How to keep in sync 5 different Agile teams?
I should start an integration project involving 5 different and already established software platforms.
Each project has its own sprint length and all sprints start on different days, I can't change that.
I will start a new "integration project" with its own user stories, but each of the sub-projects will have also stories related to integration.
I'm not sure how to solve things like communication between teams and releases...
Daily standup is done in each team, but I think I would need a not-so-frequent "integration standup" to keep things flowing.
Any idea welcome
I would recommend to look at how nexus works and try to implement it.
and why can't you change the sprint lengths?
Where many teams work on the same product, they share a collective responsibility to integrate their work. If they are properly self-managing and self-organizing they may well decide to observe a common Sprint, and Sprint Goal, so complexity is reduced and transparency improved. Representatives from each team may also hold a Daily Scrum so integration can be better managed: