Should Developer work on User STory where Testing will take place later.
I need to know if PO wants the Developer to work on User Story where Testing is required , however since testing data is ot available, PO will accept the User Story without Testing.
He will then create addition User Story for Testing Only.
How does this relate to your Definition of Done? Can the story be Done without testing?
Also, since when is it up to the PO te decide who does what in the Dev team?
Also, one of the rules of the game is that quality should not be compromized. Quality levels should never drop with an increment, at least be stable, preferrably improve. How does your question relate to this?
I need to know if PO wants the Developer to work on User Story where Testing is required , however since testing data is ot available, PO will accept the User Story without Testing.
Would the Development Team be willing to deliver an untested story, irrespective of whether the PO wants it?
If so, why?