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The WWH way of actions :)

Last post 12:16 am March 23, 2025 by Pierre Pienaar
2 replies
07:42 am March 20, 2025

No, it's not a typo (people may say you are a WWE 🤼  fan and misspelled it, although I have always been a fan of WWE 😁)


For any course of action, this path can give you a clear vision. Again, success is measured by the value and not numbers 😎 

Everyone has their own technique of figuring out the #success #factor. I am always interested in the #process. So, what is this WWH. Let's break it down. 


W - Why? Simple. Why we are doing this? What is the motive? Usually aligned with the Goal, it makes the team understand the objective behind the effort they are going to put in for coming days. For example, we need to be the top grocery delivery app in local market. So all the efforts for coming future is directed towards this one motive. 


W - What? Yes we understood the motive. Now what we are going to do to achieve it? We need to catch up with the whole sellers to stock our stack. We also need to get trained professionals for various activities. This is what we are going to do for certain period. 


H - How? Why we are doing this - got it. What needs to be done to accomplish that - got it. Now how we are planning to do this is the final step. How we are going to hire the professionals - our internal teams or outsourcing. How are we planning to gather the whole sellers? How are we working on launching the app? And so on. 


I know this sounds absolutely simple. And yes it is kind of common sense to approach in this way. But is it aligned with the team yet? Unfortunately not. Team is only focusing on finishing the Sprint backlog and achieving the user story points. Delivering pile of features but client using only 30% of them, should not be counted as success! Usability, value and satisfaction index should be the measures. I know I shifted again towards #Agile, but that's the way it is 😉  Let me know your thoughts! 


#Scrum #ItsAllAboutScrum #FFT #FoodForThought #AgileMindset #AM

05:17 pm March 20, 2025

You might want to correlate this (and your rationale for simplification) to WWWWWH, given that it already has history and presence:


12:16 am March 23, 2025

focusing on finishing the Sprint backlog and achieving the user story points

I would say this is the first problem, chasing story points. Story points are meant to be a rough guide during planning. Once the sprint starts, the focus should be on delivering value rather than obsessing over story points, which can be a distraction.

If clients end up using only a small portion of the functionality, it suggests that prioritisation and the user story requirements were not well considered.

Address these  in a retrospective and ask the entire ream what they think. 

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