How to prepare report after daily stand up?
After daily standup, I would like to get following info -
1> For today, Issues going to be worked on by Dev along with estimates.
2> Time logged by Dev on previous date
3> Issues our team are facing to complete the task as estimated, if we are not on track
4> What difference are we making on the product, besides just working on assigned issues.
My project manager wants these reports.
From your reading of the Scrum Guide, how reasonable is it for a "project manager" to expect these or any other reports?
Nikhil, assuming that your role on the Scrum Team is as the Scrum Master, you should know that the Daily Scrum is a Development Team-based meeting strictly for their benefit to align their daily work towards the Sprint Goal and discuss any issues that may impede them from reaching that goal.
As a Scrum Master, your responsibility is to make sure that the team has the Daily Scrum, that their discussions are productive, and that they keep the meeting within the 15-minute time box. That is it.
Also, it is critical for you to not only protect the team from any interference from outside, but to educate those (such as your "Project Manager") who are attempting to distort the purpose of the Daily Scrum or your role in it.
I urge you to read the Scrum Guide section on the Daily Scrum.