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In diesem Scrum-Pulse-Webcast erklärt Professional Scrum Trainer Simon Flossmann die Grundlagen effektiver Facilitation.
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There are many great reasons to use Scrum. Focus on quality, frequent delivery of value, and limitation of risk, to name a few. Saving money is not one of them...
5 from 2 ratings
Kurt Bittner, PST Ron Eringa and PST Laurens Bonnema come together again to join host Dave West for a discussion on the Dual Operating Model, Culture, self-management, bottom up intelligence and more! (33:37 Minutes)
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Scrum is not designed to solve all problems in all business domains. There are times when Scrum used properly is a great fit for complex problem solving. But when and where does Scrum not work? When should we not be using Scrum? When would it be too much overhead for the value derived?
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Many organizations are trying to improve the alignment between strategy and execution with the OKRs framework (Objectives and Key Results). There’s good intent there, but more often than not, looking under the hood, you notice:  OKRs that look more like tasks than strategic objectives – especiall...
3.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
El Product Owner es un gestor de producto que se encarga de mantener el alineamiento estratégico del Product Backlog en todo momento.
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The Scrum Events are in place to support empiricism and the delivery of value. You need to run them at least once per Sprint. But could we do them multiple times in the same Sprint? Find out in this article!
5 from 2 ratings
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Prof. Yaneer Bar-Yam, an eminent scientist who is known for his contribution to the mitigation of ethnic violence in Europe, the eradication of the Ebola outbreaks in West Africa, and establishing the field of Complex Systems Science, discussed the reasons behind the success of self-managed and cros...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
According to the Scrum guide, Scrum teams typically have 10 or fewer people, including Developers, Scrum Master and Product Owner.  But what happens with a Scrum team that includes more than 10 people?  What if the Scrum team has 10, 15 even more people?
4.8 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Is there a moment when a, so far, successful Scrum team starts outliving Scrum’s utility?
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Die Diskussionen in der Sprint Retrospektive drehen sich seit geraumer Zeit nur noch im Kreis. Das Resultat? Wieder eine Retrospektive, die ohne konkrete Verbesserung endet. Wenn dir das bekannt vorkommt und du nach einem Ausweg suchst, dann lies weiter...
0 from 0 ratings
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Backlog refinement is still a vastly misunderstood activity. There is no single approach to it and no time-boxed event. But why is that? And how to handle it? More on that in this article.
3.6 from 4 ratings
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How the various ways of getting into a swimming pool are similar to how teams and organizations start with Scrum.
4.3 from 6 ratings
Blog Post
Otra gran pregunta recurrente, ¿Por qué tenemos que hacer DevOps si hacemos Scrum?. Son 2 cosas complementarias, porqué están muy alineadas en las maneras de pensar. DevOps se trata de lograr la mentalidad correcta, igual que la mentalidad que necesita Scrum.
5 from 1 rating
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As this article hopefully makes clear, the mental well-being of the workforce is important. Being transparent about what happens after someone shares what they feel could improve is needed to ensure proper follow-up.
0 from 0 ratings
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Scrum define eventos para crear cadencia, ritmo y mejorar la transparencia. Puede suceder que los miembros del equipo no encuentren utilidad en su uso o que el resultado no sea efectivo o el esperado. Estas circunstancias pueden ser mejorados con una facilitación para impactar en forma positiva e...
4.3 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Team effectiveness suffers when teams are too large. We explain how to make adjustments to fix this problem.
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In dieser Folge von Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer beantworten Professional Scrum Trainer Martina Luenzmann und Simon Flossmann in einer Live-Sitzung deine dringendsten Fragen, wie Product Owner:innen noch erfolgreicher werden können.
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What would happen if Superman wasn't around to save the earth? We, as mere mortals, would perish quickly, and the superhero movies would be super short. Wouldn't it be more helpful if the flying solver-of-all would teach out to save ourselves?
5 from 3 ratings
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Scrum Masters are accountable for effectiveness of Scrum and yet many things are beyond their control. Let's unpack how to navigate this.
0 from 0 ratings
In 2018, and McKinsey started collaborating around a shared purpose: to help companies innovate how their organizations, teams, and individuals work. In this article, the latest in a series of research and insight papers, we examine the differences between doing work and creating value in...
5 from 3 ratings
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In the 45th Hands-on Agile meetup session, James Shore—author of ‘The Art of Agile Development’—shared his experiences with scaling “agile:” first with traditional approaches and, more recently, with FAST scaling.
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In this podcast episode, PST Joshua Partogi share his personal experience in making Scrum enticing for people at the senior executives level.
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Es war ein langer Weg bis zu dieser Rezension: „Durch die Interaktivität bin ich nicht nur Teilnehmerin, sondern wirklich Lernende. Kein passiver Konsum – wir haben uns das neue Wissen erarbeitet. Gespickt mit hilfreichen Tipps von Simon für den Arbeitsalltag. Langeweile? Fehlanzeige.“ – Sandra ...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Understanding the “why” behind the Scrum framework can help Scrum teams improve their ability to deliver value to the organization.  We previously discussed the purpose behind each Scrum event and the purpose behind each Scrum accountability.  In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the purpose...
4.8 from 8 ratings
Blog Post
Usable, Useful and Valuable are attributed to the Increments in Scrum and these terms should not be used interchangeably. A product cannot be useful if its not usable and in addition, a product cannot be valuable if it's not useful.
4.4 from 8 ratings
During this 2022 conversation on the Women in Agile Podcast, Jess Brock and Emily Lint dive deep into dojos. What does it mean to run a great dojo and how do you measure a dojo's success? Have we been doing dojos all wrong? Find out more! (51:12 Minutes)
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Ser mentor es ejercer la influencia, guía o dirección dada sobre una persona que quiere ser mentorizada. Y un mentor es alguien que enseña o brinda ayuda y consejos a una persona menos experimentada y, a menudo, más joven. O no más joven como acostumbra ser mi caso.
0 from 0 ratings
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In this vlog, PST Joshua Partogi elaborates on the differences between Product Vision, Product Goal and Product Roadmap in the context of Scrum and shares how the Product Owner can use it to gain competitive advantage in the market.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
📖 Ein neuer Satz von Fragen zur Sprint-Planung ist jetzt verfügbar; insgesamt gibt es jetzt 73 Bewerberfragen. Bislang wurde dieser Leitfaden für Scrum-Master-Interviews mehr als 25.000 Mal heruntergeladen.
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The scrum guide has been thoughtfully crafted and frequently updated to help teams and organizations be more successful. While aimed primarily at individual teams it also speaks volumes to the type of environment organizations can create to help their teams to thrive.
4.5 from 1 rating
In this episode of Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer moderated by Patricia Kong, PSTs Simon Flossmann and David Spinks answer your burning questions about Scrum and the challenges you or your teams may be facing when using Scrum, particularly within the Scrum events and other scenarios when it may be...
4.8 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
An exploration of what scientific studies and a large dataset of Scrum teams tell us about the benefits of agility
4.9 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
Pratiquez Scrum professionnel ! Autrement dit, quelle différence entre une application mécanique de Scrum et une qui inclut des valeurs et principes qui guident toutes décisions ?
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​​​​​​​Scrum Teams that understand the “why” behind the Scrum framework can better increase value delivery to the organization. Internalizing the purpose behind the events, artifacts and accountabilities of Scrum allows the team to get the most benefit from them.  In this article, we will discuss th...
4.7 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Suppose you are looking to fill a position for a Scrum Master (or agile coach) in your organization. In that case, you may find the following 73 interview questions helpful in identifying the right candidate.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Wie stehen Produktvision, Produkt-Ziel und Sprint-Ziel in Beziehung zueinander? Wie können sie einfach erstellt werden? Und wie sind Vision und Ziele definiert? Wenn du dir eine dieser Fragen stellst, dann lies weiter! Lass uns damit beginnen, die letzten beiden Fragen zu beantworten:
5 from 1 rating
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Reflections and findings triggered by an experience interview with Daniel Vacanti.
4.3 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Indicator's of a team's health that's beyond velocity
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Muitas pessoas que estão começando sua jornada como Scrum Master ou estão dentro de Scrum Teams, possuem dificuldade para entender o que é o Definition of Done (DoD), e a sua verdadeira importância. Na maioria das vezes, acabam confundido com critérios de aceite, ou limitam o compromisso a um simple...
5 from 14 ratings
Blog Post
Cuando empecé a trabajar, unas de las primeras cosas que me pidieron fue profesionalizar la construcción de software. Esto me lo pidieron como el 2010. Siempre pensé que pasaria de moda, que las máquinas montarían el software solas. Pues esta semana del 2022, me han pedido volver a definir una int...
0 from 0 ratings
In this Introduction to Facilitating the Sprint Retrospective video, you'll learn step-by-step how to guide your team through a Sprint Retrospective with techniques such as the Prime Directive, the Perfection Game, Dot Voting and Affinity Mapping so that your team can leave the Sprint Retrospective ...
4.6 from 27 ratings
Blog Post
Interestingly, so many organizations have revenue or profit as their Product Goals as well as Strategic Goals. Some organizations do not consider using Product Goals at all. Or they are not aware of this need.
4.8 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
Kein Scrum-Team war jemals in der Lage, die Vorteile des Frameworks in vollem Umfang zu nutzen, ohne das Sprint-Ziel zu einem Eckpfeiler seiner Bemühungen zu machen. Die folgenden neun Prinzipien weisen auf kritische Punkte hin, die jedes Scrum-Team auf seinem Weg zur Exzellenz berücksichtigen sollt...
0 from 0 ratings
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In this article, I’ll explore the need for and the attributes of an agile business operating system related to Private Equity (PE) portfolio companies. It hopefully helps leaders of such companies and PE professionals focused on the operations side expand their perspective on what “Agile” and "Agili...
0 from 0 ratings
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We interview the world's first Scrum Cow. As it turns out, Scrum has become very popular on the farm and cows everywhere are performing stand ups on a regular basis! Watch to learn moooooooore! 
4.7 from 3 ratings
Kurt Bittner, PST Ron Eringa and PST Laurens Bonnema join host Dave West for a discussion on some of the topics in the new book, The Professional Agile Leader: The Leader's Journey Toward  Growing Mature Agile Teams and Organizations. (25:49 Minutes)
5 from 1 rating
In this webinar, Patricia Kong and PST David Spinks discuss the group dynamics involved in decision making and how facilitation skills can help a Scrum Team navigate through periods of frustration, confusion or disengagement to reach true alignment on their collective decisions.
5 from 1 rating
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Many people choose to do things efficiently, because they probably assume that it is the best way to be successful and that it is the best way to get the highest value with the least amount of effort. But substituting efficiency for effectiveness makes things worse instead of better. The fact is tha...
4.9 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
Here are my observations made after teaching Scrum using Minecraft Education for approximately 3 years. Minecraft is used to create a world (metaverse?) in which students are asked to develop a product. The immersive nature of the platform replicates the workplace and invites students into refle...
5 from 3 ratings