Naveen Kumar Singh
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What students say about Naveen KumarAbout Naveen Kumar
Professional Summary
Naveen is a Lean Agile Coach and Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) working in India and Asia Pacific under Agilemania. He comes with over 23 years of experience in software and product development and has worked with many leading organizations across the world in different roles and positions, starting from Software Engineer to Delivery Head. Naveen is a Certified LeSS Practitioner (Large-Scale Scrum) and has coached organizations and teams on large scale agile transformation. He is one of the early adopters of DevOps practices and teaches DevOps culture, practices and automation tools to technical teams in Asian countries. Naveen is as an Internationally acclaimed Speaker in many Conferences and events, and is an agile enthusiast and evangelist at heart having launched several agile community development platforms, networks, meet-ups and actively promotes, participates and coaches next generation agilists through his not-for-profit initiative Agile30
- LeSS Friendly Scrum Trainer (LFST) from LeSS
- Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) from Scrum.org
- SAFe Program Consultant (SPC) from Scaled Agile
- ICAgile Authorized Instructor from ICAgile
- Certified Scrum Developer Trainer from Scrum Alliance
Total year of Experience – 23+
Year of Experience in Agile & Scrum – 12+
Deliver below trainings: -
- Professional Scrum Foundation (PSF)
- Professional Scrum Developer (PSD)
- Professional Scrum Master (PSM)
- Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO)
- Test Driven Development (TDD)
- Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)
- Professional DevOps Foundations
- ICAgile - Agile Coaching (ICP-ACC)
- Professional Kanban for Team
- Extreme Programming (XP)
- Lean Product Development
- Certified LeSS Basics (CLB)
- Certified Scrum Developer (CSD)
- Professional Agile Leadership – Essentials
Naveen has worked for below Companies as Agile & Scrum trainer/coach
Financial Domain –
- Etiqa Insurance & Takaful, Maybank Malaysia, NCR Corporation, J P Morgan Chase, Bank of America, DBS Bank, ANZ Bank, Wells Fargo, Berkadia, Allstate, Barclays
Non-financial Domain –
- ABB, Shell, Robert Bosch, VMWare, Tahaluf Al Emarat UAE, Dyson Singapore, Allscripts, Bombardier, Daimler Malaysia, Stryker, Accenture, Telekom Malaysia, Gunung Sewu Indonesia, Leo Tech Singapore, EFI India, EY Malaysia, SICPA Malaysia, Osram Malaysia, FICO Singapore, Orsted Services Malaysia, Siemens, TimeTec Computing Malaysia, Hilti Asia Malaysia, Fedex Singapore, Schlumberger Malaysia, Expedia, Unisys, CA Technologies, Xavient, Hexaware, HP, Akamai, Verisign, Hays, Ness Technologies, Danfoss, Nettium Sdn Bhd
What students say about Naveen Kumar
Courses taught by Naveen Kumar
Other Services by Naveen Kumar
- Coaching/Consulting
- Immersion Classes
- Private Courses