Hi folks. In the past six months I have met several senior leaders from well known companies who asked me, "do they even need a Scrum Master or an Agile Coach to make their company agile?". These senior leaders understand the need for their company to be agile or to be nimble, responsive and competitive in the market, but they're wondering if additional roles like Scrum Master or Agile Coach is necessary. Some of these senior leaders even don't find the value from their Scrum Masters or Agile Coaches. In this podcast episode, I share my responses to these senior leaders. My answer might surprise you. Hopefully this podcast episode can be your company for your weekend and you will have a different perspective about agile, Scrum, agility, Scrum Master or even Agile Coach after listening to this podcast episode. Have a great weekend folks.
[Podcast] Do we really need a Scrum Master or even an Agile Coach
September 24, 2022
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