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When to move bugs from the backlog to the Sprint backlog?

Last post 07:11 am March 10, 2025 by Anand Balakrishnan
3 replies
03:46 pm March 9, 2025

I am very confused as I moved once a bug with status "QA Test" from the backlog to the sprint backlog for the next sprint. A developer said that it is not necessary to do that as it contains a bug. I just thought that it would be convenient to move it to the next sprint as tis is alreay being tested in the QA envirnment and could be soon closed. According to the developer I am mistaken.

A Sprint planning is coming soon I still don't know in which cases then it is necessary or possible to move bugs from the backlog to the sprint backlog for the next sprint. I found another bug with the same status and High Prio. This bug is waiting for business tests.

So, which is best practices for a Sprint planning as Product Owner?.

04:54 pm March 9, 2025

Product Owners do not move any work into the Sprint Backlog - the Developers are accountable for pulling work into the Sprint Backlog in Sprint Planning (and throughout the Sprint).

The Product Owner comes to Sprint Planning with an objective in mind to help set the stage for the Scrum Team to craft a Sprint Goal. Having a Product Backlog that is ready (refined, ordered, transparent) will also make Sprint Planning less chaotic.

Product Owners are accountable for the Product Goal and Product Backlog. The Developers remain accountable for the Sprint Backlog.

A review of may help you.

05:24 pm March 9, 2025

If something isn't working this Sprint, that's a signal for the Developers to fix it now or find a workaround. They've committed to meet a Sprint Goal and to provide Done work of immediately usable quality. 

07:11 am March 10, 2025

I am very confused as I moved once a bug with status "QA Test" from the backlog to the sprint backlog for the next sprint. A developer said that it is not necessary to do that as it contains a bug

Why the developer thinks so ? Do others on the team also agree ? Also you as a Product owner should be in a position to understand the impact of the bug (like what feature is it related to, how important is it to fix it Now etc.). Moving something to the sprint backlog should not just be based on the bug status.

During the Sprint planning these things need to be discussed. There is no point in keeping a know bug open as it is something not working as expected and needs to be fixed.

Also as mentioned by other experts the developers are the custodians of the sprint backlog, so adding something to the sprint backlog without discussions with the developers is not recommended.

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