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10 Characteristics of a Great Scrum Master

July 10, 2023
The purpose of the Scrum Master is to improve the effectiveness of the Scrum Team. And yet, so many people don’t know what to look for in a Scrum Master or how to evaluate the Scrum Master’s performance. A great Scrum Master possesses a unique blend of technical expertise, leadership skills, and interpersonal qualities. In this article, we will explore the ten characteristics that define a remarkable Scrum Master.
Blog Post

What should a Scrum Master do when a Developer has a Remark During the Daily Scrum?

July 10, 2023
Earlier this year I was in an Ask a PST session with hosted by Lindsay Velecina. It was awesome, with hundreds of people attending the event. With so many people joining, it was impossible to answer every single question on the spot. So I invited Evelien Acun-Roos to answer these questions together in our tv studio at Xebia with the support of the Xebia Academy and producer Roald Willemsen. The result is a series of short videos, which will be released weekly. We'd love to hear/read what you think, so feel free to let us know! #scrum #agile #ama #pst #professionalscrum #videos #questions #qanda Mastering Agility
Blog Post

Why Agile Transformations Fail.

July 10, 2023
Despite the headline, Agile transformations and evolutions can also succeed! Key ingredients include getting the right level of leadership involvement and an organizational commitment to learning.
Blog Post

Alpha to Beta: The Urgent Call for Agile Organisational Transformation

July 6, 2023
🚀 Urgent Call for Agile Transformation 🚀 Alpha organizations, relics of the Industrial Age, are hierarchical & slow, ill-suited for today's dynamic 'Red' markets. Enter Beta organisations: agile, decentralised & adaptable, bred for innovation. But sadly, agility is losing the battle. Quick fixes won’t do; deep-rooted change is needed. Time to revive the Beta organisational model through radical restructuring. Embrace agility, decentralization & continuous adaption for real sustainable transformation.
Blog Post

Establishing Psychological Safety

July 6, 2023
In our latest episode, I refer to a former client who did an amazing job at making production outage retrospectives a safe space to learn. Hopefully sharing your story helps others to do the same.
Blog Post


July 5, 2023
この記事では、Professional Scrum Trainer™ Gregory Fontaineが、組織がスクラムやその他のアジャイル開発アプローチを導入することでどのようなメリットが得られるのか、直面する典型的な課題、そしてそれらを乗り越えたりするためにいくつかのヒントについて説明します。
Blog Post

What You Need to Know to Get Hired as a Scrum Master

July 5, 2023
Are you looking for a Scrum Master job? If so, you're in luck! In this vlog, Professional Scrum Trainers, Andreanna Marshall and Scott Adams talk about what you need to know to land the Scrum Master position you're  dreaming of. In this video, we'll cover everything you need to know to be a successful Scrum Master. From the basics of Scrum to the skills you need to be successful in this role, this video is a quick guide to help you land the Scrum Master job of your dreams! So what are you waiting for? Watch this video and learn what you need to know about becoming a Scrum Master!
Blog Post

5 Ideias para melhorar o foco e colaboração na sua Daily Scrum

July 3, 2023
Esse post aborda uma disfunção comum em Times Scrum, onde a Daily Scrum se torna um relatório de status, prejudicando a colaboração. São oferecidas sugestões para promover foco na Meta da Sprint, no fluxo, na entrega de valor e na melhoria contínua, além de destacar a importância dos Valores do Scrum ao buscar formas de melhorar esse evento.

Ikigai. Motivar a las personas

July 3, 2023
Una responsabilidad de los líderes ágiles es lograr ayudar a crear un ambiente cultural propicio para el trabajo con equipos motivados e impulsados con propósitos trascendentales que los impulsen a lograr grandes resultados.  La motivación depende en gran medida de la capacidad de ayudar en lo posible a la realización de las personas. La autogestión en Scrum se potencia con equipos motivados, inspirados que encuentran un aporte a su realización personal. Una herramienta que puede ayudar a esto es el ikigai.
Blog Post

Embrace Uniqueness: Why Creating Your Own Scaling Practices Leads to Business Success

June 28, 2023
🔥 Embrace Uniqueness: Carve Your Own Path to Scaling Success 🔥 Business Leaders, are you ready to unlock the true potential of your organization's scaling journey? 🚀 In my latest post, I delve into the importance of creating your own scaling practices and why it leads to long-term business success. Let's break free from standardised approaches and embrace what sets us apart. 💪 🧬 Unique DNA of Success: Your organization's success is built on a distinctive DNA that sets you apart from competitors. Don't risk diluting your competitive edge by blindly adopting frameworks like SAFe or the Spotify Model. Instead, leverage your unique characteristics and tailor your scaling practices to preserve your DNA. 🧬
Blog Post

As a True Leader the Scrum Master Serves

June 26, 2023
How does a Scrum Master add value to a team and organization? It can be a little tricky. Do you focus on the team only? What if the Product Owner needs some extra attention? And what about the company itself, who helps its overall agility? Professional Scrum Trainers Jason Malmstadt, Robert Pieper and I will explore the qualities that make a Scrum Master a true leader and provide examples of how they can effectively serve all three.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 Project Manager e Scrum Master, due mestieri diversi

June 26, 2023
Project Manager e Scrum Master sono due mestieri diversi. Se sei un project manager, senti parlare sempre di più di Scrum e vorresti capire cosa c'è di così diverso fra questi due ruoli? Perché dovresti scegliere fra l'uno o l'altro e non si può fare un pò dei due? In questo articolo provo a condividere le risposte a queste domande, con i principi e le ragioni che differenziano Scrum Professionale dal Project Management. L'obiettivo non è quello di convincere che Scrum è la soluzione miracolo a tutto, al contrario. La mia esperienza come project manager mi porta ad apprezzare tutto quello che ho imparato durante gli anni spesi a gestire progetti in modo tradizionale.
Blog Post

What Is The Most Important Part Of Scrum?

June 23, 2023
Back in 2012 when I was on the path to becoming a Professional Scrum Trainer, I travelled to Boston to attend a PSM course run by Ken Schwaber (the co-creator of Scrum and Chairman/Founder of It was a large class and people had flown in from all over the world. Everyone was excited to meet and learn from Ken.
Blog Post

Product Owners - The Messy Reality of Environment

June 21, 2023
Product Owners have a variety of job titles ranging from Project Manager to Product Manager, From Business Analyst to Team Leader. Still, these job titles reflect the complexity of their work environment. In this blog, we discuss the messy reality of Product Ownership and provide a 2 by 2 grid focused on Product-ness and Ownership to reflect that complexity.

Creando un impacto significativo: Cómo el Objetivo del Sprint contribuye al valor entregado en Scrum

June 21, 2023
En este artículo exploramos el papel fundamental del Objetivo del Sprint como faro que guía al equipo hacia el logro de resultados valiosos para el cliente y la organización. A través de ejemplos prácticos en los sectores de mantenimiento, tecnología, construcción y alquileres de apartamentos, descubrimos cómo un Objetivo del Sprint claro y bien definido tiene un impacto directo en la estrategia de negocio, proporcionando enfoque y motivación a los miembros del equipo. También exploramos la importancia de la retroalimentación del cliente y diferentes experimentos que se pueden proponer para inspeccionar y adaptar nuestras expectativas y aprendizajes como equipo.
Blog Post

5 W's for Unplanned Work

June 16, 2023
Unplanned work can throw off even the most organized teams or companies. To adapt to unexpected situations, it's important to ask the five W's. I've put together a helpful tool to help manage unplanned work on a Scrum Team. Use these 5W Questions to think critically before adding new items to your Sprint Backlog.