Scrum Team without Scrum Master?
Hi everybody,
One question about Scrum framework.
Could a mature Scrum Team work without a Scrum Master?
Thank you in advance.
Yes, they can work. Meaning, they don't need Scrum Master for their daily work. I.e. Scrum Master can go on vacation and the team will be able to work through the sprint(s). However, no team should be left having no Scrum Master at all.
A team can certainly work without a scrum master. However a scrum team can not, simply because if they don't have a scrum master they are per definition not a scrum team, but something else.
> Could a mature Scrum Team work without a Scrum Master?
A mature Scrum Team can be expected to work without a full-time Scrum Master. However it must still have one who can meet the necessary commitments.
> A team can certainly work without a scrum master. However a scrum team
> can not, simply because if they don't have a scrum master they are per
> definition not a scrum team, but something else.
That's right.
Good point above referring to the basics. I wish the question was clearer (from assessment perspective). Either "Should a mature Scrum Team expected not to have Scrum Master at all?" Answer would be NO.
Should a group of people not have a Coach ? Maybee.
Should a Team not have a Coach ? No.
Even mature team running couple of sprints need to have Scrum Master. During sprint, scrum master uses different techniques to ensure scrum is enacted... During beginning and end it is group guidance, Middle of sprint it is individual guidance... Ex: one of the team member is not attending Daily Scrum meeting.... Scrum Master need to discuss with him offline.
If the team is matured enough, then scrum master can provide service to more than one team... Max 3 team. This comes with challenge, what if all three team need scrum master help in removing impediments at the same time.
Initially team need to have full time scrum master.
Even a mature team can incur impediments. Who would resolve these if not the Scrum Master? While a member of the Development Team could perform the Scrum Master role, that role still exists and is filled by someone. One issue with this approach would be that while that member is dealing with the impediment, they are not contributing towards the work of the Sprint, which may endanger the result.
I'm a Scrum master on a mature team. I do 3 days per week for the past 2 months. It's going well / seems to be all that's needed. They tried going without a Scrum master for a few months but it ended up putting a big strain on working relationship due to all the different info and interpretations thereof that individuals were picking up about Agile/Scrum/XP/Kanban/Lean and so on.
I've taken on other project with my remaining time and this works ok. Two - is ok. Three or more - no way.
Scrum master is a role not a person. A dev team member can also fill in this role.
The answer is I think yes they can work without a scrum master. But as per scrum guidelines, someone must be assigned to this role.
Hello, I want to know .. Which outcome is expected as Scrum Teams mature? Thanks