulement 7% des employés sont engagés au travail, explore le concept du servant manager, une des clés pour stimuler l'engagement et l’innovation dans l’entreprise. Dans cet article je me concentre sur les ressources qui vous permettront d’explorer ce sujet.

What is Experimentation in the Context of Product Development?

August 6, 2024
The word ‘experimentation’ can evoke a variety of thoughts and emotions. For some, it might strongly resonate with memories of laboratories or science classes from school or university. In this article, however, we’ll explore a different perspective on experimentation, focusing on its significance in our professional lives—particularly when we encounter complex problems and work on creating and delivering products.