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How do you deal with Scrum Masters, who are not communicative and cooperative with you?

Last post 02:11 pm March 3, 2025 by Nicholas Gabrichidze
3 replies
09:21 pm February 28, 2025

I started as Product Owner in a company recently. Unfortuantely since the first day I did not feel welcome by the Scrum Master, a German colleague, very cold to me, not communicative with me. If I ask questions to her, she does not answer and ignores them. She shows resistence when I give my opinions. Did you have such experience with Scrum Masters?

04:07 am March 1, 2025

A good Scrum Master ought to be invisibly present. On the whole, people are encouraged to self manage.

The Scrum Master does need to manage people's understanding of Scrum, so valuable work of good quality is produced every Sprint. Is this happening?

11:01 am March 2, 2025

Hi, Ian.Thanks for responding. No, that is not happening.

02:11 pm March 3, 2025

To start with think what is a best way to break the ice and establish communication. Is Scrum master communicating with developers in the team? Some of stakeholders? Is she or he present on Scrum events, and facilitating some? Is it better to set some unofficial discussion using some of the senior developers as a bridge, or may be just say that you need to talk to her. Experiment. Make sure there is a reason for her to talk to you. THen sort things out.

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