Ask about history of scrum development process and Scrum framework. and Why is author develop scrum develop process?
Dear All,
I read scrum guide 2013, I realize that author was talked that scrum didn't have process. But I found Scrum development process pdf (23 pages) on google of Ken Schwaber. So I have some questions:
1. When did author Ken Schwaber write scrum development process?
2. When did author Ken Schwaber and Jeff write the first scrum framework book?
3. What are scrum development process and scrum framework different?
4. Why is author develop scrum develop process? but Scrum guide talk that no need process for scrum.
Please ask for support from expertise. Thank you.
Thanks and Best regards,
Uyen Huynh.
Please help me. Thanks All.
first paper describing SCRUM was released in 1995 on OOPSLA conference. Ken wrote it.
The first book about Scrum was written by Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle "Agile Software Development" (2001)
Then another book followed written by Ken "Agile Project Management with Scrum" (2004)
Ken and Jeff wrote a book the previous year and it's called "Software in 30 Days".
Please keep in mind the Scrum has dramatically evolved since 1995 and now it's s FRAMEWORK.
You can still call it a process, but it's process for emerging your own process.
Over the course of several years, leading to a paper that was presented to the OOPSLA conference in 1995
The first Scrum "Framework" book was probably "Agile Software Development with Scrum" by Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle in 2001. This addressed how Scrum can be used with XP.
The Scrum Framework outlines essential rules and practices for applying Scrum. It sets out to achieve rigor without being unduly prescriptive. The Scrum Process, as originally proposed in OOPSLA 1995, is an earlier work from which the present framework evolved.
Thanks Illya Pavlichenko and Ian Mitchell so much.
Doubt .
Considering that the document presented by Mr. Ian Mitchell was produced in 1995, why do you bring in the final references articles dated 1996?
Thankful .
The document was written in 1997. This is a funny thing in agile that the results are based on experiments, but they must be substantiated with pre-existing academic stuff. This is how Scrum theory is based on chemical engineering and the 1995 conference presentation was written in 1997.
Sean Hoegaarden , grateful for the attention and quick response