Scrum Guide 2020 Updates
59 part series
This page provides a series of articles, blogs, videos and more that pertain to the 2020 version of the Scrum Guide released on November 18, 2020.
The Scrum Guide
November 18, 2020
Scrum is defined completely in the Scrum Guide by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland and is maintained independently of any company. The Scrum Guide is translated and available in over 30 languages.
The 2020 Scrum Guide Launch Event Recording
November 18, 2020
Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland are joined by Dave West, JJ Sutherland, Don McGreal and Avi Schneier as they discuss the release of the updated Scrum Guide and celebrate 25 years of Scrum.
Blog Post
Words that changed in Scrum Guide 2020 update
January 10, 2021
A brief overview of the word changes between the 2020 and 2017 version of the Scrum Guide.
Blog Post
Scrum Guide 2020 Update - Scrum is Still Scrum
November 18, 2020
At we have used this update of the Scrum Guide as an opportunity to have some interesting discussions and our CEO Dave West has documented some of them for your review and attention.
Blog Post
Update to the Scrum Guide - What it means to
November 18, 2020
Today, the 18th of November 2020 Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland released an update to the Scrum Guide. If you are interested in an overview of what has changed, read about the seven main changes described with some context.
Blog Post
Scrum Guide 2020 Update - What has been removed
November 18, 2020
Scrum is described as a framework, not a methodology. The Scrum Guide provides just enough prescription to allow Scrum to work and encourages its ‘users’ to be smart, adding practices and other things specific to them on top of the framework as needed to form their process.
Blog Post
Scrum is about Value not Work. Reflections from Scrum Guide Update
February 23, 2021
November 2020 was the launch of the Scrum Guide update. It seems like only yesterday but was over 3 months ago...
Blog Post
Scrum Guide 2020 Update - Introducing the Product Goal
November 18, 2020
With the 2020 update to the Scrum Guide, three commitments were added to the artifacts. The idea of a commitment is to provide additional quality to the artifact to improve transparency. In the case of Product Backlog, the commitment is to the Product Goal.
Blog Post
Scrum Guide 2020 Update - Commitments
November 18, 2020
With the 2020 release of the Scrum Guide, Commitments were added for each artifact. The commitments provide a nice, structural way to describe some of the key characteristics of each artifact. The intent of this change was to provide clarity and make the Scrum Guide simpler to read and use.
Blog Post
Product Goal
November 18, 2020
One of the more challenging aspects of Product Management is to create a tangible relationship between the work we do today and the business strategy. Product Goals are an often overlooked mechanism that can help you in this area.
Blog Post
[VLOG] How To Create The Scrum Product Goal
March 18, 2021
In this vlog, Joshua Partogi shares insight on how to create the Product Goal.
Blog Post
The Product Goal is a Commitment for the Product Backlog
December 2, 2020
In the 2020 Scrum Guide Ken and Jeff introduces the idea of the Product Goal. The Product Goal is a commitment to ensure transparency and focus against progress.
Blog Post
Leveraging the Product Goal to Engage with Stakeholders
February 25, 2021
This post will explain how the Product Owner can leverage the Product Goal to improve the engagement with stakeholders during product development because it provides context on why the Scrum Team is doing the work.
Scrum Guide 2020 - Product Goal
November 19, 2020
The Product Goal is now the commitment of the Product Backlog. This video with Professional Scrum Trainer Ralph Jocham explains the Product Goal. (2:26 Minutes)
Blog Post
Product Goal is a Commitment
January 14, 2021
There have been a few changes in Scrum Guide 2020, and I am really excited. These changes focus on ‘Values’ within the framework of Scrum...
Blog Post
Why, What, How - Sprint Planning
November 18, 2020
In the 2020 update of the Scrum Guide, the Sprint Planning section has had a very welcome update. Every part of Scrum has a purpose, a reason to why it's included in the framework, and this update made the purpose - raison d'etre - of the Sprint Planning clearer. Let's see how!
Scrum Guide 2020 - Sprint Planning
November 19, 2020
The Sprint Planning has been enriched with a third topic - Why. This video with Professional Scrum Trainer Ralph Jocham explains the change to the Sprint Planning event in Scrum. (2:24 Minutes)
Blog Post
Addition of Commitments to Each Artifact
November 18, 2020
This blog post talks about the addition of Commitments to each Artifact in the updated Scrum Guide.
Blog Post
Getting Forensic on the Daily Scrum (2020)
December 1, 2020
The Daily Scrum is probably the best known, and possibly the most misunderstood, Scrum event. Here’s why.
Blog Post
A Home for Product Goal, Definition of Done, and Sprint Goal
November 19, 2020
In the 2020 Version of the Scrum Guide, the commitments were introduced for each artifact. These then became an element of Scrum; in that they need to be used to gain the maximum value that the Scrum Framework offers. They were always part of a Professional Scrum approach, now there is a clear connection of these commitments to the artifacts. They increase transparency, and the focussed delivery of Value. Each of the commitments now clearly support and sustain an artifact.
Blog Post
The Sprint Goal is a commitment for the Sprint Backlog
December 8, 2020
In the 2020 Scrum Guide, Ken and Jeff augmented the idea of the Sprint Goal. The Sprint Goal is a commitment to ensure transparency and focus against progress during a Sprint.
Blog Post
2020 Scrum Guide: Definition of Done Created By Scrum Team
November 22, 2020
In the 2020 Scrum Guide, the Definition of Done is created by the Scrum Team. In previous versions of the Scrum Guide, this responsibility was explicitly owned by the Development Team. I will explain the intention of the change and what it means for Scrum Teams.
Blog Post
Scrum Guide 2020 Update - Role to Accountabilities
November 18, 2020
With the 2020 release of the Scrum Guide, the term role was replaced with accountabilities. The purpose of this change was to place special emphasis that this is not a job description, but the bare minimum set of accountabilities necessary to execute Scrum. The blog describes how these accountabilities are split into 3 groups.
Blog Post
Accountabilities in Scrum: It's A Complete Picture Now
January 6, 2021
What is up awesome people? I hope you had an awesome holiday break. As you may have noticed, there have been several changes introduced in Scrum Guide 2020. Scrum no longer emphasizes roles but instead accountabilities...
Scrum Guide 2020 - Accountabilities
November 19, 2020
The Scrum Guide 2020 defines Accountabilities within one team, Scrum Team. This video with Professional Scrum Trainer Ralph Jocham explains the Accountabilities. (3:21 Minutes)
Blog Post
Scrum Guide 2020 Update - Self Mgt replaces Self Organization
November 18, 2020
One interesting change to the Scrum Guide for the 2020 release was the change of the term Self-Organizing to Self-Managing. This blog discusses the change.
Blog Post
The Scrum Team is Self-Managing
November 18, 2020
The more Scrum Teams are empowered to make and own decisions about their work, the more benefits they will realize.
Blog Post
What 4 Key Changes To The Scrum Guide Tell Us About Scrum
November 18, 2020
A reflection on four key changes in the 2020 Scrum Guide, why they were made, and why that is a big deal
Blog Post
Scrum Guide 2020: Scrum Masters are the True Leaders
January 5, 2021
Just take a second to imagine a professional environment where every individual connects and donates their intellectual capacity to the fullest...
Blog Post
Scrum Guide 2020: True Leadership is an Attitude
May 2, 2021
The readers going through this piece more or less know the definition of a Scrum Master. Co-Creators Ken & Jeff, in their Scrum Guide 2020, having introduced exclusively the framework for Scrum, have put it as: “Scrum Masters are true leaders who serve the Scrum Team and the larger organisation.” The article’s objective is introducing the shift in the mindset or attitude. This is a requisite to become a genuine leader, as far as my experience goes.
Blog Post
What Does It Mean for The Scrum Master to Be a True Leader as Written in Scrum Guide?
February 26, 2021
In this blog post, Joshua Partogi talks about the meaning of true leadership of the Scrum Master.
Blog Post
[VLOG] What's New in Scrum Guide 2020?
November 18, 2020
If you prefer watching a video to understand the updates in Scrum Guide 2020, which are also my favourite updates, enjoy watching this video I've made.
Blog Post
Scrum Guide 2020 and 2017: A Side-by-Side Comparison
November 18, 2020
A side-by-side comparison of The Scrum Guide 2020 and The Scrum Guide 2017 that will help you see all changes.
Blog Post
Scrum Guide 2020 - Download the Free Scrum Guide 2020 Reordered to Spot Changes and Patterns
November 18, 2020
TL; DR: The Scrum Guide 2020-The Scrum Guide 2020 is available now: Change is coming to make Scrum more accessible and inclusive beyond software development.
Blog Post
The Scrum Guide 2020 Reordered
November 24, 2020
The Scrum Guide Reordered 2020 is based on about 95 percent of the text of the Scrum Guide 2020, extending its original structure by adding additional categories, for example, on self-management, commitments, or accountability.
Blog Post
The Audio Version of the Scrum Guide 2020 Is Available
March 1, 2021
The audiobook of the Scrum Guide 2020 is a 22-minute long MP3 file. We are planning to make it available on other platforms, too.
Blog Post
The Scrum Framework, Illustrated
November 21, 2020
With the launch of the new Scrum Guide, we also created a new illustration of the Scrum framework.
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Scrum Framework 2020 Poster
November 18, 2020
We updated our Scrum Framework poster to reflect the Scrum Guide 2020.
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The 2020 Scrum Guide™: What you need to know and how you should adapt
December 5, 2020
A summary of the updated 2020 Scrum Guide™ and how team structures will change moving forward.
Agile Wire Podcast - 2020 Scrum Guide Audio Version
November 19, 2020
This is an audio version of the 2020 Scrum Guide created by the Agile Wire Podcast with Professional Scrum Trainers Jeff Bubolz and Jeff Maleski.
Blog Post
What has NOT changed in the game of Scrum?
December 7, 2020
The 2020 version of Scrum Guide was released recently and everyone is talking about the changes been made in it and how it is going to impact their current ways of working as compared to its previous version.
Blog Post
[VLOG/podcast] The Scrum Guide 2020 changes discussed by 4 PST's
November 30, 2020
Four PST's (Andy Hiles, Steve Trapps, Sjoerd Kranendonk and Jasper Alblas) discuss the changes in the 2020 version of the Scrum Guide. You can watch the video above.
Blog Post
What You Need to Know about the 2020 Scrum Guide
November 28, 2020
On November 18, 2020, Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland released an updated version of the Scrum Guide. In this blog post, I will share what you need to know about the 2020 Scrum Guide.
The Agile Wire - Scrum Guide Updates
December 10, 2020
In this episode of the Agile Wire podcast - Professional Scrum Trainers Jeff Bubolz, Jeff Maleski and Chad Beier discuss the Scrum Guide 2020 changes.
Blog Post
What's different in the 2020 Scrum Guide?
November 27, 2020
The following are the changes that struck me the most in the 2020 Scrum Guide...
Podcast 2020 Update by the Scrum Facilitators
November 23, 2020
In this podcast Scrum Facilitators from the Netherlands Sjoerd Kranendonk and Jasper Alblas discuss the new Scrum Guide (version 2020) with Scrum Coaches Steve Trapps and Andy Hiles from the UK.
Blog Post
La Guía Scrum 2020 (Scrum Guide 2020)
November 18, 2020
En noviembre de 2020, los co-creadores de Scrum, Ken Schwaber y Jeff Sutherland, han publicado una actualización de la Guía de Scrum...
Blog Post
Guía Scrum 2020: Incremento de Producto: Compromiso Criterios de Terminado
December 23, 2020
La nueva guía de Scrum 2020 establece que el compromiso al desarrollar el Incremento de Producto es cumplir con los Criterios de Terminado.
Blog Post
Mis comentarios iniciales sobre la Scrum Guide 2020
November 18, 2020
Hoy ha salido la nueva Scrum Guide 2020.
Blog Post
Eventos de lanzamiento y de explicación de los cambios de la Guía Scrum 2020
November 30, 2020
Estoy muy contento de que comentarios que he visto y recibido sobre la nueva Guía Scrum 2020.
Blog Post
Guía de Scrum 2020. El Objetivo del Sprint es Parte del Sprint Backlog
December 17, 2020
Algunas veces se entendía que los ítems seleccionados del Product Backlog para el Sprint o las tareas eran el compromiso del Sprint.
Blog Post
Equipo Scrum en la guía de Scrum 2020
December 1, 2020
Ahora hay un cambio en los roles. Se ha cambiado el rol que era el Equipo de Desarrollo, por el rol de Desarrolladores.
Blog Post
El análisis definitivo sobre la Guía Scrum 2020
December 13, 2020
Estoy muy contento de que comentarios que he visto y recibido sobre la nueva Guía Scrum 2020.
Blog Post
Daily Scrum en la guía Scrum 2020
November 18, 2020
Un cambio muy esperado ha sido finalmente la eliminación de las tres preguntas sugeridas en el Daily Scrum.
Blog Post
Was ist neu im Scrum Guide 2020 Update? (7 Dinge, die Du unbedingt wissen solltest)
November 18, 2020
Heute, am 18. November 2020, pünktlich zum 25. Geburtstag von Scrum, haben Ken Schwaber und Jeff Sutherland den Scrum Guide aktualisiert.
Um eines gleich vorwegzunehmen: Scrum bleibt Scrum. Ein einfaches Rahmenwerk, welches es Teams ermöglicht, mit der Arbeit an komplexen Problemen zu beginnen. Und der Scrum Guide 2020 ändert daran nichts.
Einige Dinge sind jedoch neu und denen widmen wir uns jetzt.
Blog Post
Scrum Guide 2020 : Ce qui change
November 18, 2020
Découvrez le Guide Scrum 2020 : plus concis, plus clair et regorgeant de surprises pour les 25 ans de Scrum. Plongeons dans les améliorations et nouveautés qui font que Scrum est encore plus Scrum.
Blog Post
Guide Scrum 2020 : Comprendre le Product Goal en 7 questions
December 13, 2020
Découvrez le Product Goal, nouveauté clé du Guide Scrum 2020, pour une clarté accrue et une meilleure orientation produit. #Scrum2020 #ProductGoal