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Overcoming Common Challenges in Initial Sprint Planning

Last post 08:30 am July 9, 2024 by Anand Balakrishnan
3 replies
06:35 am July 7, 2024

Hi everyone,

I'm new to Scrum and just started my first role as a Scrum Master. I've been going through the resources on and trying to implement what I've learned. However, I've encountered some challenges during our initial Sprint Planning sessions, and I would love to get some insights from the community.

Challenges I'm Facing:

  1. Estimating User Stories: Our team struggles with estimating the effort required for user stories. We end up spending too much time debating estimates, which eats into our planning session. How do you balance thorough discussion with keeping the meeting efficient?
  2. Defining a Clear Sprint Goal: We often find it challenging to define a clear and achievable sprint goal. Sometimes our goals are too vague or too ambitious. What strategies have you found effective in setting realistic sprint goals?
  3. Handling Uncertainty: Some team members are hesitant to commit to user stories due to uncertainties in requirements or technical challenges. How can I help the team feel more confident in their commitments without overcommitting?
  4. Balancing Team Input: During planning, some voices dominate the conversation, leading to less input from quieter team members. How can I ensure that everyone’s voice is heard and valued during these sessions?
  5. Keeping the Product Backlog Refined: Our product backlog often has items that are not well-defined or prioritized. What are some best practices for keeping the backlog refined so that we have a clear set of user stories to pull into the sprint?

I understand that these challenges are common for new Scrum teams, and I'm eager to hear how more experienced practitioners have navigated these issues. Any tips, tools, or resources you could share would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your help!


05:49 pm July 8, 2024

Estimating User Stories: Our team struggles with estimating the effort required for user stories. We end up spending too much time debating estimates, which eats into our planning session. How do you balance thorough discussion with keeping the meeting efficient?

Why wasn't this done in Product Backlog refinement?

Defining a Clear Sprint Goal: We often find it challenging to define a clear and achievable sprint goal. Sometimes our goals are too vague or too ambitious. What strategies have you found effective in setting realistic sprint goals?

Think about the experiments that ought to be conducted. What experiment will be run this Sprint? Scrum is for complex products where more is unknown than is known.

Handling Uncertainty: Some team members are hesitant to commit to user stories due to uncertainties in requirements or technical challenges. How can I help the team feel more confident in their commitments without overcommitting?

User stories are a strange thing to commit to. A Sprint Goal would be a more sensible commitment. The items selected are just a forecast of the work needed, which may well change given the uncertainty you refer to. Commit to the goal, not to the forecast of work.

Balancing Team Input: During planning, some voices dominate the conversation, leading to less input from quieter team members. How can I ensure that everyone’s voice is heard and valued during these sessions?

Is this problem recognized? You can see it, but can the others? Once transparency is established, perhaps team members may then do something about this behavior. Has the issue been discussed in a Sprint Retrospective, for example?

Keeping the Product Backlog Refined: Our product backlog often has items that are not well-defined or prioritized. What are some best practices for keeping the backlog refined so that we have a clear set of user stories to pull into the sprint?

It's important to allow enough time for Product Backlog refinement. Are they spending enough time, or is refinement slapdash, perhaps because of pressure to do other work that is seen as being more important?

06:18 pm July 8, 2024

Hi Ian,
I think I need to explain it a little more clearly and step-by-step rather than trying to cram a lot of questions into one. Sorry about that. I'll try to ask one question at a time.

Thanks for the reply. 


08:30 am July 9, 2024

Estimating User Stories: Our team struggles with estimating the effort required for user stories. We end up spending too much time debating estimates, which eats into our planning session. How do you balance thorough discussion with keeping the meeting efficient?

I am not sure what estimation you use (story points, time etc.). I hope you have tried planning poker. If there is too much confusion it is best to use t-shirt size to estimate (S,M,L). Another thing which works for me is to break the story into what tasks are we supposed to do as a part of the story and then add up to get the estimate.

Defining a Clear Sprint Goal: We often find it challenging to define a clear and achievable sprint goal. Sometimes our goals are too vague or too ambitious. What strategies have you found effective in setting realistic sprint goals?

Teams can either have a sprint goal inline with the product goals and then take items from the backlog or pick the items in the backlog and draft a sprint goal. Run the goal through SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timebound). If having a single goal is challenging, you could have multiple goals.

Handling Uncertainty: Some team members are hesitant to commit to user stories due to uncertainties in requirements or technical challenges. How can I help the team feel more confident in their commitments without overcommitting?

If the requirement is not clear then the story is a non-starter and you should be taking the help of your product owner here. Technical challenges are always there in a complex problem space and it is best to start working on things rather than overthinking (you could use a risk register to highlight the technical challenges). Another way of dealing with uncertainties is to use Spike/Research stories. 

Balancing Team Input: During planning, some voices dominate the conversation, leading to less input from quieter team members. How can I ensure that everyone’s voice is heard and valued during these sessions?

This is not uncommon and happens most of the times where the team leads tend to dominate the discussions. Has the team complained to you regarding this? However you can take this point to the sprint retrospective. I would suggest to have an anonymous retro so that people can open up and you see if this point is raised by someone.

Keeping the Product Backlog Refined: Our product backlog often has items that are not well-defined or prioritized. What are some best practices for keeping the backlog refined so that we have a clear set of user stories to pull into the sprint?

Have at least one formal backlog refinement session every sprint. Make sure the PO participates in it and let the developers clarify the doubts related to the backlog. Make sure you have the backlog prioritized and have sufficient work for atleast 2 sprints.

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