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Azure DevOps backlog order dependencies

Last post 11:35 am April 30, 2024 by Anand Balakrishnan
2 replies
07:04 am April 29, 2024

Hello everyone, I'm facing an issue in Azure DevOps where the Sprint backlog order, managed by our project team, keeps getting altered whenever external Product Owners rearrange items in the main product backlog. This constant rearrangement makes it challenging for us to track progress on our board effectively. Is there a way to decouple the dependencies between Sprint backlog ordering and product backlog ordering? Alternatively, is there a feature to lock the Sprint backlog view once a sprint has started to prevent changes after each item move in the main backlog?

06:47 pm April 29, 2024

Why does your Product Backlog have multiple Product Owners? The Scrum Guide makes it clear that this should be a clear accountability held by one person. In your situation, it seems that no-one is clearly accountable for how and when the Product Backlog is updated.

11:35 am April 30, 2024

Hello everyone, I'm facing an issue in Azure DevOps where the Sprint backlog order, managed by our project team, keeps getting altered whenever external Product Owners rearrange items in the main product backlog.

This is exactly the reason why Scrum guide states that the product owner should be one person and not a committee. The product owner accountability should lie with one person and other stakeholders can approach the PO with their requirements. However, how they are prioritized in the backlog is exclusively the decision of the PO. 

Is there a way to decouple the dependencies between Sprint backlog ordering and product backlog ordering?

The question is not clear here why does the ongoing sprint backlog get affected when the Product backlog order changes?

Alternatively, is there a feature to lock the Sprint backlog view once a sprint has started to prevent changes after each item move in the main backlog?

Again, sprint backlog /scope can change so why would you want it frozen. You can keep/remove items based on the sprint goal. Sprint backlog i.e. scope can be negotiated but not the goals. Let the sprint goal dictate the sprint backlog.


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