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Blog Post
Understanding stakeholders is really important for Scrum Teams to be able to engage them in the right manner. I have found Stakeholder Persona Canvas as a lightweight tool that helps a lot in understanding them better.
5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
In this vlog, Professional Scrum Trainers, Andreanna Marshall, and Scott Adams discuss five common Scrum mistakes that will ruin your team's progress.
4.6 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
A proper Agile organizational design is critical to achieving your business strategy, and you need to redesign your organization when your capabilities and strategy are incompatible. Redesigning your organization involves rethinking its structure, processes, and people to ensure that they align with...
5 from 2 ratings
Learning Series
There is no one direct path to become a great Scrum Master. However, we've assembled a few insights and ideas on topics such as driving toward goals, living the Scrum Values, enabling collaboration, removing obstacles, instilling self-management, promoting psychological safety, and encouraging a continuous improvement mindset.
Blog Post
Do you have to go to the Daily Scrum every day? Do you need to stand up? Should the Scrum Master and/or Product Owner attend every one? Watch this video to find out!
3.7 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
La paradoja de Jevons, también conocida como la "paradoja del progreso", se refiere a la observación de que a medida que aumenta la eficiencia en el uso de un recurso, su consumo total puede aumentar en lugar de disminuir. Esta paradoja fue nombrada en honor al economista británico William Stanley J...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Read on and learn what ChatGPT considers to be a Scrum Master’s typical workload, excluding the removal of impediments.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Kleine Scrum-Missverständnisse wuchern schnell zu ernsthaften Erkrankungen aus. Möchtest du dies verhindern, solltest du frühzeitig und konsequent handeln. Natürlich ist nicht jede kleine Regelabweichung gleich besorgniserregend. Allerdings gibt es drei Erkrankungen, die Grund zur Sorge bereiten. Di...
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
En este artículo, un Scrum Master trabaja en una startup de tecnología y se enfrenta al desafío de un equipo que se resiste a participar en la daily scrum. El equipo tiene varias razones para no querer participar, incluyendo la percepción de que es una pérdida de tiempo, que interrumpe su trabajo di...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Este artículo presenta la relación entre el marco de trabajo Scrum y la inteligencia artificial (IA) en el desarrollo de soluciones. La IA se ha convertido en una herramienta esencial para mejorar la calidad, la eficiencia y la velocidad de entrega, y los equipos de Scrum pueden aprovechar la IA par...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Scrum Master, ¿Conoces tus desafíos profesionales? ¡Estamos aquí para ayudar! Como Scrum Master, es importante que te mantengas actualizado sobre las mejores prácticas y herramientas. En este artículo discutimos estrategias y técnicas para abordar los desafíos comunes que enfrentan los Scrum Mas...
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
La Definición de Terminado ayuda al equipo Scrum a trabajar hacia un objetivo común y proporciona una clara definición de lo que constituye un incremento "Terminado", impulsando transparencia y previsibilidad sobre el trabajo que se debe realizar en cada Sprint. Sin embargo, el equipo Scrum puede en...
5 from 2 ratings
In this episode of the Community Podcast, Dave West continues his discussion with Willem van den Corput, VP Engineering at Lightyear and Michelle Siau, Agile Coach about how Scrum is used at Lightyear to develop Solar electric vehicles, managing complexity and adapting to growth in their o...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Facilitating the dynamics and interactions of Scrum Events is essential towards guiding the scrum team collectively to a shared objective. These five facilitation principles work hand in hand to ensure that your scrum events will become more focused, productive and effective.
4.3 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
What transparency can the Developers bring to the Scrum Team and the stakeholders of your product? Transparency, being one of the core underlying concepts of the Scrum framework, we can expect the Developers to actively work on this.
5 from 4 ratings
During this 2022 conversation on the Women in Agile podcast, Kathy Marshak and Emily Lint sat down to discuss Middle Management in the agile space. Where do they belong? How do you bring them on the Agile journey with you? And, most importantly, how do we as Agilists help them thrive in these new w...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In a context of an enterprise a cross-functional team is not enough. A concept of a Product Group that extends cross-functional team is helpful. A Product Group is a semi-autonomous unit with P&L responsibility that consists of cross-functional teams, shared functions, systems and roles. Multiple Pr...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Werden Product Owner künftig mit einem statistischem Modell um Jobs wetteifern müssen?
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
El User Story Mapping es una herramienta complementaria muy útil para visualizar el trabajo necesario para crear un producto o servicio, permitiendo a los equipos de desarrollo y stakeholders entender de manera clara y concisa las necesidades del usuario y cómo se relacionan entre sí. Se divide en d...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Agile managers play a crucial role in the success of any agile team. But what is an agile manager? What exactly does an agile manager do? In this video, PSTs Robert Pieper, Gregory Crown and Jason Malmstadt discuss the role of an agile manager and how they interact with agile teams to ensure success...
0 from 0 ratings
Psychological Safety is an important asset of effective Scrum Teams. In this short video, we introduce psychological safety, share a familiar scenario and provide 3 tips to foster psychological safety on your Scrum Team. (4:10 Minutes)
4.9 from 30 ratings
In this episode of the Community Podcast, host Dave West chats with Willem van den Corput, VP Engineering at Lightyear and Michelle Siau, Agile Coach about how Lightyear came about, how they use Scrum to build Solar electric vehicles, coaching and more! (33:11 Minutes)
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Often people confuse and conflate opinions from experts inside the building with evidence, and it's not evidence.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
If you’re a newcomer to all of this, you might be asking yourself: What is Agile even all about? How can organizations such as your own profit from becoming more agile?
4.6 from 9 ratings
Blog Post
In Scrum, the Product Owner’s purpose is to maximize the value of the Scrum Team’s work (the product). Delivering value to the customer (beneficial customer outcomes) is the ultimate measure of success for the Scrum Team, including the Product Owner.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Why does Agile focus on values and principles rather than a prescribed set of steps? In an agile space, there are no predetermined set of steps that will lead to a predefined outcome. The problem has never been solved before, nor has the solution ever been created, so you don’t know what you don’t k...
4.2 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Todd, Ryan, and Prateek discuss throughput and why it is the most suitable flow metric for Sprint planning.
4 from 2 ratings
Learning Series
In order for Scrum Masters to fulfill their accountability they must enable the team to continuously improve its practices within the Scrum Framework. Learn about how a Scrum Master can instill continuous improvement mindset through an exploration of some frequently asked questions that we’ve encountered from Scrum Teams.
Blog Post
Why giving your people the time and space to learn and improve is important.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Will You Compete for a Position w/ an LLM Soon? — I took a few questions from the Hiring: 82 Scrum Product Owner Interview Questions guide and ran a ChatGPT Product Owner job interview.
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Scrum could be used in all sorts of domains, but I would not be so arrogant to tell you it can be used in any domain. It has been used and you can try it in pretty much any domain, but there would be one constraint holding back Scrum or holding back your ability to do Scrum: if you cannot deliver a...
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) in various industries is driving the change in how companies hire. As AI continues to shape and transform how we work and live, it is unsurprising that it also affects how companies recruit new talent.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
What is Sprint planning? Does a Scrum Team really need to plan the whole Sprint in the beginning? What should be the output of this Scrum Event? Watch this video to find out!
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Was zeichnet ein schwieriges Gespräche aus? - Die Gesprächspartner haben unterschiedliche Ansichten. - Es sind Emotionen im Spiel. - Es steht viel auf dem Spiel für die Personen. Führst du als Scrum Master Gespräche über Veränderungen, sind diese Gespräche schwierig. Wie du sie souverän meis...
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
¡Agile is not dead! Te queremos mostrar que debes saber del por qué y cómo puede utilizar la metodología ágil en tu vida profesional sin acabar en una defunción.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
What transparency can the Product Owner bring to the Scrum Team and the stakeholders of your product? Transparency, being one of the core underlying concepts of the Scrum framework, we can expect the Product Owner to actively work on this.
4.8 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
For those new to the concepts of Scrum and its framework, Sprints can be a topic of curiosity. Does it mean sprinting to the end as fast as possible? Do we have any downtime between Sprints? And most importantly, what's the point of a Sprint? Learn all about the Sprint as it is defined in the Scrum ...
0 from 0 ratings
Traditional management models consider the work of people and team development to be the job of the team’s manager. Scrum puts specific responsibility on Scrum Masters to support and guide Scrum Team members (as well as other members of the organization). However, team development is not only th...
4.8 from 30 ratings
Blog Post
Der Scrum Master Gehaltsbericht 2023 basiert auf den Antworten von 1.143 Teilnehmern aus aller Welt. Finden Sie heraus, wie Sie im Vergleich abschneiden!
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Many of us find it difficult to ask for help at work, which is a problem if you are part of a Scrum Team. Interdependence and collaboration are central to Scrum, but these practices don’t always come naturally to those new to the framework. In this post, we explore the incorrect assumptions tied up ...
5 from 2 ratings
Learning Series
The best way to support a team working on complex problems is to give them the space to determine how to do their work, rather than directing them. Learn about self-managing teams and their characteristics. Explore some myths and misunderstandings about self-management.
Learning Series
The ways that leaders present themselves and interact with their colleagues can either support agility, or defeat it. Learn the difference between leaders and managers and the traits of an agile leadership style. Explore why we speak more about agile leadership and not servant leadership.
In diesem Scrum-Pulse-Webcast erklärt Professional Scrum Trainer Simon Flossmann, wie man mit nur 3 einfachen Facilitation-Techniken die Kommunikation in Scrum Teams nachhaltig effektiver gestaltet.
4.5 from 1 rating
Learning Series
The coach’s job is to be a process expert, enabling those they are coaching to achieve their goals using skills such as developmental conversations, active listening and asking thought-provoking questions. Learn a few of the coaching principles, traits and skills of a coach, and why coaching is beneficial for Scrum Teams.
Learning Series
Mentoring is a mutually beneficial relationship in which a mentor provides guidance to a mentee to help the mentee reach their goals. It’s often confused with coaching. Learn why mentoring is beneficial for Scrum Team, mentoring principles, skills and traits of a mentor as well as the traits of a mentee.
Blog Post
Is your Sprint Review effective? In this VLOG, I explain the foundation of the Sprint Review event concisely and precisely containing 4 questions to trigger you to think of improving your way of conducting the Sprint Review.
4.5 from 2 ratings
In this episode of Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer, Sander Dur, PST at Xebia, joins to answer questions around Scrum Mastery, Self-Management, Product Ownership, estimation, metrics and more! (57:36 Minutes)
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In this vlog, PST Joshua Partogi elaborates how Scrum Masters can use the Scrum values to lead people in the company towards agility.
0 from 0 ratings
About Sprint Planning Event Purpose: Initiates the Sprint by laying out the work to be performed for the Sprint. Output is a Sprint Backlog (Sprint Goal + selected PBIs + Plan) Facilitator Focus: Enable a collaborative and transparent environment with a clear objective. Keep the team f...
4.1 from 7 ratings
About the Sprint Review Event Purpose: Inspect the Increment, through feedback and adaptation of the Product Backlog if needed Facilitator Focus: Enable an engaging, energetic and participative environment. Encourage listening vs. reacting. Empathize, listen actively and build synergy b...
5 from 4 ratings