De elopment tea, at sprint review
The Scum guide says that all Scrum Team must attend to the Sprint Review and it include a set of point about the Development Team responsability.
But, Must all the Development Team attend to the Sprint Review? What is the problem if some of them preffer to continue programming?
I think it's important to attend the sprint review meeting for all the scrum team. As well, the Sprint finish with retrospective meeting, in this meeting the team inspect themself and look for actions to improve their processes. Bearing this in mind, In the retrospective we need the sprint outcomes, and this outcomes are presented in the sprint review.
I have seen some teams doing a technical debt between retropesctive meeting and review meeting, and when i asked them why they didn't add this tasks to the backlog. They told me, it was because they had a dead time between both meetings (they didn't have enough meeting rooms).
The scrum guide says:
- The Development Team discusses what went well during the Sprint, what problems it ran into, and how those problems were solved.
- The Development Team demonstrates the work that it has "Done" and answers questions about the Increment.
- The entire group collaborates on what to do next, so that the Sprint Review provides valuable input to subsequent Sprint Planning
Conclusion (and this is my opinion):
It's important that all the scrum team attend the sprint review, and receive the feedback, collaborate, inspect and adapt, like a team.
Best regards.
Must all the Development Team attend to the Sprint Review? What is the problem if some of them preffer to continue programming?
According to the Scrum Guide, what is the purpose of a Sprint Review? If team members do not fully participate in that event, what will happen to the team’s ability to inspect and adapt in an informed and timely manner?
Must all the Development Team attend to the Sprint Review? What is the problem if some of them preffer to continue programming?
The Sprint Review occurs at the end of the sprint, when all forecast work either meets Definition of Done (DoD), and is eligible to be included in the Sprint Review, or doesn't meet DoD.
Since the Sprint Review occurs at the end of the sprint, the first question that springs to my mind is, what additional programming is there for other development team members to continue with?