Need help with case study
Hi everyone, I'm a project coordinator and new to Agile/Scrum. I've used it for about 7 months now and plan on doing a training/qualification. I have an interview within my department to be promoted to project manager and I've been given a case study to work on. Is there anyone on here whose brain I can pick for some ideas on how to resolve the issue? Many thanks in advance.
Hi Steph - Is your case study related to project management or Agile/Scrum? If it is Agile or Scrum I have some time to help you next week. What is your timeframe?
All the best,
I'm a project coordinator and new to Agile/Scrum. I've used it for about 7 months now and plan on doing a training/qualification. I have an interview within my department to be promoted to project manager and I've been given a case study to work on
If you've been using Scrum for about 7 months you won't have been co-ordinating projects during that time. Moreover the Project Management function, such as it is, will have been distributed across the entire Scrum Team and will mostly lie with the Developers. The very idea of being "promoted to project manager" therefore invites serious challenge. Is this something that is adequately reflected in the case study?
Hey Steph,
I'm interested in helping. Any more details on the case study? Company size, industry, tech stack, dev team characteristics, etc.
Let us know, cheers!
For a calendar application, what would be a better way to write this user story?
AS, a user
I WANT TO, see when my changes haven’t been synchronized recently,
SO THAT, I know there was a problem
Is there a difficulty with the conversations the story is intended to provoke?