Based on priorities who determines who does what in the team?
I am undergoing some scrum training sessions, working in a scrum manner to tackle stories and these stories that are being used are questions related to scrum.
It would be really helpful if somebody can answer this question: 'Based on priorities who determines who does what in the scrum team?'
Why is it unsatisfactory for the Scrum Team itself to determine who does what? Also, why would such a decision be based specifically on priorities? What about other factors such as waste minimization, risk, quality, and value?
To put it bluntly, the team itself should be informed enough to decide who does what. If someone is left out and has minimal or even no knowledge in a specific area, promote Pairing and Mobbing to share knowledge, so that if similar work comes up in the future, they can then take it and train others/enable others to focus on other pieces of work.
Good luck :)