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People Drive Solutions, Tools Just Pave the Way!

October 30, 2023
In this video, Martin delves into the often misunderstood realm of DevOps. 🧐 He clarifies that despite common misconceptions, DevOps transcends mere tools and processes; it's fundamentally an idea. 🛠️➡️💡 He articulates how DevOps, originating in software engineering, is pivotal in enhancing our engineering systems and shortening feedback loops, not through tools alone, but through a shift in perspective. 🔄
Blog Post

Usеr Rolе Modеling in Product Backlog Management

October 29, 2023
By applying User Role Modeling, you can manage your Product Backlog to address the unique needs of each user segment effectively. This ensures that the features you develop are in line with the specific requirements and preferences of these user roles, ultimately leading to a more user-centric and successful product. By brainstorming initial users, consolidating them into segments, and refining their roles, you can create a more streamlined and outcome oriented Product Backlog. Ultimately, understanding your users and shaping your backlog accordingly is the key to delivering successful, user-focused products. User Role Modeling is not just a concept; it's your roadmap to user satisfaction and product success.
Blog Post

How can I Keep my Scrum Team Engaged?

October 27, 2023
How can you help increase engagement in your team — or can you? Is engagement something you can support, influence, or force? PST's Gregory Crown, Jason Malmstadt, and Robert Pieper tackle this frequently-asked question in today’s Scrum Lightning Round.
Blog Post

The Seven Deadly Sins of Agile: Lust

October 27, 2023
In this video, Martin delves into one of the seven deadly sins of agile: lust. 🚀 Organisations, realising the seismic shifts in markets, are now clamouring for agile transformations. Yet, many are seeking shortcuts, hoping to purchase a solution rather than investing genuine effort.
Blog Post

How Can Scrum Masters Help Support Organizational Change?

October 25, 2023
Whether it’s questioning assumptions, coaching in agility, or helping to resolve impediments, effective Scrum Masters drive change. But far too often, Scrum Masters are so focused on change at the team level, that the broader changes required at the organization level go unsupported. How can a Scrum Master help drive the necessary changes across the organization to increase the level of agility and deliver more value? PST's Jason Malmstadt, Robert Pieper, and Gregory Crown will provide you with some ideas.
Blog Post

Why are the Timeboxes in Scrum important?

October 25, 2023
In Scrum, each of the events within a Sprint have a timebox, a maximum amount of time for that event. This time constraint can seem arbitrary, and often garners resistance. Are the timeboxes in the Scrum really important? Why are they such a big deal? PST's Greg Crown, Robb Pieper, and Jason Malmstadt explore the value and purpose behind these enabling constraints in their latest Scrum Lightning Round.
Blog Post

Can Scrum Work Without Fully-Dedicated Team Members?

October 24, 2023
Scrum Teams work best when all the team members can devote 100% of their time to the work of the team. But what about when organizational constraints prevent us from having fully-dedicated team members? Can Scrum still work? What are the challenges of this less-than-ideal scenario? PST's Jason, Greg, and Robb provide some thoughts to this very real-world situation in this video.
Blog Post

Can one person fill multiple roles on a Scrum Team?

October 23, 2023
A Scrum Team needs a Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Developers. But what if we don’t have enough people? Can one person play more than one role or accountability on a Scrum Team? If so, what are the pros and cons of doing so? In this video, PST's Greg and Robb discuss the controversial topic of playing multiple roles in Scrum.
Blog Post

How do you Handle a Lone Wolf that’s on the Scrum Team?

October 20, 2023
How do experts and specialists who are used to working alone fit on a Scrum Team? What should be considered with getting started with a new Scrum Team? In this video, Professional Scrum Trainers Greg Crown and Robb Pieper address these questions about the “lone wolf” developer that may just not want to be on a team.
Blog Post

[VLOG] The Ghosts & Spirits Of Transformations Past...

October 18, 2023
Have you ever joined an organization as a Scrum Master, Coach or Trainer with a smile on your face, good intentions in your mind and love in your heart, only to be received with inexplicable levels of hostility, contempt and aggression? Were you surprised about what was happening to you, why and what you might try next? Interested in a model that might help you make sense of what might be happening as a stepping stone to serve your organization? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this video blog might give you some ideas...
Blog Post

How Do you Apply Scrum Outside of Software Development?

October 17, 2023
While Scrum came out of the field of software development, and is still often used by teams developing software, Scrum is used in lots of other fields: marketing, academia, finance, hardware, and many others. How does Scrum work in these cases? What do you show at a Sprint Review? How can you tell if Scrum is a good fit in these cases? Professional Scrum Trainers Robb Pieper and Greg Crown tackle these ideas in this video.
Blog Post

Scrum: Performance e Risultato

October 17, 2023
Scrum: performance e risultato è una riflessione su quanto sia necessario distinguere la performance e la "casualità" del risultato. Questo articolo è stato pubblicato inizialmente su Abbonati al nostro blog per ricevere via mail in anteprima tutti gli articoli (circa uno al mese).
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How to Set and Achieve Effective Sprint Goals

October 16, 2023
🚀 Navigating the intricacies of the Sprint Goal in Scrum? 🎯 Discover the essence of crafting a goal that drives real value! 📈 Dive deep into the tactical steps, avoid common pitfalls, and ensure your team is on the right track. 🛤️ Let's demystify the Sprint Goal together! 🤝 #Scrum #Agile #SprintGoal
Blog Post

The Purpose of Estimation in Scrum: Sizing for Sprint Success

October 16, 2023
The purpose of the Sprint is to deliver a done increment of valuable, usable product. In order to get there, it is important that higher ordered Product Backlog items are sized so that they are small enough to be completed within a single Sprint. The purpose of estimation in Scrum is to size higher ordered Product Backlog items so they can be completed within a single Sprint.
Blog Post

Common complaint: “Scrum Doesn't Work Here”

October 13, 2023
Common complaint: “Scrum is not working in today‘s software engineering industry.” Response: If Scrum isn‘t “working” in today’s software engineering industry, then perhaps there are counter-signals in the industry that are preventing teams from employing Scrum effectively.
Blog Post

How Big should a User Story be?

October 13, 2023
When is a User Story too big? Does this make it an Epic? What should be considered when looking at the size of User Stories? How do Product Goals fit in? In this video Professional Scrum Trainers Greg Crown and Robb Pieper address these questions through the lens of Scrum.
Blog Post

Case Study: User Story Mapping für effektives Product Backlog Management

October 12, 2023
Das Product Backlog ist für Product Owner:innen was das Mehl für Bäcker:innen oder das Reagenzglas für Chemiker:innen ist: es ist das essentielle Instrument ihrer Arbeit! Nach intensivem User Research hat man so viele Daten! Wie bekommt man diese gut strukturiert und effektiv in den Product Backlog? Hier kann eine User Story Map wunderbar eingesetzt werden um allen das Leben zu erleichtern.