Multiple PBis for ready Qa and lack of QA Resource
We are working in Agile scrum framework where lack of QA resources (only single QA).Most of the time, multiple pbis remains in pipeline for ready QA.What additional solutions do you have for this problem besides allowing the developer to take part in testing?
What are the actual consequences of this bottleneck to value delivery and how are they being made transparent?
Perhaps the situation you have described is not an apparent problem to investors who might otherwise provide more resources. Is the value delivered each Sprint considered by stakeholders to be adequate?
Why do you need more solutions than allowing developers to take part in testing?
A Scrum Team is a cross-functional, self-managing team that does not contain any sub-teams or hierarchies. Although you may have specialists or experts in particular aspects of development, the whole team is responsible for completing the work and moving toward the goals. If there is work that needs to be tested before it meets the Definition of Done, the whole team should be involved in testing the work.