Dang I failed the PSM 1 as others have
I have been working in the Scrum for 10 years. Actually Agile Scrum\Kanban. I have started teams from the bottom up and worked as a scrum of scrums.
I have been certified through scrum alliance and other independent agencies
I took this test as a refresher and admittedly thought I would ace it. I made an 84 which is a bummer.
These cert tests are kind of whacky because many answers cross the line of being almost correct.
Guess I'll give it a shot in a couple of weeks.
The wording on a lot of question is incredibly tricky. Some of them come down to incredibly trivial words within the question that you glaze over. Sorry to hear but you'll do better the second go round with the first score at 84.
Remember to go through the Open Assessments aiming to get 100% consistently in each of them.
Yea I will. My comment in regards to all Agile cert test is that they are not very agile. They are looking for a specific answer where in my 10 years experience that breaks the scrum manifesto. There is no one way to do things in Agile, no set answer. There are guidelines.
Not to be cocky but running a couple dozen teams and more than 1000 sprints I thought I'd come in and blow through it.
I don't really need it to make my living I just not have taken one since 2009 so I wanted to see what changed.
Maybe I'll do it again or maybe I won't.
Hi Daniel -
There are a lot of possible uses of Scrum and the complementary practices that make the framework work in real-world teams. However, the Scrum Guide and assessments here are where you test and demonstrate if actually understand the theories.
In all respects, just the wording of your posts here lead me to infer that you may not have as deep of understanding of Scrum as you might self-assess.
At its core, Scrum is a humble journey of continuous improvement and I wish you well on your journey.