Length of a scrum project
I have found this question in a test and am unsure what is right: What can be the length of a scrum project?
- One Year
- One Sprint
- None of above
- whatever is needed
- Two Weeks
- All of above
Thank you for your support on this!
What do you think is the correct answer and why?
I am really unsure! Time should not be too long to develop as the need could have gone, so I would not go for 1 year. it cannot be fix as user experiences that need to be fulfilled will be different. So always 2 weeks or 1 sprint should not be right either. 1 Sprint is fixed as well and doesn't apply either.
Non of them?
Have a read of the Scrum Guide http://www.scrumguides.org/scrum-guide.html
There are a few key things in there that should help you grasp the question and the answer. For example, A Product Backlog is never complete.
If the question is "What can be the length of a scrum project?", then perhaps a better way to word the question would be to break it up:
- Can a project be a single sprint?
- Can a project consist of multiple sprints?
Although I do also want to point out that having "None of the Above" placed above "All of the Above" is poor test formatting, which may confuse ESL test takers.
I would highly question any testing source that believes there are such things as Scrum projects.
As stated already in this thread, a Product Backlog is a living, evolving entity. Projects inherently have a beginning and an end; therefore, projects do not apply when discussing Scrum.
Scrum is agnostic about the concept of a project. A Sprint might be a project to a Scrum Team.
It would be fairest to say that Scrum does not prescribe the use of "projects", or otherwise utilize them as a vehicle for delivery.