Nexus Guide 2016 question/clarification
I am not sure if this question has already been asked, so apologies for the unintended repeat question. So here goes:
In the Nexus Guide,
Nexus Sprint Planning: Appropriate representatives from each Scrum Team meet to discuss and review the refined Product Backlog. They select Product Backlog items for each team.
Then later on down the line it says,
To begin Nexus Sprint Planning, appropriate representatives from each Scrum Team validate and make adjustments to the ordering of the work as created during Refinement events. All members of the Scrum Teams should participate to minimize communication issues.
Which brings me to the question, during the Nexus Sprint planning who is required to attend/participates/and invited? Is it representatives of the scrum team or all members of the scrum team?
Officially, Scrum requires the delegates be present and encourages the team members to be present, but unlike the Team Daily Scrum it doesn't seem as though it's a hard requirement for non-representatives to be there.
Realistically with a large multi-team project, nothing about a 60-person meeting with all members actively participating sounds "agile" to me. The benefits of resolving communication concerns early on are rapidly lost when you consider that daily scrums and daily nexus scrums are already in place to facilitate this.
However I'm not a SPS, so I'll reference someone who is, Simon Kneafsey:
Nexus Sprint Planning should be attended by all Scrum Teams and include all team members.
In reality it can be tough to coordinate this large number of people, so each Scrum Teams should nominate a smaller number of appropriate people to represent the team when planning discussions are carried out at the Nexus level.…
They should all be there to participate and mimimize communication overhead between teams and representative nominees.