Virtual Daily SCRUM Meeting
I am a big fan of the Daily SCRUM Meeting (and not just for Agile teams - I think all project managers should use these approaches). I am working on developing an app to conduct virtual daily SCRUM Meetings - I used a commercial off the shelf development tool for collaboration to build my tool - MeetingSphere.
The way I see doing virtual daily SCRUM Meetings is that the team logs onto the app before the designated time and answers the three questions. Then the team stays logged in when they get on a conference call with the team. As the SCRUM Master goes through the posts people comment and document their comments in the tool.
You can try the app here:
I would love to get some feedback and some ideas for features I could add or things I should take out.
For example, I added a "Mood Meter" to periodically get feedback on subjects like stakeholder education and the getting to a definition of "done" - but I am not sure if this is appropriate in the daily SCRUM Meeting even if it is only used periodically.
I think using this approach makes sense to document and communicate even if the team is not geographically separated - would like to hear what other people think.
I was actually on a widely distributed team for about a year and a half. This tool looks a little overkill. We used Lotus Notes Sametime to share a virtual task board in Rational Team Concert and got everyone on a conference call. I'm a huge advocate of the "KISS" Method (Keep it Stupid Simple). The harder things are to do, the less likely they will be done. I like the idea of a "happiness metric", but the overhead of the rest of the tool is too much. It is hard enough to get people to enter their time remaining in a tool, to get them to answer their questions online before scrum... not gunna happen.
I agree, it should be more verbal communication then writing anything in a tool. Also try out tools where in team members can see each other's face.
you can use skype, gotomeeting, bluejeans or hangout to have chance see each other